Friday, December 20, 2019

Shop Owners Of A New York - 1596 Words

I. Introduction Vivian Yee wrote an interesting article, titled â€Å"Shop Owners in a Changing Brooklyn Decide to Call It Quits† at the New York Times on May 25, 2015.1 This article describes the changing situation in Brooklyn has caused small business owners in this borough decide to exit the market. The author mentioned that the property values and the rent fees increased significantly. Furthermore, the Brooklyn that previously occupied by small businesses such as a Polish sausage and craft-beer emporium Eagle Provisions; Caffe Edison; Pen Books; De Robertis Pasticceria and Caffe; Teddy’s Bar Grill, has transformed into banks, luxury apartment buildings, gym and other upscale chain stores. Jeremiah Moss, in his article in NY Daily News, titled â€Å"The NYC we love is disappearing: It’s becoming a hollow city for hollow people†, wrote that â€Å"wherever the towers of big development rise, the rents rise with them†. 2 He declared that the median rent for vacant apartments is about 60% of median income. And for business spaces, the landlords are doubling, tripling, even octupling the rents or denying lease renewals. They preferred to leave the spaces vacant for months or years, waiting for the highest bidder with the very high rent fee, such as $40,000, $60,000, $80,000 a month. This caused small businesses to close down. Businesses that have closed are not the new ones, instead, businesses that have long runs of more than 20 years, even more than 100 years, such as Teddy’s Bar Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Revivals And The Transformation Of Politics And Reform During The 1830 S Essay1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe Power of Revivals in Roche ster, New York Paul Johnson, professor of history at the University of South Carolina, addresses the issue of rapid capitalization and connects it with politics, economy and religion in the small, rural town of Rochester, New York. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Conclusion To Death Of A Salesman Essay Example For Students

Conclusion To Death Of A Salesman Essay In the play, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Linda Lomans character is viewed differently by many people. Some critics have seen Linda as a controlling mother figure who is actually the one to blame for this failure of both her sons and her husband. In this report I will defend this view citing specific examples from the play. Linda was undoubtedly the only one in control throughout the play. I believe that Linda tried to be a good mother and wife but she did not really know what she was doing. At the very beginning of the book we see that Willy, on his way to Boston, has come home because he was unable to concentrate on the road. And just as he was beginning to figure out why, she took his mind off the subject by suggesting that the problem was with the cars steering and not with him. Oh. Maybe its the steering again. I dont think Angelo knows the Studebaker.. And again: Maybe its your glasses. You never went for your new glasses.. By repeatedly doing this throughout the play Linda keeps Willy from facing the truth about himself. Also Linda gives Willy undeserved compliments, agreeing with him on his looks and ambition.; meanwhile, he has no true ambition. This causes Willy to build himself up into a great man. Another example of this is when Willy goes to see Howard Wagner about getting a job at home or at least close to home. While we realize how unlikely it is that Wi lly will get his wish, Willy does not realize this and Linda, who I believe is smart enough to realize it, supports Willy in excitement. Willy isnt the only one that Linda has affected. There is also Biff and Happy. Willy had taught Biff and Happy that if you were handsome, opportunity would come to you. Now while that doesnt have anything to do with Linda, she never challenged what Willy taught them; she simply agreed with everything that Willy said. Linda is able to manipulate Willy, by making his ideas seem greater by giving them her full support. An example of this, similar to what happened with Willy and Howard Wagner, is when Biff goes to see Bill Oliver about a job. The two of them have not seen each other in twenty years and when they did know each other Bill Oliver did not know Biff too well. Despite this, Willy thought Bill would recognize Biff and offer him a job on the spot. Hearing this Linda did not challenge Willy; she actually tried to quietly support him even though I felt she knew Biff would not be successful. During the majority of the play Linda hides her true self and contently agrees with Willy on most subjects. This makes it difficult to figure out what she is really thinking. Toward the end when Biff and Happy come home after leaving Willy at the restaurant, Linda drops her false personality and shows how she really feels. She explodes at her two sons for leaving their father alone at the restaurant during one of his fantasies. She places all blame on the two of them for Willy becoming the way he is. In actuality, it is Lindas own fault that Willy has become what he is. She has compounded this by also causing her two sons to turn out the way they did. In this report, I have defended the belief that Linda is a controlling mother figure who is actually the one to blame for the failure of her sons and of her husband. In the play Linda listens to what Willy has to say and never stops him even though she knows what he says is wrong. This play is really about how Linda Loman has caused her husband to go insane and corrupted the minds of her children. .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .postImageUrl , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:hover , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:visited , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:active { border:0!important; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:active , .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0 .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud1a345e3e5565a82ba368550fb1e15f0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Genetics EssayBibliography:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Poverty Essay Example For Students

Poverty: Essay The Greatest Challenge thatFaces Latin Americans Today-1-The greatest challenge that Latin America faces today is poverty. Latin America has the most unequal distribution of land wealth and incomein the world. Many of the regions governments are unrepresentative andmost are deeply in debt. Throughout most of Latin American, the countryis very wealthy, while an overwhelming majority of the population is verypoor. Some of the governments are truly in economic distress and areunable to help there impoverished millions. One of the things responsible for this poverty is the unevendistribution of land and wealth that persists in most Latin Americancountries today, which has caused Latin America to exhibit the highestindex of concentrated accumulation of rural property in the world. Lessthan one-half percent of the population in Latin America has too muchland, while more than half of the adult farmers in Latin America have noland at all. Most of countries have done little or nothing to chan ge theirsituations. The reforms that have been or are being attempted by thegovernment and the wealthy population have had no effect on changing theexisting distribution of agricultural. Most rural Latin Americans continuetosuffer from unemployment, low income, and a lack of education. -2-Production of food in Mexico has diminished causing food prices torise. The people of Mexico must import grains into the country in order tofeed itself. The rapid growth and transformation that has occurred over theyears has left the majority of the population in poverty. The country mustimport most of the food it consumes. The government and foreign policyhas encouraged farmers to grow export crops rather than the badly neededcorn and grains that the country needs to feed itself, while at the same timethese policies penalize the internal production of food. Unfortunately, theonly true beneficiaries of this foreign policy are the affluent one-third ofthepopulation. The remaining two-thirds of the population are forced to bearthe consequences. Poverty in Mexico has become a big problem. Forty percent of thosethat want to work in the Mexican province of Zacatecas are unemployedcausing them to migrate to other Mexican provinces or to the United States. Many migrate to Mexico City, where most of its residents live insubstandard housing and nearly half have no running water. The corruptionin the government allows the wealthy to buy there way around regulationsto improve the housing, while the poor are powerless and are left to sufferthe consequences. Some arrive in Mexico City and live in cardboard boxesand forage for food in the garbage dumps. For those employed, wages arelow and working conditions are bad. -3-Neza, Mexicos fourth largest city encounters similar problems. It is aslum without sewers, running water, paved roads or public telephones. Theunsanitary conditions of this city, due to lack of toilets and polluted air,gives rise to diseases. Diarrhea kills more people than cancer or heartattacks and most have no medica l coverage.The lack of public policy forthese people allows them to suffer this unpleasant fate. Most families leavethere rural farms because of lack of irrigation or other problems that makethem unable to sustain themselves. Their search for a better life in thecitiesleaves them only slightly more impoverished than before. For most, itdoesnt get any better. Another example of poverty in Latin America today can be seen inHonduras, where poverty has caused a famine that is threatening the lives ofmany Honduran families. Drought, population growth, and foreign policyare all contributors to the cause of the famine. The highest populationgrowth in the southern hemisphere can be found in Honduras.Theconsequences of the nations poverty has caused over fifty percent of thecountries four and a half million people to suffer from malnutrition. Thecountry is unable to even feed its children. The statistics of childmortalitydue to malnutrition is one out of seven.Many children die from suchsimple ailments as diarrhea or lung infections.-4-In Brazil the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest is worse thanIndia. Seventy percent of the wealth in Brazil is controlled by ten percentofthe population. The cities are filled with urban workers that have come tothe cities looking for a better life but finding poverty instead. Forexample,in the Brazilian c ity of San Paulo, one million of its seventeen millionpeople remain unemployed. Land is expensive, squatting is difficult andevictions are common. Furthermore, the problem of poverty in Brazil is so great that childlabor is completely excepted within the society. Workers are paid so littleand the standard of living is so high that in order for a family to survivethree people must be working. The parents of these children are unable tocomplain because most families would collapse without working children. Children are an indispensable part of the work force and they are paid one-third less than adult workers. The poverty that promotes this exploitation isnot limited to urban children many rural children are put to work in thefields at age ten. Parents even put their little girls out to begin a lifeprostitution as young as 12 years old. The poverty is so great in thiscountry that the morals of the society have excepted this abuse of theirnations children. .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .postImageUrl , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:hover , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:visited , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:active { border:0!important; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:active , .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095 .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u415334eb972d3c1c6b1328f3b92a0095:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Vision And Mission Of Airasia Business Essay-5-Haiti is the poorest nation in Latin America. Four out of five Haitianssuffer from poverty, while another three out of five Haitians areunemployed and three out of four are illiterate. The population growth thatis occurring cannot be sustained by the countries eroded soil and deforestedlands. The weak economy has caused many Haitians to migrate into theDominican Republic where they are discriminated against and treated likeslaves. Those that migrate to the Dominican Republic have no chance ofachieving anything less than poverty. They cannot escape their fate andthey continue to constitute the poor population of the Dominic an Republic. Many of these countries could better serve their poor by changingeconomic policies and preventing the exploitation of workers and children. However, the impoverished people of these countries, while they make upthe majority, are under represented by the government. Therefore, they willmost likely continue to endure their current misfortune. While the roots andcauses for the poverty in these countries vary, the results are the same,millions of underprivileged citizens, and a government and oligarchy that isunable or unwilling to respond to their cry for help. The dissipation of theproblem of poverty is surely the greatest challenge faced by Latin Americastoday.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gestures - The DOs And TABOOs Of Body Language Around The World Essays

Gestures - The DO's and TABOOs of body language around the world Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Gestures - The DO's and TABOOs of body language around the world Axtell, Roger E. Gestures: The DO's and TABOOS of Body Language Around the World. Jon Wiley Sons, Inc, 1998 -- Rev. and expanded edition. Over the past decade the author has been presenting seminars, speeches and workshops around the United States on the subject of international behavior. This book is the result of accumulation of more than ten years of research on the subject and it includes research on his travels to England, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. All this reinforced a conviction that gestures are powerful communicators used by people all over the world. The purpose of this book is to let people know how powerful gestures can be when used correctly or incorrectly. He also wants you to know how a gesture can mean one thing here and another thing somewhere else, something as simple as a wave good bye, could get you into a lot of trouble in another country. This book was broken down into seven chapters: Chapter 1, illustrated with numerous examples, is that not only are gestures and body language powerful communicators, but different cultures use gestures and body language in dramatically different ways. Chapter 2 discusses the most popular gestures found around the world, beginning with how we greet each other. Shaking hand is not the universal greeting. In fact, there are at least a half-dozen other social greetings - even different ways of shaking hands. This chapter also deals with farewells, beckoning, insulting, touching and other types of gestures. Chapter 3 gets into the special types of gestures such as, American Sign Language, Tai Chi, flirting kissing. Chapter 4 is designed to help you learn or trace a particular gesture, using scores of drawings. Chapter 5 describes what the author calls the ultimate gesture, which is simply the "smile". It is rarely misunderstood, scientist believe this particular gesture releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins into the system that create a mild feeling of euphoria. It also may help you slip out of the prickliest or difficult situation's world wide. Chapter 6 is an important list of gestures to keep in mind. It is compiled of 20 gestures that can help you separate right from rude, and rude from crude. Chapter 7 is a listing of country-by-country common gestures and body languages. They group the countries by major geographic region. The organization of the book was a combination of narrative and topical. The basic point of view of the entire book was that if you are planning to leave the United States and travel to another country, you better either keep your hands in you pockets at all times or know the proper gesture for the country you intend on visiting. I would like to site some examples. An American teenager was hitchhiking in Nigeria. A carload of locals passed him. The car screeched to a halt. The locals jumped out and promptly roughed up the teenage visitor. Why? Because in Nigeria, the gesture commonly used in America for hitchhiking (thumb extended upward) is considered a very rude signal. An American couple on an auto tour in Australia was stopped by a police officer in Sydney for failing to signal before turning. Since they were tourists the officer gave them only a friendly warning. Relieved, the American man responded with a smile and the thumbs-up sign. The police officer became enraged, ordered the couple out of the car, called a backup, searched the car, and finally gave the driver an expensive ticket. Later, back in their hotel and recounting their experience, the tourist learned that in Australia the thumbs-up gesture means "screw you!" As you can see this book has a humorous, but yet serious overtone. It covers important aspects of body languages gestures in society which is serious stuff, that has a very strong impact on all that come in contact with you. Yet the author is able to express it in a comical nature. I enjoyed the book immensely. There are many ways the ideas in this book can be related to sociology. In fact the whole book is directly related to the subject of sociology especially the culture aspect of it. I will explain in the following paragraphs. Anthologists divide our actions and gestures into three broad categories: instinctive, coded and acquired. Instinctive gestures are those we do almost unconsciously. An example would be when we are suddenly shocked or surprised, we tend to slap the back of our heads. Coded,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Crime And Delinquency

The debate between nature vs. nurture in regards to crime and delinquency is a long and heated one. Are some people really born criminals, or is our society and the environment and experiences children are brought up in the reason they become delinquent? Throughout this essay I am going to look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the theoretical and sociological approaches surrounding this nature vs. nurture debate. The first step in looking at the nature side of the debate would be to look at the actual genetics of criminals. This is an area that has been, and still is, widely researched, often coming up with varied results. Here I’ll look at the actual biology of genetics, and the alleged abnormal gene, present in some criminals. For example, a study in 1993 identified an X chromosome mutation (associated with mild retardation and aggressive, violent criminal behavior) concentrated in one large Dutch family. This apparent mutation causes complete deficiencies of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (maoa), which metabolises the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. David Goldman, a geneticist at the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, states: â€Å"men who possess this abnormal gene may typically engage in impulsive behavior, but the time, place, type, and seriousness of their crimes (which include exhibitionism, attempted rape, and arson) have been diverse and unpredictable† (Powledge, T.M., Vol 46:1, January 1996) Although there does seem to be some evidence that crime and genetics are related, the findings prove to be unpredictable. That is not to say that there have not been breakthroughs, and other areas of human biology have proved to be useful also. Adrian Rain, of the University of Southern California showed CAT scans comparing the brain activity of 42 convicted murderers, with those of 42 people with no apparent criminal traits (or convictions). The group of murderers te... Free Essays on Crime And Delinquency Free Essays on Crime And Delinquency The debate between nature vs. nurture in regards to crime and delinquency is a long and heated one. Are some people really born criminals, or is our society and the environment and experiences children are brought up in the reason they become delinquent? Throughout this essay I am going to look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the theoretical and sociological approaches surrounding this nature vs. nurture debate. The first step in looking at the nature side of the debate would be to look at the actual genetics of criminals. This is an area that has been, and still is, widely researched, often coming up with varied results. Here I’ll look at the actual biology of genetics, and the alleged abnormal gene, present in some criminals. For example, a study in 1993 identified an X chromosome mutation (associated with mild retardation and aggressive, violent criminal behavior) concentrated in one large Dutch family. This apparent mutation causes complete deficiencies of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (maoa), which metabolises the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. David Goldman, a geneticist at the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, states: â€Å"men who possess this abnormal gene may typically engage in impulsive behavior, but the time, place, type, and seriousness of their crimes (which include exhibitionism, attempted rape, and arson) have been diverse and unpredictable† (Powledge, T.M., Vol 46:1, January 1996) Although there does seem to be some evidence that crime and genetics are related, the findings prove to be unpredictable. That is not to say that there have not been breakthroughs, and other areas of human biology have proved to be useful also. Adrian Rain, of the University of Southern California showed CAT scans comparing the brain activity of 42 convicted murderers, with those of 42 people with no apparent criminal traits (or convictions). The group of murderers te...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fund Transfer Pricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Fund Transfer Pricing - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that commercial banks have two divisions: deposit and lending. The deposit segment accumulates funds from customers. These funds are lent to other customers as loans through the lending division. The interest that banks earn on loans is interest income while interest on deposits is interest expense. The difference between interest income and interest expense is net interest income and is reported on the income statement. It is not a guarantee that all loans are profitable neither do all deposits cause losses. Different deposits have varying values as sources of loans and in the same way, different loans have a varying cost of funding. The main purpose of finance transfer pricing is to measure independently how different sources of funding contribute towards the profitability of banks. Assume a two-year loan financed by a three-month deposit. Assume also that the deposit segment acquires $1,000,000 worth of funds from the customer at a cost of 4%. These funds are passed to the treasury at a funds transfer-pricing rate. Assuming that the rate is 6%, the bank would earn a deposit spread of 2%. The treasury would then pass the funds to the loans department at a funds transfer-pricing rate of 8%. The loans department would then extend the loan to customers at an interest rate of 11%, earning a deposit spread of 3%. On the other side, the treasury would earn a 2% spread for managing the interest rate risk that arises from the mismatch in the maturity of funds. Assigning the funds transfer rate for treasury, the loans and the deposit divisions of the bank decomposes the spread earnings across the three divisions as illustrated in the paper.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The challenges of finding talent in pharmaceutical MNEs Essay

The challenges of finding talent in pharmaceutical MNEs - Essay Example Powell and Lubitsh (2007) conjecturally pointed out that talented human resource pool is the supportive pillar for organizations and organizations also know the fact that developing talent can benefit them in long term manner. Collings and Mellahi (2009) highlighted the importance of finding right talent for MNEs. According to these research scholars, MNEs maintains a large portfolio of business spanning in different countries and they need the intellectual and participatory help from its employees in order to incorporate innovation and adapt to changing environment. In addition, Cappelli (2008) also stated the same views; they claimed that if employees failed in their job, it means some parts of organization also fail. Therefore, finding appropriate talent is the major and minor premise in developing and retaining talent. Schuler et al. (2011) claimed that the talent challenges have become a significant human resource issue for global firms. The biggest problem is whether the organi zation is able to get the right people in the right place at the right time. Collings and Mellahi (2009) suggested that MNEs could not find their most talented employees and where they are located around the world. Abbasi et al. (2010) stated that talented human capital is the most organic and living asset for organization and there is no doubt that a firm can achieve competitive advantage by using the talented human capital. Abbasi et al. (2010) concentrated their study on pharmaceutical industry and came to the conclusion that finding talent in pharmaceutical industry is not an easy task. According to them, pharmaceutical industry is a sensitive industry in terms knowledge integration or technology integration. Developing a medicine needs sheer amount scientific knowledge and natural talent for innovation and unfortunately, very few pharmaceutical companies have the opportunity to access talented human resource pool (Abbasi et al., 2010). According to Richard (2001), number of pha rmaceutical MNEs has been increased in recent times due to increase in merger and acquisition activities. As result of this industry boom, need for talent has increased manifold for pharmaceutical MNEs in order to ensure smooth operation. Increasing labour market demand is cause of concern for pharmaceutical MNEs and interesting fact is that, McAlearney (2006) classified pharmaceutical industries as late adapter contemporary human resource management activities (HRM) such as training and development, global talent management (GMT) etc. In such context, it will be challenging for pharmaceutical MNEs to meet the labour market demand for talented professionals. Although, topic like ‘finding talent in pharmaceutical industry’ is exciting one but surprisingly very few researchers have tried to shed light on the topic from literary viewpoint. Apart from the research work of Abbasi et al. (2010), literature on â€Å"talent management in pharmaceutical Multinational Enterprise (MNE) is pretty scarce hence in this paper, the researcher will try shed some

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Experience In a English Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Experience In a English Class - Essay Example I have also been able to improve on various issues relating to English as my second language. In this paper, I will talk about my experience in an English class. The English class has helped me a lot in improving both written and spoken language. It is good to inform that English is my second language and hence joining English class was the best decision I ever made. In English class, I have learned several things that are basic and important in English language. The first thing that I learned and I felt was helpful was on the sentence. In class, I learned that a good sentence was the most important thing in any communication in English language. I learned that poor sentence was not good in formal communication. Therefore, in class I learned that the sentence should have a subject that is the name of the person or things talked about. The other part of the sentence that is of value is the ones tell about the subject. Hence, a mix of the two parts makes a sentence complete and offer meaning to what is being talked about. The other part that I have learned in class is the use of various parts of speech. Examples of such parts of speech are the noun, verb and adjectives. These parts were helpful as I learned on the role they play in English language. I learned that they helped in any form of communication or writing that is concerned with English. I also learned that the combination of these parts helps in proper flow of information. On the other hand, I learned about various vocabularies in English. Learning of vocabularies was of great to me as English is my second language. I found that English hand various types of vocabularies that can have one or several meanings. Learning on various parts of English language has helped me to read some novels in English. Reading these novels has helped me improve my language. Moreover, in class I have learned various things concerned in writing

Friday, November 15, 2019

Back Ground of the Company Xerox

Back Ground of the Company Xerox Haloed Corporation was renamed in 1961 as XEROX. Photocopier was their main product which was introduced in 1959.Xerox was the only company in the market providing photocopier. The company monopolized the market as the only seller of photocopier and this monopoly was well protected by patents. The logical result of this monopoly was the over confidence of the company. They made their own standards and trusted heavily on them. Joint ventures were the method adopted by XEROX to hit the international market. In 1959 RANK XEROX was registered and was assigned a target to hit the market European and African market. In 1962 FUJI XEROX worked in the domain of FAR EAST and ASIAN PACIFIC. Average and high level market was the target of XEROX and had nothing to do with low level market. Competition Monopoly complaint against XEROX was filed by the Federal Trade Commission in 1973. In 1975 XEROX took away its patents. Many other companies jumped in and between1971 and 1980 about 147 companies got hold of the market. The result was obvious and XEROX lost about50%of the market share. Middle and high level market was captured by IBM and Eastman Kodak . New technology was introduced by these companies and took a   good share of the market from XEROX. The low level market was captured by Japanese firms. The products for the low level market were not in the domain of XEROX and that is why it could not compete the Japanese companies. The Japanese then came into the middle and high level industry. Their product was favored because it was easy to use and preserve. Diversification In 1969, Xerox assumed technological information system also called scientific data system. With the help of scientific data system, Xerox developed mainframe computers. They afterward traded it off in 1975 at loss of 1.4 billion. In 1970 the company bought disables system; it developed daisy wheel printer and computer memories. Xerox merged memory writer, a company which was producing typewriters. This   was   a successful deal, as the company was able to capture 20% of the typewriter market. The Xerox developed its own research center which designed a new electronic printing technology. This also a lot the company to hold majority of the market purchasing foster in 1983, and then acquiring van Kampen market, company got good position in the market. Xerox in the 1950 Peter McCullough wanted to implement quality circle activity in the company which he observed during his stay in Japan. A team was sent to Japan to study the activity in 1978, the team also Study General Motors and the other US manufactures. The result of the study was the involvement of the employees in the company would be fruitful in future. To implement the decision of involvement of employees in company. Dr. Harold J. Tragash was hired in 1979. The 30% of the work force was given training in 1980.the employees were divided into 100 groups. These groups participated into the fairs of company and the result were as listed: Cost reduction. Employee satisfaction. Improvement in product quality. In 1982, David Keans become the CEO of the company, he placed off employees and quitted 2100 employees by 1983, Business effectiveness in 1980, Dwight F. Ryan was made the dead of business effectiveness department. He was given the following tasks: Improve productivity Reduce cost Improve customer satisfaction. The policy of the involvement of the employees in the affairs of the company became the first step towards the business effectiveness. Company structure was changed in Ju8ly 1981 abd the business was made into strategic Business unitys. Business system department was handed over to Dwight F.Ryan. fifty Top managers along with David Kean held a meeting in September 1981.which was ended to strong suggestion s to implement business effectiveness with force on employee involvement and competitive benchmarking. Keans, Rechired and Teagash worked very hard on three goals i.e. increase in productivity cost, effectiveness and customer orientation. Fuji Xerox Fuji Xerox was facing new competition in the world market in 1970. Japan being the leader in business activity, posed though competition for Fuji Xerox which h had base in Japan. The solution came in 1976 in the shape of â€Å" the New Xerox Movement â€Å". Demining award for quality was awarded to Fuji Xerox in 198. This was the result of this new movement. David Kearns visited Japan to find out the causes of winning the   award . He studied deeply the Fuji Xerox model. In 1982 Targash Richard d and their staff worked o a business strategy effectiveness for Xerox. Theyir study was based upon the Fuji Xerox model.   They had a number of meeting with David Kearns and finely on July 1980, a new strategy called â€Å"Pursuit og Execellence†was put   forward by the team.the team consisted of Senior managers which worked hard to form   new stretgy adnn method of its implementation .In 1982 David Nadler and Delta consulting groups was hired to follow the Fuji Xerox model. Blue Book (a management-Change) In1983, Kearns held a meeting with cooperate management committee and operating units heads about Blue Book. Twenty five executives gave their opinion about Blue Book. The wuality experts Phil Crosly and W. Edwards were also invited to speak at   the meeting. The main objective of the blue book were: Quality improvement, by doing things right and doing them well. To improve long term business success. Quality determined by customers. Provide training by all levels. To make the senior managers as role models. A system of employee quality reward system to be set up. Leadership throughQuality: Quality strategy became the responsibility of 25 executives to whom David Kearns held a meeting in February in 1983.he explain the meaning of Quality as doing things right the first time.The blue book was not presented as finished product ,instead it was used for briefing product and discussion. The exective of Xerox were divided into two parts. One worked for communication and the other worked for reward and recognition. The outcome of these groups were as follow: The concept of â€Å"Leadership through quality† was introduced. The idea of Xerox quality was given. Quality ws defined as meeting customer existing and their requirements in future. Improving quality means understanding and working to satisfy the customers requirements. Kearns emphasized on Quality as well as on keeping eye on the challenges going around in other industries. He was the opinion that is was the time to change the culture and timae to introduced the quality culture at Xerox . In august 1983, the system for Xerox was changed to insure quality. Cooperate Quality Office On March 29, 1983, cooperate quality office started functioning. Fred. B. Henderson became vice president for quality. He was also elected as cooperate office by the board of directors. Henderson emphasized on employee involvement, competitive benchmarking and leadership through quality. According to John Kelsch quality award business strategy are closely related. A change in quality would be a change in strategy. Quality strategy is more useful than product strategy. Quality implantation team was selected which was working in cooperate quality office. Each business group was given representation in the office. Nine erecutive were from the field and six executives were from the cooperate office including Tragash and Richard.Each member was named as vice president for quality and had to report its departmental head. In April 1983 a six a six month strategy was implanted by QIT. The member had their concern over its implantation. Firstly would it work and secondly will the company stick to the changes. There was another very important concern and that was about timeframe. There were of the view that it would change the culture and than larger period of time will be required for adjustment. And other sections of member were of the opinion that too much work is required for this applications and the original task will be showed. After the formation of quality implementation team (QIT),the quality training task force was made. The range of work set for QIT was to implement the change and quality training task force (QITF) would provide training to the employees. The member of QIT will share ideas, get input from the parent department.adn establish the home office stake in process. In 1983 the team produce second blue book for implementation at the end of the meeting, they had a strategic plan in their hand and was named as green book. The green book gave stress in quality strategy, and short term programs which produce long term leadership. The goals of green book were as follow: Setting goals which are yet to achieve. There must be a strategy for quality and implement. The working method. The green book was consisted on 92 pages its range of study was consisted of 92 pages. Its range of study was the cost of quality, outline for quality implement process problem solving process and tool for served strategically problems. It gave the idea that competitive bench marking is the key tool for several statistical problems. it gave the idea that competitive bench marking is   the key tool for evaluating Xerox. This green book was implanted from 1983 to 1987. The most important and positive aspect of this whole exercise was the training. Each training was given a problem they would have to solve them. The training was given from top to bottom. Managers were trained first and then they participated in the training of their subordinates this training was named as cascade. Changes and Opportunities Occurred In 40 Years Strength in the Past: In the beginning, Xerox enjoyed pure monopoly; there was no competitor in the market. The product of company was well protected by patents. This pure monopoly gave the following benefits to the Xerox. There was no price pressure from the competitors. It could fix and alter the price according to its own will. The company could increase their price by decreasing its production. There was no risk of over production. Other company completely controlled the market. During first fifteen years the main products were Xerox 914, the first plane paper Xerox 813, the first desktop plain paper and first photocopier. By 1965, company revenues crossed $500 million. In 1975, Xerox was forced by the federal trade communication to license its copies to other manufactures. Xerox monopolized the upper level market for a long time and during this period; the company extended its product line. Strength Today: The strength of the company lays the following facts: It had a good brand name image. The company was the pioneer in its filed. Good quality products, best technologies and good services gave a stronger out look to the company. Even Japanese companies did not enjoy such a strong image. The slogan of total satisfaction guarantee according to which instead of monetary refund the products are replaced, became a reason for its bigger image. The company had excellent quality management team. Employees participation in operational decisions made a very strong image of the company in local and international market. The people working in the organization are proactive in nature then re active. The employee participation in the affair of company to find out the demands of customers. Weakness in the past The company got over confident because of the monopoly enjoyed by it for a long time. The company started taking things causally. For Example â€Å"the receipt provided to purchaser had only product code on it rather than the product name. The purchaser would not know if he caught what he asked for. Internal competition was another weakness in the past. There was a competition among the employees which badly affected the organization effectiveness. And knowledge management practices. The other result of this internal competition were the isolation of the information, lose of employees, breaks in the organizational flow charts and corporate disloyalty. Another weakness of the company was that it was not targeting the low level market. Xerox only targeted higher market. Xerox could have increased its profits if they would have targeted low markets. With the arrival of new competition, Xerox tried to improve its quality. It failed to do so because of its scattered efforts. There was a lack of collective efforts. Weakness Today The following are the weaknesses of Xerox Corporation: Total quality management implementation resulted in high over head costs. Financial position of Xerox is not very good. 100% quality concept created a negative competitive position for Xerox. As customers are not ready to pay for exceptional quality and services. Fixed asset turn over as increase in recent years. But the total asset turnover ratio has decreased. It is because of the reason that the company has increased its inventory requirements by its product replacement concepts. Leverage ratios are increased where as profitability ratios are decreased.   Opportunities in The Past Since Xerox enjoyed monopoly in its products therefore the whole world was its market. The company availed its opportunities and targeted the different regions of the world. This goal was achieved by joint ventures with other companies, the details of which furnished below: Xerox got into joint venture with a British company named as Rank Organization in 1959. The joint venture came in the market with the name Rank Xerox. The target of this company was to manufacture and market Xerox equipment in Europe, Africa and Asia. Modi Xerox (Xerox India) was a joint venture between Rank Xerox and Modi group in India and its rang was Indian subcontinent. Fuji Xerox was established in 1962. Which was a joint venture of Rank Xerox and the Japanese photography firm Fuji Photo Film Co. They aimed Far East and Asia Pacific region for the xerographic and document related products and services in these regions. Opportunities Today Following may be the opportunities of Xerox Corporation: Diversification into more product lines. Expansion into more production foreign market. By diversifying into more product lines and by finding new potation markets such as Europe and South East Asia, the company can increase its business and establish its credibility in the international market. Threats in the Past There was no self benchmark in the company and it heavily relied own internal benchmark. There are positive points in internal benchmarking as it is cost effective. It is easy to gain access to all the information required. The negative aspect of the internal benchmarking is that we cannot get information about the competitors and the other outside parties. Internal benchmark may not be adequate to face the external pressure. Keeping in mind the drawbacks it is better to use external benchmarking. External benchmarking is a useful way of studying of performance measured taken by successful organizations with in the same industries or the different industry and learning for them. It is also useful for studying the various systems and processes. The idea that benchmarking is done against in the company in the same industry is a miss concept.   Monopoly case was registered to Federal Trade Commission in 1973 and as a result of this Xerox had to take away its patents in 1975. Monopoly was changed into monopolistic competition in the market which was a great threat to the company. Between 1971 and 1978, 77 different plain paper copiers came into the market and between 1978 to 1980, 70 more companies listed their mark in the market. This shattered the shares of the company which dropped from 100 % to 50 %. After the removal of monopoly of Xerox, many Japanese companies entered in photocopy business. And targeted the low level markets. Xerox could not compete as it had no product to offer the low level market. Japanese after getting the good position in the lower market, started to move toward the mid and upper level markets. Their products were better, easy to use, easy t maintain and more efficient. It was a big blow to Xerox.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Benefits of Community Service Essay examples -- Service-Learning E

In 2010, â€Å"over 20 billion hours of volunteer service were reported† in the United States (Hoffman 418). For such an outstanding amount of time, only 26.7% of the population reported volunteer hours (Hoffman 418-9). Philanthropy, a desire to improve the material, social, and spiritual welfare of humanity, especially through charitable activities, is dependent on the altruistic values of the American society. Philanthropy is a general love for all of humanity that manifests itself in the form of community service. Altruism is the foundation of volunteering; volunteering is the foundation of community service, and community service is the foundation of charity. Altruism is the belief that acting for the benefit of others is right and good. Volunteering is the act of doing work out of choice, out of free will, and altruistic people feel joyous when serving the community. The importance of volunteering comes from giving up time to help a charity or the community. Community service can be vital to keeping connected to others that are in the same area. August John Hoffman, professor of psychology at California State University Northridge, believes â€Å"Community service work and civic engagement are described here as any voluntary activity performed by community members for the overall improvement of the community and society† (418). Charity can take many forms; it can be donations of money, goods, or time, and time is the most valuable asset a person has to offer. It is not easy to convinc e people to give up their precious time for community service; however, people should take part in community service because it elevates the community and has a positive impact it has on both the helped and the volunteer. It is no secret that community... ...ring Students in a Service-Learning Clinical Supervision Experience: An Educational Case Report.† Physical Therapy 91.10 (2011): 1513-1524. Academic rch Complete. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. Martin, Mary Beth. Personal interview. 20 Apr. 2012. Romano, Joyce C, Geraldine Gallagher, and Sanford C Shugart. â€Å"More than an Open Door: Deploying Philanthropy to Student Access and Success in American Community College.† New Directions for Student Services 130 (2010): 55-70. Academic rch Complete. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. Sukiennik, Diane, William Bendat, and Lisa Raufman. The Career Fitness Program: Exercising Your Options. 9th ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Vogel, Amanda ] L, and Sarena D Seifer. â€Å"Impacts of Sustained Institutional Participation in Service-Learning.† Gateways: International Journal of Community Research & Engagement 4 (2011): 186-202. Academic rch Complete. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 17. Family

When Bella first fell asleep, she was quiet. I held her in my arms and kept my face close to her neck. I continued to breathe deeply while I hummed her lullaby very quietly in her ear. Even in her sleep, she trembled at my touch. This moment is what I had always wished for when I was the peeping tom, and now, after everything I've done; spying on her, being rude to her, ignoring her, she invites me in and still wants to be with me. The thought sent pleasure through me. A feeling I couldn't get used to, yet I craved it more. While I was laying there with an angel in my arms I was thinking about the past day's events. I couldn't think of my life before her, because that was no life at all. I was so joyous, euphoric. Every time I felt her warmth, hear her pulse speed up, watch her face flush I fell deeper and deeper into love. After fifteen minutes of silence, Bella began to mumble. I couldn't understand what she was saying for the most part. She shivered then, and I realized that I was probably making her cold. Though it pained me to do it, I removed her from my arms and pulled the blanket around her firmly. Bella turned over when I let go of her, and I thought she woke up when she mumbled, â€Å"I love you, Edward.† She sighed then, and smiled. Bursts of pleasure and exultation flowed swiftly through my body at the thought of her love for me. I was rejoicing, my skin literally singing. The onslaught of euphoric feelings was almost overwhelming. A light snore followed and then she turned again, moving her left hand around like she was looking for something†¦this distracted me. I didn't know what she could possibly be feeling for. An idea sparked in my head then. I grabbed another blanket and wrapped it securely around her. She mumbled, sighed, and said my name. Her hand never stopped searching. I finally laid down next to her, holding her while she was bundled in her quilt and another blanket. Like her hand found what it was looking for, she grabbed my neck and pulled her face into the hollow below my ear. She breathed deep heavy breaths onto my neck. The warmth made me tremble. I pulled her in closer to me. The sensations of her breath were almost maddening. She reached up with her right hand and then it limply fell onto my chest. I held her even closer then. She was quiet. After several immeasurable moments, she turned over and sighed. Her hand came around her back and pulled me close again. I gently caressed her face. Even in her sleep she flushed red. I wonder what she is dreaming about. She sighed my name once more, lightly snored again and didn't move for over an hour. It was becoming late in the evening and Charlie decided he was going to bed. Before he went to bed though, he went outside, opened the hood of Bella's truck, felt to see if it was warm†¦just in case she had snuck out and back without his knowledge, and then swiftly unplugged the battery cables. Did he seriously think that is all it would take to stop Bella from leaving? Charlie went to bed then, and he was snoring in a matter of minutes. Bella moved once more, bringing her head to my chest, over my still heart. I moved the hair from her face and watched as she slept peacefully. I caressed her face, her hair, her lips over and over again. Every time I pressed my fingers to her skin I was stung by the electricity. It was an astonishing feeling. When I could see the sky turning a deep dark blue, I left to take a shower and change my clothes. Removing my arms from Bella was torture. But I had to. I jumped out of Bella's window and raced to my house. It isn't home without Bella, she was my home now. Alice, oh Alice†¦she was waiting for me, just like always, at the bottom of the stairs outside. â€Å"Thanks,† I mumbled under my breath, I was still grateful for her presence this evening. â€Å"So, Jasper lost the bet ?C he should know better than to bet against me.† Alice laughed. We heard Emmett's chuckling from inside the house, immediately after we heard a loud thud and a, â€Å"I'll get you for that!† Shortly after we heard Esme, â€Å"Boy's, cut it out!† followed by â€Å"I'm Sorry,† from Jasper and Emmett both. Alice and I just grinned widely at each other. â€Å"So, are the boys ready to meet Bella?† I asked Alice. Her face went blank as I watched her go through her most recent visions. She was seeing Jasper staying far from Bella, Emmett enjoying Bella's presence immensely until Rosalie show's up and Bella and I laughing exuberantly. â€Å"Thanks again,† I said. I heard a chuckle from inside the house again, â€Å"Hey Edward, is meeting Bella going to be as fun as messing with that kid in Spanish class?† Emmett mused. I heard a light slap from inside the house, â€Å"Emmett, you will be good to Bella, she is going to be a part of this family!† Esme reprimanded him. â€Å"Alice, can I ask you a question?† I wondered. Oh, of course you would be wondering about that. I am surprised it took you this long to notice, Alice thought. â€Å"Please, Alice,† I pleaded, â€Å"Show me the vision again.† Bella and Alice were in a room together, Bella's room, I noticed. Alice was taking measurements of her body and Bella was blushing scarlet with a frown prominent on her face. Immediately I noticed the ring on her left hand. â€Å"Stop,† I begged. What is it Edward, I don't understand, Alice asked, concerned. â€Å"This isn't the same vision, is this newer?† I asked Alice tried to hide her thoughts. It was a new vision, but I was noticing how she was getting measured for a wedding gown and how her face was still flushing a deep red, which meant that she was human. How was that possible? Was it when Bella asked me about marriage? I must admit, the thought did run through my mind, but for only a fraction of a second. Did we both want it at the same time? It seemed a dream come true ?C but how could this be possible. I was completely miffed! How could I let myself get so deeply into this? Because you love her, you idiot, I yelled internally. She was my life now, and there was no taking it back. I could not leave her, and I knew she felt the same way. I frowned at Alice. It wasn't her fault, but she was the one who was showing me what I could possibly be doing to Bella. I was coveting her. I went inside the house. Carlisle was talking with Jasper intently about a new medical study going on at the hospital. When I walked in the room, they stopped immediately. Jasper could feel the mix of emotions coming off of me. What is going on with you Edward? I have never felt so many emotions radiating off one person, love, self hatred, anger, happiness†¦ there are so many feelings, get a grip, Edward! Jasper scolded. â€Å"I'm sorry,† I muttered to Jasper. I put my feelings in check then, deciding to focus on today's events. â€Å"Carlisle, I am going to invite Bella over to meet the family, is that okay?† I asked Absolutely, that would be delightful, Carlisle thought. Esme came into the room then, interested in our conversation. I had not talked that much about Bella in the past, but they all knew how my mood has changed since I met her. She has altered me in ways I didn't know were possible. â€Å"You know my thoughts on that Edward. I've wanted to meet her for some time now. She is your partner, which means she is family. I am ready to meet my new daughter,† Esme beamed. â€Å"Thank you,† I said to both of them with a grin on my face. â€Å"No need to thank us Edward, we want to thank Bella!† Carlisle exclaimed. â€Å"No doubt,† I mumbled, distracted now. My family could tell I was distracted, and they scattered, while their mental humming starting thinking about the days events, which would include a human. I went to my bedroom and quickly showered and changed. I was in a hurry and I was finished in just two minutes. I was out the door in the next second. Can't wait to see Bella, Alice thought as I flew by. I was back at Bella's before Charlie left. Charlie was humming under his breath while gathering his fishing supplies. He checked on Bella, went downstairs, and pulled something out of the fridge. I was standing in the shade of the trees. My arms were feeling cold, something they have never felt before, but I knew it was because Bella's warmth was absent and I was becoming impatient with Charlie's human slowness. He finally exited the house and I was already in Bella's room. When I jumped in the window, wind blew inward and then back out the window throwing Bella's scent into my face, instantly assaulting my throat. Hot flames burst down my throat licking at my aching wounds from my already dry thirsty throat. I whirled around to look at Bella. She was sleeping soundly, her hair all around her, where it had dried in the shape of her pillow. A little laugh escaped my lips and the monster was instantly caged, even though the dull ache in my throat continued to burn. Charlie reconnected Bella's battery cables and left to meet Harry Clearwater at the lake in that moment. I was busy watching over Bella, though. I didn't have time to deal with anyone else's thoughts. My arms were still feeling cold from Bella's absence, but my heart had warmed since I reentered her bedroom. I continually breathed in several large generous gulps of air, letting her scent burn my throat, sending painful pleasure through my body. I sat in the rocking chair, afraid pulling her into my arms would wake her now. An hour passed, and she still hadn't moved. I would have thought her dead if it weren't for her regular pulse and light snoring. Suddenly Bella moaned, putting her arm over her face and then she rolled over. She was still for a moment. Her heart started pounding, and her pulse began racing. I was worried but then, instantly, she was sitting up, â€Å"Oh!† she breathed. She met my gaze and I smiled, â€Å"Your hair looks like a haystack†¦but I like it,† I teased. Her hair was splayed across her face†¦she was adorable. In a fluid movement, by her standards, she was out of the bed and into my arms, clutching herself to me, â€Å"Edward! You stayed!† she exulted. My arms instantly engulfed her and brought her to my chest. She became stone under my arms and her gaze met mine, worry in her expression. She must be worried she went too far but when she threw herself into my arms, I was instantly satisfied, my arms simultaneously warming. I laughed, joyous, â€Å"Of course,† I told her. My hands were at her back and began moving up and down gently, caressing her. She shivered in pleasure. I breathed in her delicious scent. Her head met my shoulder, and I brought my arms around her again, securing her to my chest. â€Å"I was sure it was a dream,† she mused. â€Å"You're not that creative,† I teased. â€Å"Charlie,† she exclaimed, leaving my arms quickly to go to the door. My arms stung without her presence, like they were turning to ice. â€Å"He left an hour ago ?C after reattaching your battery cables, I might add. I have to admit I was disappointed. Is that really all it would take to stop you, if you were determined to go?† I asked, curious. She stood in the middle of her room, with a confused expression on her face, unresponsive to my question, â€Å"You're not usually this confused in the morning,† I noted. My arms were still stinging unbearably now. I held my arms out, welcoming her back into my embrace. She stared at me, wavered, and then spoke, â€Å"I need another human minute,† she explained. â€Å"I'll wait.† Bella literally skipped to the bathroom. I had never seen her do that, and it sent a new sensation spiraling down my spine. I still didn't know Bella, there were so many things I didn't understand and I wanted to know everything about it. Her expressions, her thoughts and feelings. I gritted my teeth, and tightened my eyes shut trying to read her thoughts once more. Nothing, not even a hum, murmur, or buzz. Absolutely†¦frustrating, there was no other word for it. I heard the water running in the bathroom again and I was extremely happy that she wasn't taking another warm shower. The memory of the scent left painful scorch marks in my throat. I heard the water turn off. She ran back into the room and I immediately held out my arms, pleading obvious on my face. For her to be in my arms was a necessity at this moment. I couldn't remain in this chair for long if she wasn't locked in my arms. â€Å"Welcome back,† I murmured. Her heart began beating rapidly and she embraced me back. I held her to my chest, rocking her lightly back and forth while lightly tracing her bodies every line. A rush of sensations was rippling through my body, at each electric jolt; jubilance, happiness, triumph†¦the uplifting joy I was feeling was indescribable. Bella grabbed the collar of my shirt, â€Å"You left?† she accused. I felt so light-hearted at this moment, â€Å"I could hardly leave in the clothes I came in ?C what would the neighbors think?† I teased, not like the neighbors would see me. Her bottom lip was suddenly protruding from her face. My new desires and the passion I was always feeling for her flared up and I wanted to bring my mouth to hers to nibble on her lower lip. No mistakes, I told myself. If I were to slip, I might break the skin. I decided to distract myself, â€Å"You were very deeply asleep; I didn't miss anything,† I stared at her, â€Å"The talking came earlier.† She groaned loudly and I automatically brought my arms around her to comfort her. â€Å"What did you hear?† she moaned. â€Å"You said you loved me.† I explained with adoration in my joyous expression. â€Å"You knew that already,† she noted, bringing her head to my chest again. Her warmth was insatiable and I brought her scent into my lungs again and again, relishing in the burning desires. â€Å"It was nice to hear, just the same,† I explained. She didn't even hesitate, â€Å"I love you,† she whispered softly. My heart, unbeating, felt like it grew to ten times its normal size, a walking stereo type for the Grinch. I wrapped my arms around her in this moment, holding her closely while inhaling the delicate scent that I would on no account be able to acquire enough of. I was holding Bella in my arms as she was confessing her love to me. I had to affirm my affections for her, and love wasn't an effective enough declaration, â€Å"You are my life now.† I replied with an understated fervor. Not one word escaped her mouth, but she drew me closer to her warm body. Her reaction was all the confirmation I needed. She understood. It would be foolish for me to deny myself the warmth of this soul. After several moments of pure bliss, I recalled her human weakness, â€Å"Breakfast time,† I said, letting her know that I didn't forget all her human frailties. She glanced at me and in an abrupt action she grasped her neck with both hands. Her eyes widened in terror. I was instantly distressed, terrified that she thought I was going to drink from her. She comprehended my reaction. It must be apparent on my face. â€Å"Kidding!† she giggled, â€Å"And you said I couldn't act!† she pointed out. I felt a moment of unease. Unbelievable! How could she possibly think of her life as a joke? Did she think so little of me, too? I was offended and a little out-raged, â€Å"That wasn't funny.† I stated with vexation clear on my face. â€Å"It was very funny, and you know it,† she responded, laugh lines still present on her cheeks. Nothing could smoother her uplifted mood or mine. She continued to examine my face. The anger I was feeling fled from my body as quickly as it came, â€Å"Shall I rephrase?† I inspected her face, â€Å"Breakfast time for the human.† â€Å"Oh, okay,† she answered with a smirk. I felt suddenly playful. I grabbed her up, and in the gentlest of ways, tossed her over my shoulder. She caught her breath and her pulse raced. The warmth emitted from her like the sun. Her scent was assaulting my nose, and entering my lungs in waves. I reveled in it because I knew the cold would return as soon as I placed her back on her feet. I disappeared down the stairs and in a seconds time I was in the kitchen. With my new discipline of my easy touch coming more naturally, I placed Bella carefully on a chair. â€Å"What's for breakfast?† she asked with smile lines still prominent on her face. Crap, I groaned internally. I remembered that she needed food, but I didn't think to learn to make food. I still hadn't found out all her little secrets like all the things she liked and disliked, including foods. â€Å"Er, I'm not sure,† I answered honestly, â€Å"What would you like?† I was hoping she wouldn't ask for anything difficult. A pop tart maybe? Disgusting! I could see my reflection in her bright brown eyes and I watched as my brow furrowed at the complexity that was food. I was stumped on what to do. She could read the apprehension on my face. She grinned her magnificent smile, bounded toward the cabinets and began searching. â€Å"That's all right,† she giggled, â€Å"I fend for myself pretty well. Watch me hunt.† My gaze followed her every move. I saw how she bounced on each of her steps. How every time she found something distasteful she would slightly shake her head, and when she was considering her options she would purse her lips. When she found something to her liking, she pulled it out of the cabinet and placed it on the table returning to the fridge to grab something else, and then added the two together. I could smell the sourness of the milk and the wheat from the cereal. It was repulsive. How could she eat something like that? No wonder she was so frail. She froze, â€Å"Can I get you something?† she asked. If she was meaning to offer me some of her food the answer was undeniably, ‘no thanks'! I just rolled my eyes at the thought, â€Å"Just eat Bella.† I commanded. She sat at the table and never moved her gaze from my expressions. I continued to watch myself mirrored in her eyes. I saw how she placed the food in her mouth and watched as her communicative eyes delighted in each bite. She made a light coughing nose, pulling me from my distraction, â€Å"What's on the agenda for today?† she wondered. â€Å"Hmmm†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I thought carefully on how I would tell her about meeting my family. It is still her decision, I reminded myself. â€Å"What would you say to meeting my family?† I framed the answer as a question, giving her options. I heard the loud swallow of her food. Was she anxious? â€Å"Are you afraid now?† I asked, afraid myself, though I formed the question as sounding hopeful so she wouldn't notice my panic that was bringing a light haze to my brain. â€Å"Yes,† she admitted. There was an automatic tightening of my muscles. I wanted to reassure her, â€Å"Don't worry,† I grinned playfully, hoping this would ease her mind. â€Å"I'll protect you,† I added. It was an understatement. No one would ever lay one finger on her. â€Å"I'm not afraid of them,† she explained, â€Å"I'm afraid they won't†¦like me. Won't they be, well, surprised that you would bring someone†¦like me†¦home to meet them? Do they know that I know about them?† She asked nervously. â€Å"Oh, they already know everything. They'd taken bets yesterday, you know† I smiled at her, trying to show her how little stock I put in their games, but she could read the revulsion on my face, â€Å"on whether I'd bring you back, though why anyone would bet against Alice, I can't imagine. At any rate, we don't have secrets in the family. It's not really feasible, what with my mind reading and Alice seeing the future and all that.† â€Å"And Jasper making you feel all warm and fuzzy about spilling your guts, don't forget that.† â€Å"You paid attention,† I smiled. Of course she paid attention, she was always absorbing more information than I was releasing. â€Å"I've been known to do that every now and then,† she frowned. â€Å"So did Alice see me coming?† she asked. A memory came floating to the forefront of my mind; Bella as a vampire. Suddenly the onslaught of memories of Alice's visions overpowered me. I was temporarily still, â€Å"Something like that,† I murmured. I saw how my face looked in her eyes and turned my head swiftly, unable to hide my expressions of pain, horror and†¦happiness. A distraction, that is what I need right now. â€Å"Is that any good?† I asked. I was actually kind of curious now, â€Å"Honestly, it doesn't look very appetizing.† â€Å"Well, it's no irritable grizzly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I growled under my breath at her causal talk of our hunting. She ignored me. She continued to eat her food. Sometimes a crease would appear between her eyes and the curiosity would flare inside me. Unknowingly, I began probing her mind. It was something I did naturally, without effort. Once again I reached an invisible barrier that let me no farther than the deepest depths of her eyes. I turned towards the window to hide my facial expressions. Another distraction, that is what I needed, â€Å"And you should introduce me to your father, too, I think.† â€Å"He already knows you,† she exclaimed, horror in her voice. It worked, I was distracted. Did she not want me to meet him†¦ maybe I should explain, â€Å"As your boyfriend, I mean.† She glared at me apprehensively, â€Å"Why?† I was confused, â€Å"Isn't that customary?† I wondered. â€Å"I don't know,† she admitted. She hesitated for a minute before continuing, â€Å"That's not necessary, you know. I don't expect you to†¦I mean, you don't have to pretend for me.† Pretend? She was my life now, didn't she remember our conversation from only a few moments ago. There was nothing about my affections for her that were in any way false. â€Å"I'm not pretending,† I smiled to let her know that this was not a lie. She didn't say anything, the quiet of the room biting at my uneasy thoughts. I watched as she moved her food around her bowl. She bit her lower lip. Would she break the skin? I was worried about her and my words came out sharper then I intended, â€Å"Are you going to tell Charlie I'm your boyfriend or not?† â€Å"Is that what you are?† Wasn't it? Maybe we hadn't declared our status, but I thought it was obvious. I decided that I was her†¦boyfriend, â€Å"It's a loose interpretation of the word ‘boy,' I'll admit.† â€Å"I was under the impression that you were something more, actually,† she admitted while she turned her gaze to the table. A joyous feeling suddenly broke free and through my body. My frozen veins full of venom, of death, were instantly pulsing with a jubilant sensation, reveling in the life and soul of her, of Bella. â€Å"Well, I don't know if we need to give him all the gory details,† I mused. Her gaze had not returned to me, and I took decisive action so I could read her conversational eyes. I lightly brought my finger to her chin, using the lightest of pressure, and brought her gaze to mine, â€Å"But he will need some explanation for why I'm around here so much. I don't want Chief Swan getting a restraining order put on me.† â€Å"Will you be? Will you really be here?† She sounded anxious, worried. â€Å"As long as you want me,† I assured her, quickly. â€Å"I'll always want you. Forever.† She sounded like she was warning me. I walked around the table so I could be closer to her. I paused, leaving a small distance between us. I brought my hand to her face, and gently, I touched her cheek with my finger tips. A red hot desire washed over me as her warmth engulfed me. I had barely touched her, yet I felt her heat flowing up my arm and filling my body with a need, my need for her. â€Å"Does that make you sad?† she asked. I didn't want Bella, I needed her. I needed her like she needs air. Couldn't she tell it wasn't sadness on my face, that is was something else? Bliss, ecstasy, pure joy was radiating off me like a nuclear explosion had imploded inside me, sending waves of happiness to all those who surrounded me. Couldn't she feel it? â€Å"Are you finished?† She hoped up out of her seat, eager, â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Get dressed ?C I'll wait here.† I commanded. She bounded up the stairs, skipping two at a time. I waited for her at the foot of the stairs. When she was out of sight, my imagination got the better of me. The thought of her exposed body while she tried on clothes sent new desires rippling through me. I immediately reprimanded myself. I had to remember that she was fragile and innocent. I couldn't fathom how I would feel if I were to harm a single hair on her body, or worse, if I were to become so physical with her that my need and my desire became thirst and hunger. I shuddered and pushed the thoughts away. My husband's not going to be home for a while; maybe I should call him†¦ She is so sexy; I wonder what it would feel like to†¦ The pink top or the white top Several thoughts from the surrounding neighborhood intruded on my mind. Human's minds were always unoriginal and sometimes completely disgusting. How they thought of each other as interchangeable made me sick. I heard Bella's door open, â€Å"Okay,† she called while running down the stairs, â€Å"I'm decent.† I watched her as if she were in slow motion. She over stepped and in a fluid movement she ran right into me. I held her to steady her. And to feel her warmth, I added. I have to admit, I could have stopped her before she fell into me, but I didn't want to. She was wearing a skirt and the dark blue blouse she wore when I rescued her in Port Angeles. The way her blouse hugged her body caused a hollow yearning in my stomach and the excess of venom flowed freely in my mouth at her delicious aroma. I brought my lips to her neck, and I resisted. â€Å"Wrong again,† I whispered in her ear, â€Å"You are utterly indecent ?C no one should look so tempting, it's not fair.† She trembled under my breath. â€Å"Tempting how? I can change†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bella asked, worried. Or was it fear in her voice now? Was she finally coming to her senses? Of course not, that would never happen. â€Å"You as so absurd,† I told her. I brought my lips to her forehead, letting the dry ache have its way with me. â€Å"Shall I explain how you are tempting me?† I brought myself ever closer to her, taking her into my embrace. Gentle, I reminded myself. I slowly stroked my fingertips down her spine. She trembled and her pulse speed up. My wanting; longing was taking a grasp on my senses. I felt the new creature, desire, rejoice as I brought my lips closer to hers. My craving was over powering. I could feel her cheeks warming from the rise of emotions. Passion flowed freely in my veins. I was taking in the air around us. Every particle of air in the room was saturated with Bella's fragrance. The temptation to bring her neck to my teeth was strong. Her hands were on my chest, warming my dead heart. I brought my face closer to hers, bringing our lips inches apart. I took in another generous gulp of her fragrance and brought my lips to hers. I parted her slips slightly as euphoria fell over me and my body was screaming in exultation. I was holding Bella tightly against my chest when suddenly she went limp in my arms. I was alarmed. Did I squeeze her too tight? Had I hurt her? I was panicking. I checked my hold on her, making sure my arms were gentle. I wasn't exerting any more pressure then I had all night when I was holding her. â€Å"Bella?† I whispered in fear. Her eyes fluttered and met mine. She was breathless, â€Å"You†¦made†¦me†¦faint,† she said. I rejoiced at her voice. I couldn't read her eyes, they were unfocused. â€Å"What am I going to do with you?† I groaned in exasperation. â€Å"Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me!† She was still limp in my arms, but a small laugh came out of her lips, â€Å"That's the problem. You're too good. Far, far too good.† She was still unmoving in my arms. I was holding her up. She looked dizzy, â€Å"Do you feel sick?† â€Å"No ?C that wasn't the same kind of fainting at all. I don't know what happened.† She shook her head, â€Å"I think I forgot to breath.† She hadn't taken a breath, I remembered. What would Esme and Alice think if I brought her over there like this? â€Å"I can't take you anywhere like this.† â€Å"I'm fine,† she insisted, â€Å"Your family is going to think I'm insane anyway, what's the difference?† I suppressed a sigh, deciding another distraction was needed. I looked down at her clothes. â€Å"I'm very partial to that color with your skin,† I told her. The flood of blood to her cheeks made her glow. She was glorious. â€Å"Look, I'm trying really hard not to think about what I'm about to do, so can we go already?† she said impatiently. â€Å"And you're worried, not because you're headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won't approve of you, correct?† â€Å"That's right,† she answered quickly†¦and maybe a hint of surprise in her voice. I moved my head back and forth, â€Å"You're incredible.† As my house became visible Bella's eyes widened in surprise. I watched her eyes dart from the trees, the lawn, and finally to the house. â€Å"Wow.† She exclaimed. I smiled, â€Å"You like it?† â€Å"It†¦has a certain charm.† She replied. Bella's here! Alice bellowed from her mind. I ignored her. I reached out and pulled the end of her ponytail lightly. What a human gesture, I mused to myself. I chuckled lightly. I parked her truck and was out of the driver's side door and outside her door opening it before she realized I was gone. She didn't even blink at the fast movement, she expected it. â€Å"Ready?† I asked her. â€Å"Not even a little bit ?C let's go† she attempted a laugh. It sounded more like choking. She was patting her hair, a nervous gesture. â€Å"You look lovely,† I reassured her. I took her hand in mine, leading her up the porch. She was tense. I began caressing her hand with my thumb, trying to soothe her. â€Å"Carlisle, they are on the porch,† Esme called. I opened the door to the house for Bella; she stepped in, still tense. I found it odd that Alice wasn't waiting at the door. I watched as Bella's eyes searched the house, looking for something suspect, I assumed. Her eyes darted from the far wall, which was made of only glass, to the piano and then to the staircase where Esme and Carlisle were waiting for us. They were grinning at her, but didn't approach. She is lovely! Esme thought. Then the scent hit her, I can see her initial appeal, she does smell wonderful†¦don't worry Edward, I'd never hurt her. Esme's thoughts continued. Welcome home, Edward. Carlisle thought. â€Å"Carlisle, Esme, this is Bella.† I introduced them. â€Å"You're very welcome, Bella,† Carlisle stepped closer. She isn't†¦scared is she? Carlisle wondered. I shook my head in a motion that Bella wouldn't have noticed. Each step Carlisle took was slow, careful, and cautious. He raised his hand to shake Bella's. She stepped forward without hesitating and shook his hand, â€Å"It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen.† â€Å"Please, call me Carlisle.† â€Å"Carlisle,† Bella grinned. I was relieved that this initial meeting was over with, and I was sure Bella could read my body language. Is she even nervous? Esme wondered, looking in my direction. I shook my head behind Bella. Oh†¦I knew she was meant for you, and so maybe she is meant for our life too, Edward. Esme thought. I banished the idea from my head immediately. I couldn't let myself†¦hope†¦to take her life. Esme stepped forward, feeling elated about this meeting, and reached her hand to shake Bella's also. Bella took her hand like she was meeting a normal human. â€Å"It's very nice to know you,† Esme said sincerely. â€Å"Thank you. I'm glad to meet you, too.† Bella truly looked happy. During these first meetings with my vampire parents Bella's pulse didn't speed up once. She was brave. Alice was still a no show. I searched for her thoughts and found them. No, that color doesn't look right†¦yes, blue, Edward loves it when Bella wears blue. That's it, this dress will look spectacular on her! â€Å"Where is Alice and Jasper?† I called out to them. They both appeared at the top of the stairs in that second. â€Å"Hey, Edward!† Alice called enthusiastically. This is what I've been waiting for. Alice dived down the stairs and was abruptly in front of Bella. I wanted to shout at her for doing this, but I decided that saying something in front of Bella was not a wise idea. She was taking everything so well, no need to scare her now. I knew Alice wouldn't hurt Bella, she loved her, too. Esme and Carlisle were giving her a reproving look. â€Å"Hi, Bella!† Alice literally bounced forward and kissed her cheek. I saw Esme grab Carlisle by the arm, like she was holding herself back. Oh my! Esme thought. I felt the temptation of Bella's seductive scent through Alice's thoughts. I was immediately tense. Pipe down! She hissed in her head at me. â€Å"You do smell nice, I never noticed before,† Alice mused. Blood began flooding up Bella's face as she blushed a light pink. I was anxious again when I realized the scent had finally reached Jasper. Jasper quickly stopped the flow of air going into his lungs, refusing to take in anymore of her scent. The twin thirsts I felt whenever I was around Jasper were quieted. I felt relieved. He could still taste the curiosity and flavor of Bella from everyone's emotions. I still don't see why you have such a fixation. Jasper thought. He automatically emitted a flood of peace and calm. It swirled around her and she mirrored his emotions back. My eyebrow raised on its own. What was he doing? â€Å"Hello Bella,† Jasper said, using part of his air supply left in his lungs. He kept his distance, heeding my previous warnings. Or, maybe, just maybe, he really was trying to not have the overwhelming need to feed. He was too busy concentrating for there to be any coherent thoughts. â€Å"Hello, Jasper.† Bella smiled at him, a light pink tinge still present on her cheeks. â€Å"It's nice to meet you all ?C you have a very beautiful home.† Bella's eyes searched the room again. She's sweet, too! Esme thought. â€Å"Thank you, we're so glad that you came.† Esme replied. Me too! Alice thought. She is so brave†¦ Esme's thoughts continued. She was quickly becoming absorbed with Bella, too. She was trying desperately to hide her other thoughts from me. I'd heard the thoughts before, but she was probably oblivious about thinking it. She had always thought there was something defective with me. Now, she was jubilant, joyous, that I had finally found someone. Edward, Carlisle called out to me in his mind. His eyes met mine; Alice has seen a coven, three of them, that will be very close to Forks. I didn't want to say anything in front of Bella. I wasn't sure how she would take the news. They know we are here, which means that they might make an appearance. Alice said they were curious. Alice knew we were having a conversation. She was well practiced with our silent ones. She knew what we were communicating about and wanted to tack on any information she felt might be left out, or to just bug me, knowing her it could be either one. I don't think they will be coming close to home, but it is a possibility. I knew that the news of a coven feeding in the area would be important to you considering you love a human. Alice added. And I love her too. I nodded once to acknowledge their thoughts. I would tell Bella though. The word secret had a different meaning to me now, because I knew from now on I would tell her all of them. They would be our secrets. I tried to not listen to my family's thoughts, but they were always as clear as if they were talking directly to me. I watched a vision along with Alice as it played out in her head; I was playing the piano, Bella in awe. The vision shifted and we were talking about the cross in the hall. So far, the day looks uneventful, Alice mused. She was wrong about the day being uneventful. Every brief moment of time was tremendously significant to me, and very much so†¦eventful. And Emmett wanted me to tell you sorry for not being here†¦ Rosalie has become†¦irritated at the fascination Emmett has on humans now. She remembered a conversation about the Ben kid from Spanish class. Of course, I thought. I returned my gaze to Bella. We were so close I could still feel the warmth flowing through my body from hers. I inhaled her scent while my wild desires and new found sensations went through my body. Jasper gave me a look. I knew he could feel everything I was feeling. Esme's thoughts brought me back to the room. She keeps staring at the piano, Esme pondered. â€Å"Do you play?† Esme asked Bella, leaning her head to suggest the piano. Bella shook her head, â€Å"Not at all. But it's so beautiful. Is it yours?† she wondered. I added this news to the list of things I knew about Bella, which was growing at a massive rate. She doesn't play the piano, but liked the piano†¦she was classy. Why haven't you told her? Esme scolded me. â€Å"No,† Esme laughed, a sign of ease, â€Å"Edward didn't tell you he was musical?† â€Å"No,† Bella glared in my direction, indignation on her face. I formed an innocent expression, anticipating her reaction. â€Å"I should have known, I guess.† she added. I don't understand, Esme lifted her eyebrows at her words. â€Å"Edward can do everything, right?† she explained. Did she really believe that? She was so absurd. What have you been telling her? Whatever it is, I want to know†¦I mean seriously, you have got to be kidding me, Jasper thought and then snickered aloud. Tisk, tisk, Esme criticized. â€Å"I hope you haven't been showing off ?C it's rude,† Esme reprimanded me. â€Å"Just a bit,† I laughed. Please keep her around†¦please please please. I have never seen you so light hearted. Esme thought. Bella distracted me from Esme, â€Å"He's been too modest, actually.† she corrected. â€Å"Well, play for her,† Esme encouraged me. You can play her the song that she inspired, sheadded mentally. â€Å"You just said showing off was rude,† I objected feebly. She smiled, â€Å"There are exceptions to every rule.† I turned my gaze to Bella, â€Å"I'd like to hear you play,† Bella insisted. â€Å"It's settled then,† Esme pushed me to the piano. At the look on Bella's eager face it was inconceivable to think to say no to her. I conceded. I reached for Bella, bringing her into my side and taking her to the piano. I breathed in her heady scent while the electric pulse that always came from our touch surged through my body. He just casually touches her†¦how fantastic. Esme thought. We sat at the bench, her warmth warming my cold skin from the inside out. I turned my gaze to her, gauging her reaction. I didn't know what to play. Her song Edward, her song†¦Esme encouraged. I was still looking at Bella and she could sense the exasperation in my face. I placed my hands on the keys then, and settled on playing Esme's favorite. I was measuring Bella's expression. After a few seconds I watched her face go from peaceful to shocked instantly. Her mouth opened in astonishment. I heard my family members chuckling behind me at Bella's reaction. I was probing their minds to see all the different views of Bella at once. What was she thinking? Was it good or was it bad? â€Å"Do you like it?† I inquired. â€Å"You wrote this?† she inhaled quickly, realization in her eyes. I nodded, â€Å"It's Esme's favorite.† I noted. We are just going to leave you two alone. Esme nodded to the others to leave, she is wonderful†¦ no wonder he is so protective of her. I ignored the crowd leaving the room because I was so absorbed by Bella's every reaction. I watched as she lightly closed her eyes in exasperation and shook her head back and forth. Did I do something? â€Å"What's wrong?† She looked saddened, or upset. â€Å"I'm feeling extremely insignificant.† she explained. I decided to take Esme's advice and play her song. The music slowed, and I began playing the beautiful song that I had composed and changed many times since I had met her until it became the sweetest of notes blending together to make magic. â€Å"You inspired this one,† I whispered, making sure she understood that she was the most significant thing in my world. She was speechless. The silence of her thoughts was just as frustrating as ever. I breathed her in, letting the flames rip down my throat. Desire was constantly raging a war inside me. She was still silent. â€Å"They like you, you know.† I admitted, â€Å"Esme especially.† Her eyes darted over her shoulder and then around the room. â€Å"Where did they go?† â€Å"Very subtly giving us some privacy, I suppose,† though I knew they could hear everything that was going on in the room. Bella sighed and I turned to look at her again. â€Å"They like me. But Rosalie and Emmett†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she trailed off but I understood where her thoughts were going, for once, I added. Of course she would notice that they weren't here. I didn't want to talk about Rosalie. My lips turned down, â€Å"Don't worry about Rosalie, she'll come around.† I lied smoothly, though I hoped one day she would. She looked unconvinced, â€Å"Emmet?† she wondered. â€Å"Well, he thinks I'm a lunatic, it's true, but he doesn't have a problem with you. He's trying to reason with Rosalie,† I tried to explain. I looked into her wide eyes, trying to read her thoughts. I saw the line between her eyes crease at the complexity of her mind, â€Å"What is it that upsets her?† she finally asked. She looked anxious, waiting for my explanation. I didn't want to tell her something that would possibly upset her. The thought of causing her any type of pain sent an overwhelming feeling of remorse through my body. I took in a deep breath, a sigh really. The burning temptation was still present. I distracted myself, no more secrets, â€Å"Rosalie struggles the most with†¦with what we are. It's hard for her to have someone on the outside know the truth. And she's a little jealous.† I explained, the words coming quickly. Her eyes grew wide during my explanation, â€Å"Rosalie is jealous of me?† â€Å"You're human,† I shrugged. I thought it was obvious why she would be jealous of something as magnificent as her, â€Å"She wishes that she were, too.† I continued to explain after seeing her question my first statement. â€Å"Oh,† she looked upset by this, but shock was still present on her delicate face. Her facial expressions changed to contemplation. I wanted to groan in exasperation from her quiet mind. What was she thinking? Her short pauses were the loudest silence I have ever heard. â€Å"Even Jasper, though†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she left the sentence hanging, realizing I would understand her thoughts. She didn't know how much I didn't comprehend them, though. I sighed. â€Å"That's really my fault,† I explained, â€Å"I told you he was the most recent to try our way of life. I warned him to keep his distance.† I watched while a shiver ran down her spine. Was she finally scared or was she cold? â€Å"Esme and Carlisle†¦?† she added quickly. â€Å"Are happy to see me happy. Actually, Esme wouldn't care if you had a third eye and webbed feet. All this time she's been worried about me, afraid that there was something missing from my essential make up, that I was too young when Carlisle change me†¦She's ecstatic. Every time I touch you, she just about chokes with satisfaction.† I finished her sentence. â€Å"Alice seems very†¦enthusiastic.† Bella noted. Of course she noticed. â€Å"Alice has her own way of looking at things,† my lips grew tight at the many visions I had seen in her head since I meet Bella. She must have read the hesitation in my voice, â€Å"And you're not going to explain that, are you?† I saw myself mirrored in her eyes, watching as each of our expressions changed in unison. She knew I was keeping Alice's visions from her. There were several good reasons why I was keeping these from her. One, I didn't want to scare her, and two, I didn't want her to get any ideas. No, I would still not confess what I have seen through the eyes of a psychic. â€Å"So what was Carlisle telling you before?† she asked, bringing me from my distraction. She was incredible. She picked up on all the signs that I thought were subtle. Was she really that perceptive or was my fa?ade waning? I could see the wrinkle appear between my brows through the reflection of her deep brown eyes. â€Å"You noticed that, did you?† it wasn't a question, it was a statement. She shrugged, like there was nothing unusual about the whole situation, â€Å"Of course,† she murmured. Better tell her now, I suppose. I monitored her face, I continued to play her song. She seemed complacent enough so I answered, â€Å"He wanted to tell me some news ?C he didn't know if it was something I would share with you.† â€Å"Will you?† she responded quickly, eagerly. â€Å"I have to, because I'm going to be a little†¦over-bearingly protective over the next few days ?C or weeks ?C and I wouldn't want you to think I'm naturally a tyrant.† I said. â€Å"What's wrong?† she gasped in horror. Her blood started warming and moving at a quicker pace. The monster inside me clawed at my bones, wanting to embrace the temptation. I took in her fragrance, letting it fill my lungs. I easily over-rode any enticement this caused me. â€Å"Nothing's wrong, exactly. Alice just sees some visitors coming soon. They know we're here, and they're curious,† I explained quickly, trying to calm her now rampant pulse. â€Å"Visitors?† she questioned. â€Å"Yes†¦well, they aren't like us, of course ?C in their hunting habits, I mean. They probably won't come into town at all, but I'm certainly not going to let you out of my sight till they're gone.† I watched her face apprehensively. Her body trembled under stress. â€Å"Finally, a rational response!† I exclaimed, â€Å"I was beginning to think you had no sense of self-preservation at all.† She didn't contest my observation and I was shocked that she would have this reaction to anything dangerous at all. Her blood slowed in her veins bringing her pulse back to its normal speed. She turned her face from mine, her eyes flowing from one end of the house to the other, distracted. I followed her gaze. Was she still looking for something suspect? â€Å"Not what you expected is it?† I asked. â€Å"No,† she admitted, returning her gaze to me briefly before continuing to soak up the rooms setting. â€Å"No coffins, no piled skills in the corners; I don't even think we have cobwebs†¦what a disappointment this must be for you,† I teased. She remained serious, â€Å"It's so light†¦so open,† she said. â€Å"It's the one place we never have to hide,† I explained to her. I also wanted to admit that she was included in this place†¦ I would never have to hide from her. My fingers were on the piano, automatically playing. The song was finally coming to a close. When it was finished Bella looked at me, â€Å"Thank you,† she murmured. I turned in my seat; bringing my whole attention back to her. There was moisture prominent in her eyes. The tears flowed over her eye lids. The aroma emitting from her tears was something I had never smelt before. She wiped the tears from her eyes. I noticed she had missed one. I brought my hand to her face, trapping a tear on my finger. I studied it. As a vampire, we could not produce tears. This was something entirely new. I brought it nonchalantly to my lips, seeing how it would taste. I was curious. It didn't taste disgusting, but it held no significance for me. She was staring at me with curiosity flaming in her eyes. â€Å"Do you want to see the rest of the house?† I asked, distracting her. â€Å"No coffins?† she verified. â€Å"No coffins,† I promised, a smile forming on my face. We walked up the staircase that led to the upstairs where my room was. I watched her carefully as she made her way to the top. She was lightly caressing the stair rail as she went. I was jealous†¦ I wanted it to be me. When we reached the top of the stairs I pointed out rooms as we walked, â€Å"Rosalie and Emmett's room†¦Carlisle's office†¦Alice's room†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She froze, turning into a statue. Her eyes grew wide. I followed her gaze until I realized she was staring at the wooden cross at the end of the hallway. I remembered Alice's vision. â€Å"You can laugh,† I told her, â€Å"It is sort of ironic.† I took a deep breath, bringing her fragrance into my lungs again. I was used to the dull ache. She brought her hand out to touch the cross, but she did not proceed, â€Å"It must be very old,† she guessed. I shrugged, â€Å"Early sixteen-thirties, more or less.† I mused. She turned to face me, â€Å"Why do you keep this here?† â€Å"Nostalgia. It belonged to Carlisle's father.† I explained. I knew I was giving more information away then I had ever told a single soul before. â€Å"He collected antiques?† she suggested doubtfully. â€Å"No. He carved it his himself. It hung on the wall above the pulpit in the vicarage where he preached.† I said. She looked shocked. â€Å"Are you all right?† I asked, worried about her expressions and silence. â€Å"How old is Carlisle?† she wondered, trying to do the mental math in her head. I watched as her eyes looked fully in thought. I could almost see here calculating the numbers mentally. â€Å"He just celebrated his three hundred and sixty-second birthday,† I admitted. She looked at me, questions burning in her eyes. I knew I would answer them all, if she were to ask. I took in another deep breath while I let her scent assault me.