Sunday, August 11, 2019

Extreme measures movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Extreme measures movie - Essay Example While he is curious, his superiors at the hospital tell him to drop the matter. When he does not stop asking questions, his life starts to unravel around him. His house is ransacked and when the police arrive they discover cocaine in his bedroom which Luthan claims was not his. He is charged and convicted which leads him to lose his medical license and he becomes friendless as he is thought to be a drug user. Desperate for answers that can get him his life back, he manages to talk to some homeless people who lead him to an organization governed by Dr. Myrick (Gene Hackman) who is performing dangerous experiments on homeless people without their consent. Further, Luthan finds out that all of the subjects of these experiments have died. Luthan himself experiences the pain and misery of those who suffer from paralysis when he is led to believe that an injury to his spinal column has left him paralyzed from the neck down. However, he discovers that to be untrue and regains use of his limbs. He manages to find out where the experiments are being conducted through the help of the ‘moles’ who have an uneasy co-existence with the homeless people and finally confronts Dr. Myrick. Dr. Myrick tries to bring Luthan into the organisaiton and wants him to join his team of doctors. However, Luthan refuses since he does not believe that taking the life of an individual, no matter how worthless that life is, is the right thing to do. The confrontation ends with an FBI Agent accidentally shooting Dr. Myrick and the whole scheme is laid bare. Some time on in the future, the wife of Dr. Myrick meets with Dr. Luthan who is practicing medicine again and she hands him a package containing the tapes and the documents Dr. Myrick was working on. It is unclear if Dr. Luthan would use the research done by Dr. Myrick but he certainly seemed interested in it. The message contained within the film is simply, truth triumphs over evil and

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