Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reformers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reformers - Essay Example ed as this groups perception of government leadership as corrupt and without a reasonable desire to build a system of justice that best served the American people. Those reformers who took active stands against corrupt leadership were largely from the middle class, though there were others of higher economic influence who also believed that 19th Century America deserved a better system of leadership at the capital. Most noticeable in the reformer movement was the acknowledgement that women should be considered as sentient, godly people and should thus be given the right to vote and extended certain freedoms. This movement was later referred to as the womens suffrage movement (LaPlante, 1999). The suffrage movement involved standing up for the rights of women and extending many of the same opportunities that the men of that age experienced. Along with the womens issues, the abolition of slavery was also a hotly debated topic at this time, especially with pressures from the southern states being imposed to expand and maintain slave presence in this region of the country. Citing religious doctrines, many of the social reformers who were wholly against slavery began to speak out about its atrocities from the eyes of the Christian god (LaPlante). Combining both of these strong reformer belief systems was Sojourner Truth, who had been born into slavery during the first half of the 19th Century, and through perseverance, became one of the foremost women leaders both in relation to womens suffrage and the abolition of slavery. During her long voyage toward improving the rights of women and slaves, Truth managed to bring about social awareness of the issues facing women of that time, while also raising money to help black soldiers who were fighting in the Civil War (, 2001). Sojourner Truth maintained some rather obtuse religious beliefs as well, befriending a religious sect similar to that of the Quakers, where communication with living spirits was a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay Essay Example for Free

Domestic Violence Essay Essay Domestic violence is defined as acts of physical and/or psychological violence committed by one partner or on to another. Though committed by both sexes, men commit the majority of domestic violence acts. While efforts have been made to prevent men from engaging in domestic violence, these efforts have yet to make a major effect on the rates of violence against women. This is because these efforts often involve reversing long-held cultural and societal beliefs. Given this situation, violence against women will likely continue despite best efforts to decrease women’s vulnerability to such acts unless male risk factors and protective factors are addressed. While general risk factors exist, such as age and familiarity with the person, the majority of perpetrators have adopted behaviors, either learned behaviors or societal beliefs that increase their likelihood of committing domestic violence. Previous acts of violence against women is often the biggest predictor of whether or not a man will commit an act of violence. For example, men who commit rape are likely to have done so multiple times. That’s why individuals with a history of physical violence are more likely to commit future acts. Men who hold traditional gender role beliefs, (men as breadwinners; women should stay at home) and adapt to masculine norms (men need to be self-reliant; have power over women) are more likely to commit violence against women. Men who commit acts of domestic violence are likely to have experienced acts of violence against themselves, so they redirect their abuse to another. A large portion of these men also experienced abuse as a child, so they grow up thinking this behavior is acceptable. On the other hand, there are protective factors that can reduce the chance of men committing domestic violence. There are not many ways of decreasing the chance of domestic violence, but there are some. Some of the most common would be: changing social norms that turn away from or support violence against women (either through community intervention or public education), and/or by creating more stability in low-income communities, since there is a connection between violence and social problems (poverty, substance abuse, etc. )

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Capital Punishment Should Remain Legal Essay -- Pro-Death Penalty Essa

I am going to argue that capital punishment is a morally and logically justifiable punishment for criminals. I will demonstrate this by showing how the logic behind not having the death penalty is invalid. I will also present examples that will defend my argument. I will then present counterarguments and their implications. The death penalty in the United States is a contested subject, and even recently it has been voted to be unconstitutional by some states. Currently there are many states that still have the death penalty, though many have not executed anyone in recent years. Outside of the United States the issue is also split, with many countries recently eliminating the death penalty. Crimes that usually receive the death penalty as punishment usually involve being directly involved with the death of another person. Though the majority of the United States still is in favor of capital punishment, there exists a large and growing minority that believes that the death penalty is an immoral punishment to use against another human being. The opposition to capital punishment often uses the logic that even though this person has committed a horrible crime that they still deserve the right to life, that it is something that does not have a right to be taken away. This argument is flawed based on the fact that lives are often saved because of the death penalty on a larger scale. Though there is the loss of the criminal’s life when he is executed, if he were to receive a normal punishment and go to prison, he may eventually be able to get out and commit more crimes again. Capital punishment is usually only sentenced when the prosecution feels that the crime is so unjust that there is no other recourse but the death ... effective deterrent to crime as it is meant to be. Some opponents of capital punishment point to the fact that capital punishment is rarely used in comparison to the amount of actual murder convictions. The logic behind this claim seems to be at fault. This is especially noticed when considering that many of the opponents of capital punishment believe life to be the most important thing that one can have, that it is a basic right bestowed to everyone. Logically, wouldn’t threatening to remove the most important thing in somebody’s life serve as deterrence to committing such a crime? This counterargument is shown to be invalid on this basis. After considering counterarguments and presenting my arguments against them I feel I have presented sufficient information to support my claim that capital punishment is a logical and moral practice when used reasonably.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Accountant Essay

How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 2. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous ob, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 3. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial problem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 4. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. . How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double- loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 6. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial roblem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 7. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime 8. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than session. 9. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the me to develop my competitive edge or not. 0. How comfortable are you working long some potential risks and problems that I found. 11. How eager are you to keep on youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 12. Can you deal with the income 13. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 14. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self- reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 15. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial problem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 16. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 7. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 18. Can you deal with the ncome volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial problem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 19. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 0 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 20. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and elf-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 21 . Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 22. How comfortable are to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 23. How eager are you am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 24. Can you deal with the edge or not.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Analysis of “The Best Laid Incentive Plans” Essay

Background Summary The Best Laid Incentive Plan is a case analysis depicting organizational behavior and performance appraisal management. Rainbarrel Products is a loosely ran consumer durables manufacturer. Within the last ten years, Rainbarrel Products has shown difficulties rebounding from a sluggish economy. The CEO, Keith Randall, once described as â€Å"aspiring† and â€Å"innovative†, has allowed the company to fall victim to a downward economy due to the recent lax in leadership. In addition, Rainbarrel is not adjusting to the decrease in consumer spending in comparison to their competitors; however, this is the least of the company’s problems. In efforts to save Rainbarrel from continuous distress, Randall hires Hiram Phillips as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Hiram generates changes in the company which yields great numerical results. Hiram’s strategy includes cost cutting the budget, reduction in staff as evidenced by cos t reduction in labor, restructured sales incentives, changes in customer service procedures, and changes in the shipping process. Phillips is very proud of his success and is eager for the Corporate Executive Council (CEC) to hear his progress. Sally Hamilton and Frank Ormondy, consultants with Felding & Company are solicited by Phillips to perform baseline metrics to be tracked and  monitored in a year’s timeframe. The consultant’s findings are revealed and everything seems to lean in Hiram’s favor; however, after the meeting, the tide turns. Randall approaches Phillips regarding unsolicited information from other members of the council pertaining to the metrics Hiram has in place. Phillip makes overwhelming changes to the current organization’s systems, procedures, and processes resulting in negative feedback from Rainbarrels employees and customers. Even though the consultant’s reports give Phillips glowing results, Hiram is unaware of the damage he is causing at Rainbarrel. Problem Statement: The main problem identified in the case is the flaws in the performance management systems. Rainbarrel needs to make a dramatic change to its performance management system. The system is one-sided and not aligned with the company’s performance culture and strategic objectives. According to Kastalli, Neely, and Van Looy, (2013), â€Å"increasingly, manufacturing firms are turning to services as a new way of creating and capturing value. Despite its potential benefits, many new product-service providers struggle to deploy service activities effectively, not least because they fail to reflect the presence of service activities in their performance management systems† (p. 100). The CEO has lost sight of other key components of the company which is impacting Rainbarrel from being a successful enterprise. This fact alone questions whether or not the current leadership should be at the helm of Rainbarrel Products. Assumptions: Kerr states (2003) â€Å"the metrics program of Hiram focuses on the intermediary steps and assumes that such enhancements will make a positive impact on the bottom line† (p.31). The assumptions that highlight the main issues include the following: Hiram Phillips knew how to work within Rainbarrel’s budget. The employees are motivated by monetary means. Rainbarrel’s shipping process and customer service department are the only factors which stymies productivity. Email is the preferred vehicle of communication at Rainbarrel. Performance management is not required to align with the performance appraisal and incentive plans at Rainbarrel Hiram assumes the â€Å"fat and happy† company will be†lean and mean† within a year.  Positive results are masked by dissatisfied customers, unhappy employees, and decreased productivity unbeknownst to Hiram. Analysis: This case analysis highlights the importance of assessing, reviewing, implementing, and evaluating processes in regards to performance measurement and management systems. Wouters suggest (2009), â€Å"the importance of performance measurement systems (PMS) has been widely acknowledged. This importance pertains to all functional areas. At the same time, PMS may serve different purposes in an organization: performance measurement systems help to formulate, communicate and implement strategy throughout the organization; they are used to control and influence behavior in the organization and guide the strategic planning process† (p. 68). The aanalysis will start with a glimpse into the issues at Rainbarrel Products. These problems are preventing Rainbarrel from â€Å"picking up the pieces† of its financial and organizational crisis and moving towards a more stable and profitable footing strategically. In addition, the attitude of leadership and inability of the top senior level managers to meet organizational and individual goals resonates throughout the case study. The issues in this case are: Poor system of supervision and control on the shipping and customer service operations No structured budget process Lack of motivation and enthusiasm among employees Inadequate communication between leadership, human resources, and employees Inadequate performance appraisals and incentive plans Among the changes are incentives to answer customers’ calls quickly because the employees would now be monitored, as well as the shipment of products on time. If this does not occur, employees will be held accountable and suffer the consequences. The goal of management is conflicting with the goals of the Rainbarrel employees. Hiram Phillips drafts a rule which indicates the products should not be labeled as shipped until it was out of Rainbarrel’s doors. This is in total contrast to shipping the products from the main warehouse to a location across the street. Rainbarrel likes to emphasize customer service in its values and mission statement, but no reliable metric had been used to track what constituted â€Å"on time† and what constituted â€Å"shipped† (Kerr, 2003, p. 30). Not only are there  problems internally at Rainbarrel but on the outside as well. Longtime and loyal customer, Brenton Brothers, expresses their unhappiness of not receiving shipmen ts on-time or at their request. â€Å"In some cases I’ve been told to take a late date or otherwise forgo the purchase. That becomes the promise date but not the date I asked for,† stated by the buyer Annie, (Kerr, 2003, p. 33). Recorded evidence shows several shipment requests placed by Brenton Brothers indicate the promised shipments had left the Rainbarrel property: however, upon further investigation the shipments were found â€Å"sitting on a railroad siding across from Rainbarrel† (Kerr, 2003, p. 33). In addition, when Brenton Brothers sends e-mails to Rainbarrel’s customer service department they are experiencing late responses to questions and inquires from the call center employees. This problem is one affecting many areas of shipment and customer service. Jaaron & Backhouse (2011), state â€Å"Call centres embraced by a manufacturing organization play a major role in this endeavour as they are the main channel of contact between organizations and their customers† (p. 614). Burgers, Ruyter, Keen, & Streukens (2000) along with Meyer, Allen, and Topolnytsky (1998) indicate, â€Å"in order for organizations to achieve competitive advantage through their employees. â€Å"It is most important to equip them with high levels of affective commitment due to its fundamental links with extra role behaviour in the organization† (p. 48). There is no current protocol in place to monitor the call center for quality assurance purposes. With little or no motivation, there is no way to prove the duties are even performed on a daily basis. At this point, the employees are holding on to the only incentive they have, and that’s the salary wages paid to them now. With â€Å"Fire†em at the elm, nothing is guaranteed whether it means happy customers or not. Liu and Chang (2009) report, â€Å"interviewees were asked about how front-line employees are measured and rewarded. They have commented that the measurement of front-line employees in the call centre is done on the basis of how good they are in matching the company’s principles of serving the customer through employees’ appraisals in the call centre. The number of value-adding calls is counted against the non-value-adding calls to form the basis for measuring and evaluating employees work in general. The front-line employees in the call centre are rewarded by getting feedback and recognition on their work† (p. 619). Frezatti (2009) explains â€Å"the  budget contains the priorities and direction of the organization for a period and provides an opportunity to evaluate the entity’s performance, its internal areas and its managers.† [†¦] It is considered one of the pillars of management and a fundamental tool for accountability that exists in the organization† (p. 135). Hiram’s extreme budget cuts to make Rainbarrel ‘lean and mean†, is his only method of streamlining processes as it relates to performance management. Rainbarrel’s inadequate budget is the common denominator resulting in Hiram’s plan of budget cuts, imposing across the board workforce reduction up to 10 %, implementing the ‘wall of shame’ monitoring tool for underachieving customer care representatives and an unreliable metric regarding on time shipping. Budgets serve as a financial tool for companies, as well as a performance evaluator. Without a solid budgeting process, companies are taking a hopeful attempt to plan for expenses and sales. Hiram Phillips knows the budget is fat and happy now; however, he has not indicated any budgetary goals for the future of Rainbarrel, only short term solutions. Hiram’s metrics look good on paper, but the bottom line is his current budget metrics is displeasing to Rainbarrel’s employees and customers. According to Stern, (2013) â€Å"in theory, budgets tell you where you stand financially, and where you might be heading. In the budget process, the goals can be both individual and team, and behavioral problems may arise if the goal is too high (unattainable), if it is too easy (too vague) or if it generates conflicts between the company and the employees’ goals (goal conflict)† (p. 20) .The non existing budget structure at Rainbarrel influences production; for example, the Innovation ‘X’ project is on hold due to the fact it is not in the budget for the fiscal year, Thus, Rainbarrel is missing out on potential revenue. According to Gostick and Elton (2009), â€Å"A few misguided managers believe that 100 percent of motivation should be internally driven and that recognition is used only to motivate â€Å". Organizational behavior is emphasized on the employees’ behavior and how they perceive themselves in the organization. The impact of employee morale and lack of enthusiasm is vital for the growth of the organization. The current culture at Rainbarrel consists of lack of enthusiasm and motivation partly due to no incentive rewards programs, lack of communication between employees and leadership, and largely to layoffs. Daniel H. Pink’s Drive: the Surprising Truth about  What Motivates Us illustrates what motivates people, especially in a working environment. Pink theorizes motivation arises from reward and punishment of employees. Pink (2009) believes â€Å"human beings aren’t much different from horses – that the way to get us moving in the right direction is by d angling a crunchier carrot or wielding a sharper stick†(p. 10). The metrics, Hiram has in place, which include, reduction in labor cost, the â€Å"wall of shame†, and the change in sales commissions to employees is causing dedicated and loyal employees to become unengaged capital. The paucity of communication at Rainbarrel impacts the company as a whole. The lack of communication between Randall and Phillips causes a trickle down effect between Phillips and the workforce. Phillips does not respond wisely in communicating the changes at Rainbarrel. The case analysis, The Best Laid Incentive Plans, illustrates several examples of poor communication. Hiram does not communicate the performance metrics he plans to implement. For instance, the email policy indicates the time limit on email responses. Employees are penalized if they do not open and respond to email notification from the company. Email should not be the main method of communicating pertinent information to employees of organizations. In order to have effective performance management, there should be communication between leadership and its workforce; therefore, goals and expectations are communicated and understood of both parties. More recently, a 2008 study performed by the Pew Internet & American Life Project revealed that 72% of all full-time employees have an email account that they use for work, and 37% of those workers â€Å"check them constantly† (Madden & Jones, 2008). The CFO is hired to improve Rainbarrel’s organizational and individual performance metrics which are causing the company to fall against main competitors and industry standards. The current change initiatives show a win-win for Hiram and Rainbarrel but failed efforts for the employees. According to Barber and Strack, (2009) â€Å"today’s performance measures and management practices don’t reflect the particular economics of people-driven businesses† (p. 81). Howard does not realize problems occur in his current performance metrics. The reduction in labor cost results in unmotivated staff; streamlining of service calls by two minutes produces frustrated workers and unhappy customers, restructuring the commission sales impacts the productivity of the sales people, and Hiram’s inept ability to  operate the service and shipping department creates a weak performance management system. Smith and Mazin (2013) report , â€Å"the entire organization benefits from a system that aligns performance to company-wide goals, provides a structured format for measuring results and giving feedback, and establishes a record for each employee that can be used for individual development, to inform future supervisors, and to make sound employment decisions† (p. 49). Recommendations: During Hiram’s interview, his main goal is to do what is right in regards to Rainbarrel Products; thus, the performance metrics instituted by Phillips results in cost saving efforts but morally bankrupts the company. Examining the metrics listed in the case analysis, there are recommendations Rainbarrel should implement in order to align Hiram’s strategies and the overall wellbeing of the employees and the company. The first, Hiram should reexamine the current metrics. Without budgetary guidelines, Hiram makes cost reductions based on a sluggish economy. Hiram is not comparing prior fiscal year data to current year data. Hiram is simply basing his metrics on slumping product sales and numbers. Implementing budget structure as a tool will eliminate assumptions Hiram has of the overall performance of Rainbarrel. Packer and Teeters (2012) indicate that â€Å"the budget had grown beyond a financial tool. It is above all managerial tool; in essence, it is the best tool for making sure that key resources, especially financial resource are assigned to priorities and to results. It is a tool that enables the manager to know when to review and revise plans, either because results are different from expectation or due to environmental conditions, economic conditions, market conditions or technologies change, which no longer correspond to the assumptions of the budget† (p. 467). I would also, recommend Hiram conduct monthly budget audits for the first 5 years of implantation. Ijiri (2008) â€Å"The main purpose of budget audits is to make sure that budgeting processes are carried out as specified by budgeting principles and procedures† (p.665). The monthly audits will allow Rainbarrel to adjust the budget on an as needed basis. labor), which are the most significant expenses and the primary variable cost that audit firms incur. According to Ettredge, Bedard, and Johnston (2009) â€Å"Our study finds that asymmetric ratcheting occurs during the budgeting process (p. 15). Audit  firm management successively removes budget surpluses to a greater extent than they provide incremental budgeted hours following budget shortfalls, thus maintaining budgetary control on a continuing basis. Engagement teams also respond asymmetrically, decreasing reported hours following budget surpluses to a lesser extent than they increase reported hours following budget shortfalls† (p. 15). Referencing Bertazzi (2008), â€Å"One of the most common problems is the one in which both transportation and inventory costs are taken into account. The aim is to determine shipping policies that allow the minimization of the sum of these two costs† (p. 750). It is revealed the shipping of products promised is not occurring according to the â€Å"on-time’ ghost policy Hiram has mandated. I propose Rainbarrel implement a shipping policy. The policy should include the shipping date, which includes the shipping turn around time. Also, the policy should indicate refun ds of shipping and handling fees if the delivery is not made as promised. In the Brenton Brothers’ case, the good and services purchased from Rainbarrel are not delivered as promised. The service management is very loose in regards to the customer service representatives at Rainbarrel. There are complaints of long hold times, no return phone calls from employees and the customers are being rushed off the phone. A study conducted done by (Schalk and Van Rijckevorsel, 2007 😉 illustrates â€Å"customer service representatives (CSRs) in a call center in India are given more autonomy in the production market† (p. 77). According to Schalk and Van Rijckevorsel (2007) â€Å"Autonomy refers therefore to the ability of the worker to take over production by integrating personal work skills that could overcome the failures of the production system. The CSRs’ work requires a certain degree of autonomy. In fact, they highlight that the work organization in call centers is articulated around the standardization of the production process and the customer orientation† (p.3). Layoffs due to the economic crisis, the ‘wall of shame’, unfair s ales commissions, and limited incentives are causing low employee moral and motivation. In order to regain the respect and trust of employees, Rainbarrel’s leadership needs to decide on how to motivate its people. I suggest Rainbarrel motivate through leadership. Tebeian, (2012) notes, â€Å"The leadership style has s a direct, positive and statistically significant effect on the subordinates’ motivation† (p.1094). The leadership is definitely an influence of Rainbarrel’s culture and  strategic market sustainability. In their article published in the Havard Business Review, 2008, Nitin Nohria, Boris Groysberg and Linda Lee-eling researched an employee motivation model and incorporated Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The model includes four drives: leadership style, motivating the team, performance, and job satisfaction. The results of the study shows needs identified by Nitin Nohria, Boris Groysberg and Linda Lee-eling are â€Å"interconnected at the brain level, and the level of fulfillment of each of them directly influences emotions , therefore behaviour as well† (p. 1094). In order for employees to support the organizations, communication is imperative. (Dolphin, 2005), â€Å"Internal communication is communication between the organization’s leaders and one of its key publics: the employees† (p. 185). I recommend Rainbarrel schedule face to face meetings, such as monthly department meetings or team huddles with front line managers, employees, and stakeholders. In the case analysis, email is the preferred route of communication; however, important information is being misconstrued. Chong (2007), studying Singapore Airlines, found that focusing on face-to-face dialogue between management and staff helped the airline deliver its brand promise to its customers through its employees (p.203). Another recommendation to improve communication at Rainbarrel is initiate written communication via the company’s intranet site. The implementation of a company intranet site will convey important information regarding the company’s strategy, policy changes, and forecasted issues. A secure intranet site is ideal to broadcast convey information to the company employees. Borden adds (2010), â€Å"the company’s intranet must be organic and ever-changing, ready to embrace and depl oy new communication technologies that facilitate information sharing across the company† (p.44). According to Barber and Strack (2005), â€Å"when people are your most important resource, some standard performance measures and management practices become ill suited to their tasks† (p. 81). The current performance metrics and incentives at Rainbarrel have impacted negatively on employees. The performance management and measurement system should meet the needs of employees and Rainbarrel. I propose the CEO implement performance appraisals and fair incentive awards. Bacal (2004) points out â€Å"Performance appraisals enable employers and employees to define, communicate, and review expectations, goals, and progress in achieving strategic objectives. The  purpose is to improve the way employees contribute to an organization’s goals and job performance. Appraisals are also intended to sustain, improve, and help an employee† (p. 21). Dunlap (2010)† Distinguish and reward your top performers in a manner that is fair—not equal, but perceived as fair and justified† (p. 10).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Example

Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Example Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Essay Topic: Catching Fire Bodily functions in Lilliput BY GabrtelaGM Bodily Functions in Lilliput Swifts satirical work, Gullivers Travels, tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon that by way of sea travels finds himself in four different, amazing lands. First: a land of six-inch tall human-like beings. Secondly: a land of giants. Thirdly: a floating island. Fourthly: a land ruled by thinking and talking horses. For the purpose of this essay, I will only take into consideration the first of these four voyages. Gulliver finds himself stranded in a beach, tied by hundreds of tiny wires. Surrounding him are tiny creatures holding this wires. One can only imagine the fear the Lilliputians must have felt at the sight of such a giant. However, slowly but surely, they start to take a liking to this enormous man. They sharewith him their culture, their food, and provide him with a house. There are two main instances, during this first Journey, in which we are faced head- on with bodily functions. The first of these is when Gulliver describes how, after rriving to his new house in Lilliput for the first time; he had a major bowel movement: l had been for some hours extremely pressed by the necessities of nature; which was no wonder, it being almost two days since I had last disburdened myself. I was under great difficulties between urgency and shame. The best expedient I could think of, was to creep into my house, which I accordingly did; and shutting the gate after me, I went as far as the length of my chain would suffer, and discharged my body of that uneasy load. He goes on to say that, after this first so uncleanly an action, he would go outside any time he had this basic human need. Of course the excrement, which was of an equally impressive size a Gulliver compared to the Lilliputians, could not be left outside his house to pollute the air around it. Servants would come every day with wheel-barrows to remove this waste. The second time we are faced with a bodily function is the very point in which Gullivers favor with the people of Lilliput really started to go downhill. He had been among these people for while, when one night he was informed that the Queens quarters were on fire. He runs to help and realizes the entire castle is in danger of catching fire. Seeing no manner of assisting, he suddenly remembers that he had a lot of wine to drink that evening and that he hadnt yet discharged any of it. The heat I had contracted by coming very near the flames, and by laboring to quench them, made the wine begin to operate by urine; which I voided in such a quantity, and applied so ell to the proper places, that in three minutes the fire was wholly extinguished, and the rest of that noble pile, which had cost so many ages in erecting, preserved from destruction. In this manner he does save the castle from becoming a pile of ashes, but by doing so he also gets the undying hate of the Queen, who is understandably appalled that a man urinated all over her rooms. We can see, from these two examples of the role Swift gives to bodily functions in reader uncomfortable or even disgusted, all for the purpose of assisting the satire.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bermuda Essays - Bermuda Triangle, Flight 19, Bermuda, Free Essays

Bermuda Essays - Bermuda Triangle, Flight 19, Bermuda, Free Essays Bermuda *A legendary triangle of Ocean lies between 3 countries upon the Atlantic *ocean. The Cities are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale. Ships, *people and aeroplanes have been reported mysteriously disappearing off the *face of the earth whilst travelling inside this triangle. It soon acquired *the name Devils Triangle owing to peoples superstitions that the devil *was at play on this stretch of ocean and gobbling up weary and lost *travellers with great delight, but what actually was at play inside this *triangle of rough water, is it really the devil?, or perhaps aliens are *using this spot as their home base on earth. Maybe it really does contain a *mystical vortex that sucks people down into a third dimension. * *The myth of the mysterious triangle was first begun in an Associated Press *dispatch of September 16, 1950. Reporter E.V. W. Jones wrote of mysterious *disappearances of ships and planes between the Florida coast and Bermuda. *Two years after this article appeared Fate magazine ran an article by *George X. Sand about a series of strange marine disappearances, each *leaving no trace whatever, that have taken place in the past few years in *a watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. * *It was not long before ideas and suggestions started forming about this *piece of ocean. M.K. Jessup wrote about the disappearances and gave ideas *about alien intelligences being behind them in the book The Case for the *UFO. The view was also echoed by Donald E. Kyhoe who is noted for his The *Flying Saucer Conspiracy of 1955. Frank Edwards (Stranger Than Science) *agreed with the theory of aliens having a local hangout in the triangle as *well. Finally a man by the name of Vincent H. Gaddis came up with the *phrase Bermuda Triangle. * *Vincent Gaddis wrote an article in February 1964's edition of Argosy and *incorporated the story later in his book Invisible Horizons titled The *Deadly Bermuda Triangle. And there was the birth of the now world famous *myth of the Bermuda Triangle. * *Throughout the years it has featured in many many articles, books, *television series and movies and always portrayed as a very real and *mysterious thing, but anyone out there with any sense surely will ask *themselves how in this day and age could boats, planes and other *travellers just go mysteriously missing in a certain piece of water? *wouldn't an aeroplane full of international travellers be afraid to travel *over this part of the ocean....Well let me tell you I've always asked the *same questions myself and I personally have come to the conclusion that the *entire thing is nothing more than a myth hyped up over the years by wrong *facts and silly overexaggerated stories told down through the generations *of people willing to listen to any kind of mysterious story with a unknown *edge to it. * * * *One of the most famous stories to ever surround the Bermuda Triangle is the *mysterious disappearance of the Naval Air Flight 19. * *So what happened? * *On December 5th, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air *Station at Fort Lauderdale. They never returned home. * *The Avenger bombers contained 14 men, 13 of those were trainees in the last *stages of their training along with Lt. Charles Taylor. The five pilots had *been recently transferred from the Miami Naval Air Station. Lt. Taylor knew *the Florida Keys well but had no knowledge of flying over the Bahamas which *was the direction Flight 19 was headed in. * *Their mission on that day was for practice bombing at hens and Chicken *Shoals fifty-six miles away. Once that was accomplished, the Avengers were *to continue on eastward for another sixty-seven miles, then head north *seventy-three miles. Following that they would turn southwest and head for *home. In other words they were flying a triangular flight path through what *would be called the Bermuda Triangle. * *At 3.50pm that afternoon a pilot and his flight instructor, Lt. Robert Cox *were about to land at Fort Lauderdale. They overheard a radio transmission *addressed to someone named Powers. Powers replied, I don't know where we *are. We must have got lost after that last turn. * *A little later on Lt. Cox managed to establish radio contact with another *of the Pilots

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Geography of the Mediterranean Sea

Geography of the Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is a large sea or body of water that is located between Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern Asia. Its total area is 970,000 square miles (2,500,000 sq km) and its greatest depth is located off the coast of Greece at around 16,800 feet (5,121 m) deep. The average depth of the sea, however, is about 4,900 feet (1,500 m). The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the narrow Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco. This area is only about 14 miles (22 km) wide. The Mediterranean Sea is known for being an important historic trade path and a strong factor in the development of the region around it. History of the Mediterranean Sea The region around the Mediterranean Sea has a long history that dates back to ancient times. For example, Stone Age tools have been discovered by archeologists along its shores and it is believed that the Egyptians began sailing on it by 3000 B.C.E. Early people of the region used the Mediterranean as a trade route and as a way to move to and colonize other regions. As a result, the sea was controlled by several different ancient civilizations. These include the Minoan, Phoenician, Greek, and later the Roman civilizations. In the 5th century C.E. however, Rome fell and the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it became controlled by the Byzantines, Arabs and Ottoman Turks. By the 12th-century trade in the region was growing as Europeans began exploration expeditions. In the late 1400s though, trade traffic in the region decreased when European traders discovered new, all water trade routes to India and the Far East. In 1869 ,  however, the Suez Canal opened and trade traffic again increased. In addition, the opening of the Suez Canal the Mediterranean Sea also became an important strategic location for many European nations and as a result, the United Kingdom and France began building colonies and naval bases along its shores. Today the Mediterranean is one of the busiest seas in the world. Trade and shipping traffic is prominent and there is also a significant amount of fishing activity in its waters. In addition, tourism is also a large part of the regions economy because of its climate, beaches, cities, and historic sites. Geography of the Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is a very large sea that is bounded by Europe, Africa, and Asia and stretches from the Strait of Gibraltar on the west to the Dardanelles and the Suez Canal on the east. It is almost completely enclosed aside from these narrow locations. Because it is almost landlocked, the Mediterranean has very limited tides and it is warmer and saltier than the Atlantic Ocean. This is because evaporation exceeds precipitation and runoff and circulation of the seas waters does not occur as easily as it would if were more connected to the ocean, however enough water flows into the sea from the Atlantic Ocean that is water level does not fluctuate much. Geographically, the Mediterranean Sea is divided into two different basins- the Western Basin and the Eastern Basin. The Western Basin extends from the Cape of Trafalgar in Spain and the Cape of Spartel in Africa in the west to Tunisias Cape Bon in the east. The Eastern Basin stretches from the  eastern boundary of the Western Basin to the coasts of Syria and Palestine. In total, the Mediterranean Sea borders 21 different nations as well as several different territories. Some of the nations with borders along the Mediterranean include Spain, France, Monaco, Malta, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. It also borders several smaller seas and is home to over 3,000 islands. The largest of these islands are Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Cyprus, and Crete. The topography of the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea is varied and there is an extremely rugged coastline in is northern areas. High mountains and steep, rocky cliffs are common here, though in other areas the coastline is flatter and dominated by desert. The temperature of the Mediterraneans water also varies but in general, it is between 50 F and 80 F (10 C and 27 C).​ Ecology of and Threats to the Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea has a large number of different fish and mammal species that are mainly derived from the Atlantic Ocean. However, because the Mediterranean is warmer and saltier than the Atlantic, these species have had to adapt. Harbor porpoises, Bottlenose Dolphins, and Loggerhead Sea Turtles are common in the sea. There are a number of threats to the  biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea, though. ​Invasive species are one of the most common threats as ships from other regions often bring in non-native species and Red Sea water and species enter the Mediterranean at the Suez Canal. Pollution is also a problem as cities on the coasts of the Mediterranean have dumped chemicals and waste into the sea in recent years. Overfishing is another threat to the Mediterranean Seas biodiversity and ecology as is tourism because both are putting strains on the natural environment. References: How Stuff Works. (n.d.). How Stuff Works - The Mediterranean Sea. Retrieved from:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Report - Essay Example The importance of the right of the accused to be assisted with a counsel before answering questions during custodial investigation was the significant principle laid down in this case. The â€Å"Miranda rights† is referred to as the right of the accused to a counsel which has the following wordings: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Absence of the Miranda rights shall render the admission of the accused as inadmissible in evidence and shall be regarded as the fruit of a poisonous tree. Further, any statement obtained from the accused by the police during custodial investigation shall not be admitted as evidence during trial unless it can be proven that the accused voluntarily offered the confession after having been informed of his rights and fully understanding the consequen ces of his actions, with or without assistance of a counsel, which shall be considered as a valid waiver on his part. On March of 1963, the accused, Ernesto Arturo Miranda from Phoenix, Arizona, was arrested following the charge of rape and kidnapping of an 18-year-old movie theater  attendant. During custodial investigation, he confessed commission of the crimes of robbery and attempted rape. During trial, his confession, together with the testimony of the victim were used against him, despite the objections of his counsel. The officers who interrogated Miranda admitted also admitted during the trial that Miranda was not advised that he had a right to have an attorney present. His counsel argued that his Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination were violated. Superior Court Judge Yale Mc Fate held that the confession is admissible as evidence. Thus, Miranda was convicted and sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison to be served

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Marketing plan - Essay Example The mixture get shaken over ice, cocktail-style, then strained into a glass and served in a three-dimensional garnish: the chewy, tapioca pearls, marble-size Gummi Bear-like treats which are the bane of orthodontists across the world. Other ingredients like –milk, soy or lychee –can in the mixture of the frothy libation. A probable explosive growth of the bubble tea in the area you are living through the coverage on magazines, newspapers and television is not news that much (Richardson, Rubinstein & Joseph, 2009). This is because bubble tea has scaled a greater height in its competitive advantage in a number of aspects: This is the best-kept secret among the businesses selling this unique tea. The preparation of tapioca is simple as cooking spaghetti, rice, pasta or ramen noodles. One prepares the tapioca, as simple as boiling water. The drink or base portion of the drink is not hard as mixing instant cocoa or coffee. One gets amazed on how easy it was just after making the first bubble tea (Naughton, 2002). It all started out as a tea stand in Taiwan, the bubble tea has incredibly spread to North America, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and much more. To the surprise of many, that bubble tea could just be a fad which come and go, but it has been in existence for about two decades since it came into the market. It is remarkably known that, one either be a part of the Bubble Tea fad by constituting those who create the hoopla, or rather you can watch it go by and you will wish that you â€Å"shouldn’t have†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bubble Tea Supply offers you with the knowledge and tools essential for your bubble Tea Business. A number of Bubble Tea Shops never share their secrets with anyone on how to make the drink or prepare the tapioca pearls (Guo & Moravska galerie v Brne, 2008). The mission of the Bubble Tea Supply is to have you dancing with the tapioca’s

Innovative Design Protection Act (IDPA) of 2012 Essay

Innovative Design Protection Act (IDPA) of 2012 - Essay Example The paper "Innovative Design Protection Act (IDPA) of 2012" will provide a succinct description of the primary features of the 2012 IDPA, discussing how the act is going to revolutionize the legal defense of designs in the US. The new version makes provisions that require detailed written notices to be issued to suspected infringers and a 21-day suspension on the start of an action following that notice without the accrual of damages during these three weeks. The act has many far-reaching effects on the design industry within the US. At its core, the act is primarily focused on not only protecting designers, but also protecting their creativity, as well as job security. It proffers copyright protection to all fashion designs in the US. The act revises the meaning of the term useful article in order to include, among others, articles of apparel such as tote bags, eyeglass frames, handbags, clothing, wallets, purses and belts. However, the act excludes, from legal protection, all desig ns that are embodied in useful articles whose designers or owners make public. This legal protection is deterred if such publication occurs more than two years prior to the date of the request for registration, specifically in vessel hull designs. Additionally, the legal protection is excluded for useful articles whose publication takes place more than three years prior to the date when protection of the design is provided, specifically in the event of fashion designs. The act also deters the consideration of the absence.... The act ideally sets out the full term of protection at three years for fashion designs and at least a decade for designs of vessel hulls (Richman, Denton & Behr 2012, p. 117). The provisions of the law require the owners of all fashion designs to offer written notifications of the design protection to all persons the design owners have sufficient reasons to believe have violated or will probably violate these protections. The act additionally makes illegal all actions aimed at the infringement of fashion designs from the start until three weeks after such written notice is served to the defendant (The Library of Congress n.d., p. 1). The act is quite significant to the design industry since it provides pertinent modifications to the infringement criteria applicable to sellers, retailers, distributors and importers of infringing articles who were not necessarily involved in making the articles. Another critical importance lies in the act’s revision of provisions dealing with a cting without knowledge, affirming that it does not constitute an infringement to create, sell, import of distribute articles embodying designs that were created without knowledge, either reasonably inferred from all circumstances or actual occurrences, that the designs were protected and were copied from protected designs (Jimenez & Kolsun 2009, p. 154). Moreover, the act declares that it does not constitute an infringement under specified federally guaranteed protections of original designs, to engage in the provisions of services such as telecommunications services, location tools for Internet information and Internet access services, as well as

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jainism and ahimsa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Jainism and ahimsa - Assignment Example Secondly, the religion helps in reducing violence since it emphasizes on complete nonviolence to all living beings (Kenneth 2014). As such, the religion promotes peace in the society by urging its followers to maintain a serene, peaceful environment that does not harm anybody or anything. Thirdly, the religion promotes equality of all living things. In general, there is an improvement in the moral behavior of people since the followers practice their beliefs in day-to-day life and observe the vows keenly. On the other hand, Jainism religion is seemingly ancient and the followers of the religion are outdated. Moreover, Jainism has many restrictions that are seemingly obscure and senseless. For instance, it is unrealistic to practice vegetarianism when we visit our friends since we cannot question the ingredients of every food. Apparently, Jainism is only reasonable for a minority. The extreme rules are not flexible to changes that apply to modern religions. In addition, many people wonder what the followers think about God and the life after death. Most religions also believe that it is not possible to exist without killing living creatures and

Krafts Marketing and Sales Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Krafts Marketing and Sales Strategy - Assignment Example Kraft’s respond to the macro-environment of China is through research of the different demography of Chinese consumers, their capacity to purchase, and their eating patterns.   This led Kraft to reinvent the traditional Oreo cookies to Chinese style cookies; from cookie form to wafer and lesser sweet, the packaging and the content of the package (wherein the original content is 14 Oreos which costs 72 cents reduced to fewer pieces of Oreos and costs only 29 cents), and the Chinese style Oreo can withstand the extreme climate of both Northern and Southern region of China.   In the micro-environment, Kraft responded in dealing with the management team, wherein all the members of the management team were replace by entrepreneurial team of local Chinese managers thus, creating positive output of introducing Oreo to Chinese consumers.   Kraft also outsourced marketing teams, in the form of students to become ambassadors of Oreo wherein, the job of these local students is to c ampaign the Oreo to 300,000 consumers cents reduced to fewer.   These ambassadors also campaigned the Oreo through basketball wherein, introducing the Oreo being dunked in the milk.This type of strategy also helped Kraft to be responsive to global environment’s opportunities.   They also studied the eating habits and preferences of different countries and were able to produce Kraft products according to the preferences of the consumers in different countries.  ... Kraft considered other alternatives to make Chinese consumers patronize Oreo cookies. OREOS AND MILK, CHINESE STYLE 4 Discussion In 1996, Kraft Foods introduced Oreo cookies in China in the form of the original top-selling Oreo cookies of the U.S. However, even a lot of marketing effort has been done, the sales of the Oreo cookies in China remained flat. This statement is supported with my aforementioned discussion in the research. The study is limited to Kraft Food and its marketing strategy in selling Oreo cookies in China. Kraft’s respond to the macro-environment of China is through research of the different demography of Chinese consumers, their capacity to purchase, and their eating patterns. This led Kraft to reinvent the traditional Oreo cookies to Chinese style cookies; from cookie form to wafer and lesser sweet, the packaging and the content of the package (wherein the original content is 14 Oreos which costs 72 cents reduced to fewer pieces of Oreos and costs only 29 cents), and the Chinese style Oreo can withstand the extreme climate of both Northern and Southern region of China. In the micro-environment, Kraft responded in dealing with the management team, wherein all the members of the management team were replace by entrepreneurial team of local Chinese managers thus, creating positive output of introducing Oreo to Chinese consumers. Kraft also outsourced marketing teams, in the form of students to become ambassadors of Oreo wherein, the job of these local students is to campaign the Oreo to 300,000 consumers. These ambassadors also campaigned the Oreo through basketball wherein, introducing the Oreo being dunked in the milk. This type of strategy also helped Kraft to be responsive to global environment’s

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jainism and ahimsa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Jainism and ahimsa - Assignment Example Secondly, the religion helps in reducing violence since it emphasizes on complete nonviolence to all living beings (Kenneth 2014). As such, the religion promotes peace in the society by urging its followers to maintain a serene, peaceful environment that does not harm anybody or anything. Thirdly, the religion promotes equality of all living things. In general, there is an improvement in the moral behavior of people since the followers practice their beliefs in day-to-day life and observe the vows keenly. On the other hand, Jainism religion is seemingly ancient and the followers of the religion are outdated. Moreover, Jainism has many restrictions that are seemingly obscure and senseless. For instance, it is unrealistic to practice vegetarianism when we visit our friends since we cannot question the ingredients of every food. Apparently, Jainism is only reasonable for a minority. The extreme rules are not flexible to changes that apply to modern religions. In addition, many people wonder what the followers think about God and the life after death. Most religions also believe that it is not possible to exist without killing living creatures and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Methods -Research Critique Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Methods -Research Critique - Term Paper Example The research is characterized by biases in different aspects. The biases are depicted through non-randomness problem stating and investigation. Also, the unbiasedness of the research contributed to an imbalanced nature in the sense that the buffer group had four areas, the control group three areas while the treatment group had only one area. The three areas used collective qualitative data type. This data type consisted of both the independent and independent variables. The reader of the data can be able to verify it thus proving that the data source was reliable. The reader can also be able to compare the data with others data’s enhancing it verification ability. The process used involved the choosing of buffer areas. The areas were used to estimate the extent of displacement benefit. The collected rates were later summed up to provide compounded measure of individual death rate inside the buffer area. Adequate samples were collected which gave enough and relevant data, this made the sampling procedure used the best for that study. Dependent variables that provided enough information included the BSI tracking system and the State and National vital registration. Sufficient statistical figures were obtained from these sources. The dependent variables were directly related to the research making the information they provided first hand. Two assessments were done to get essential research findings. The first assessment showed that the BSI program contributed to a significant reduction in immigrant’s death rate. The second evaluation also showed a reduction in immigrant’s death rate due to a fast response of bolster agent. Traditional research execution methods were adhered to making the data from available sources reliable. The greatest limitation is that the effort by all the parties in the border trying to save immigrants lives are not recognized. The research only focuses on the two primary assessment

A Farewell to Arms Essay Example for Free

A Farewell to Arms Essay A writers job is to tell the truth ? Ernest Hemingway. This quote means that it is a writers job to convey some sort of truth or accuracy to the reader. I agree. This is shown in the novel, A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway through the setting and characterization in the novel. It is also shown in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee through the themes and setting of the novel. In the war novel, A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway demonstrates that it is a writers job to convey some sort of truth to the reader through the setting of the novel. This novel takes place during a time of war and shows what war is like, realistically. For a war novel, there is not a lot of fighting but instead more of getting from one place to another and the situations that occur in the interim. This portrays a truth to the reader because it shows how war is in reality and that it is not all death and destruction. Hemingway expresses the emotions of the characters accurately for time of war and conditions or situations the characters are put into. The author shows us the characters interact with each other and how they deal with the war surrounding them. For example, in Book III of the novel, the priest says that people that summer finally realized the war and that people were gentler because they had been beaten. This, truthfully, shows how war affects people and their emotions because it shows how they are disappointed. Through the setting of the play, Hemingway tells the truth by stating that people are trapped biologically because of their setting and the fact that it is human condition. In the novel, Frederic feels trapped because of Catherines pregnancy. In the novel, A Farwell to Arms, the author establishes that a writers job is to deliver accuracy and truth to the audience of the piece of work through characterization in the novel. Hemingway shows the reader what war can do to a person. He shows this through Frederics personality and his change throughout the story. Frederic went from an innocent man who joined the army because he was in Italy at the time and spoke the language and after a lot of experience becomes cynical. This work of literature also shows how war can be dehumanizing on an individual. In Book III, Frederic shoots at a sergeant and thinks nothing of killing another human being because thats what occurs in war. Another way that the author tells truth in this novel is by showing that some characters keep their morals and human values. For example, in Book III, Frederic stops his fellow officers from harassing the two young girls who needed a ride. During the war times, most men did not have respect for their fellow people but Hemingway shows the reader that a select few fight to keep their morals straight. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee confirms that a writers job is to tell the reader the truth through the themes of this novel. One theme of this novel is racism; the townspeople are prejudice towards Tom Robinson because hes black. Even though, many know and believe that he is innocent and he did not rape Mayella they still blame him and find him guilty in court. Another theme of this novel, that shows truth as well, is the coexistence of good and bad. Harper Lee shows his reader that in his story, just like it is in the real world, good and bad exists. The good in this story is Atticus and him trying to fight for Tom and stands up for him as his attorney to show he supports him even though the town turns against him and he knows he cant win. The bad in this story is racism and inequality. The author of this novel conveys a lot of truth because these problems still occur to this day in real life situations. Another important theme that expresses truth to us from the author is innocence and the loss of that innocence. When the novel begins, Scout and Jem seem very innocent to the evil in the world, mostly because they had not ever witnessed it. After they see the racism, prejudice and unjust treatment that are put onto many characters they start to lose that childlike innocence. This is a strong truth, to this day. Young innocent people are losing and missing out on a lot because of their environment and surroundings. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the author shows the audience that the writers job is to distribute the truth to the reader through, the literary element, of setting. This story takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is home to many complacent, racist and prejudice people. The people of Maycomb try to ignore the truth that is plain to see by not acting on it. They let people in the town, who may be of different skin color like Tom Robinson, be stepped on and treated unfairly just because of his skin tone while many of the people of the town know he is innocent. During the course of the novel, the Great Depression is occurring. This sets the stage for poverty to be a strong point in this story. The characters make this a separation element. Another factor of setting that expresses truth in this novel being in the South in these days. The South had many rules and segregation laws concerning black citizens and white citizens. This caused an increase in the racism. As shown above, the two novels, A Farewell to Arms and To Kill A Mockingbird, both have many literary elements that help the author to express truth in his/her literary work. Some of these literary elements were setting, characterization and theme among many others.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

English Literature Antigone Characters Ismene

English Literature Antigone Characters Ismene Antigone Characters Ismene Antigone Antigone by Sophocles is theatrical work that reflects upon Greek mythology and culture. Antigone has several themes and circumstantial settings that can be indirectly referred or related to in modern society. Sophocles uses various and strategically placed characters to present his play as well as his themes. The play mainly revolves around Antigone who acts alongside her elder sister, Ismene. Both are daughters of Oedipus and Jocasta. From the start, the audience is given a vague idea of both Antigone’s and Ismene’s characters. Both sisters have suffered the anguish of having lost their brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices. It is at the beginning of the play that we see Antigone’s braveness. She notifies Ismene of her intentions to bury Polyneices despite the fact that such an act is punishable by death, for Creon considers Polyneices to be a traitor and that by not having his body buried, Polyneices suffers a posthumous punishment. She makes this declaration whil e being fully aware of the penalties involved and this brings to light several other things about her character. The audience is able to see that she is confident in her actions and will justify anything that she does. Meanwhile Ismene can be viewed as being afraid and uneager to agree to an action. She confronts her sister’s statements by saying, â€Å" But think of the danger ! Think what Creon will do ! † (34, Prologue). This statement by Ismene create a vague feeling in the audience that Ismene is a pessimist. This view is further reinforced when she says, â€Å" And do what he has forbidden ! We are women / We cannot fight with men, Antigone ! † (46-47, Prologue). Hence Ismene is seen seeking a way out by giving excuses that are in a sense linked to negative stereotypes and this makes a reflection of her pessimistic nature. Antigone’s actions at the beginning of the play reflect her impulsivness and rash manner in handling situations. Rather than try to confront Creon regarding the burial of her brother she goes ahead to bury him. Her impulsive manner is also seen when she doubts Ismene’s promise that she will not divulge any information to anybody else regarding Antigone’s plans to bury her brother. She does this despite the reasonable consideration that Ismene is her only sister and family member left. Her actions at this point also reflect on her indifference in carry ing out actions that reflect on others. She does not seem to care about the fact that burying her brother may have unfavorable consequences on Ismene who would lose her sister and at the same time be in a dilemma. Ismene would have to risk telling the authorities and get her sister prosecuted so as to be a true patriot and to save her own life or keep mum and be prosecuted for aiding and abetting an offense alongside her sister whom she will eventually loose, regardless of what she decides to do . This scenario presents a strong argument that Ismene is considerate and rational as she eventually decides to keep Antigone’s plans secret and continues to do so even when Antigone attacks her. She responds by saying, â€Å" But a loyal friend indeed to those who love.† (85, Prologue). This demonstrates Ismene’s passive and unvengeful nature. Antigone bears responsibility well and can therefore be seen to be responsible. When brought before Creon, she admits her actions in burying Polyneices without much ado, she audaciously confesses, â€Å" I do. I deny nothing † (52, ODE I, Scene II). She goes ahead and justifies her action, and calmly makes it clear that she is not afraid of the punishment due to be imposed on her.. In contrast Ismene bears a sense of responsibility just like her sister. When brought before Creon, she admits her role in Antigone’s ‘crime’ without hesitation, she says, â€Å" Yes, if she will let me say so. I am guilty. † This and the ensuing exchange that follows between the sisters also brings to light other aspects of the sisters personalities. One of the aspects that is brought out by this exchange is that of loyalty. Both Ismene and Antigone are loyal to each other even in a situation where it is at the expense of death. Ismene is ready to die alongside her sister. At the same time Antigone cares too deeply for Ismene and does not want Ismene to suffer the punishment of death. The idea that loyalty exists between the two sisters is reinforced by the fact that Ismene, while in the face of death, defends her sister. When Antigone is declared as having lost her mind by Creon, she says, â€Å" Grief teaches the steadiest minds to waver, King.† (153, ODE I, Scene II). Other events that had occurred earlier in the play portray this feeling of loyalty and the sisterly love that exists between Ismene and Antigone. Both sisters place family duty above everything else. Ismene’s earlier caution at the beginning of the play can now be interpreted as an act of sisterly love and concern. Eurydice who is Creon’s wife cum queen and Antigone are emotionally impulsive. Antigone commits suicide when she is sentenced to death and confined to a vault of stone. Eurydice in turn commits suicide when she hears about the death of her son, Haemon. Hence both characters can be seen as compulsive and quick to act rather than face the harsh reality of suffering. All in all it can be said that Sophocles primarily uses the various characteristics presented by Antigone, Ismene and Eurydice to develop his play. Although of these characters are the same gender their characteristics differ greatly and this lies in with the underlying themes of the play.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

George Wallace :: essays papers

George Wallace Former Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama, who built his political career on segregation and spent a tormented retirement arguing that he was not a racist in his heart, died Sunday night at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. He was 79 and lived in Montgomery, Ala. Wallace died of respiratory and cardiac arrest at 9:49 p.m., said Dana Beyerly, a spokeswoman for Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. Wallace had been in declining health since being shot in his 1972 presidential campaign by a 21-year-old drifter named Arthur Bremer. Wallace, a Democrat who was a longtime champion of states' rights, dominated his own state for almost a generation. But his wish was to be remembered as a man who might have been president and whose campaigns for that office in 1968, 1972 and 1976 established political trends that have dominated American politics for the last quarter of the 20th century. He believed that his underdog campaigns made it possible for two other Southerners, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, to be taken seriously as presidential candidates. He also argued ceaselessly that his theme of middle-class empowerment was borrowed by Richard Nixon in 1968 and then grabbed by another Californian, Ronald Reagan, as the spine of his triumphant populist conservatism. In interviews later in his life, Wallace was always less keen to talk about his other major role in Southern history. After being elected to his first term as governor in 1962, he became the foil for the huge protests that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used to destroy segregation in public accommodations in 1963 and to secure voting rights for blacks in 1965. As a young man, Wallace came boiling out of the sun-stricken, Rebel-haunted reaches of southeast Alabama to win the governorship on his second try. He became the only Alabamian ever sworn in for four terms as governor, winning elections in 1962, 1970, 1974 and 1982. He retired at the end of his last term in January 1987. So great was his sway over Alabama that by the time he had been in office only two years, other candidates literally begged him for permission to put his slogan, "Stand Up for Alabama," on their billboards. Sens. John Sparkman and Lister Hill, New Deal veterans who were powers in Washington and the national Democratic Party, feared to contradict him in public when he vowed to plunge the state into unrelenting confrontation with the federal government over the integration of schools, buses, restrooms and public places in Alabama. It was a power built entirely on his promise to Alabama's white voting

Friday, October 11, 2019

Income and Analytic Skills

Principles of Macroeconomics, 9e – TB1 (Case/Fair/Oster) Chapter 6 Measuring National Output and National Income 6. 1 Gross Domestic Product 1 Multiple Choice 1) The total market value of all final goods and services produced within a given period by factors of production located within a country is A) gross domestic product. B) gross national product. C) net national product. D) net national income. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Definition 2) Gross domestic product measures A) the total spending of everyone in the economy. B) the value of all output in the economy. C) he total income of everyone in the economy. D) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Definition 3) Which of the following is an example of a final good or service? A) wheat a bakery purchases to make bread B) coffee beans Starbucks purchases to make coffee C) lumber purchased by a construction company to used in building houses D) a computer purchased by Federal Express to track shipments Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 4) Which of the following is a good or service counted in GDP? A) tires Ford buys to put on a car B) used tire you buy for your personal car C) a new tire you buy for your personal car D) used tires bought by a used car dealer to put on a car on his lot Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 5) Which of the following is an example of an intermediate good? A) the dough you buy to fix yourself a pizza for dinner B) the chocolate you buy to make yourself some cookies C) the pizza sauce you purchase to make pizzas to sell for a fund-raiser for an organization you belong to D) lumber you buy to build a house for your dog Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic ProductSkill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 6) Double counting can be avoided by A) including the value of intermediate goods in the current y ear. B) not counting the value of intermediate goods in GDP. C) including the value of intermediate goods in the GNP but not in the GDP. D) including the value of intermediate goods in the production year but not in the selling year of those goods. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 7) Which of the following would NOT be counted in 2007's GDP? A) the value of a 2005 boat you purchase from a boat dealer in 2007 B) he 2007 salary of a used motorcycle salesperson C) the commissions earned by a real estate agent in selling condominiums built prior to 2007 D) the value of a refrigerator manufactured in 2007 but not sold in 2007 Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 8) Which of the following would be counted in 2003's GDP? A) the value of a loan you take in 2003 B) the value of a TV that was produced in 2002 but not sold until 2003 C) the bonus check a stockbroker gets from his /her company in 2003 D) the value of a bond sold by the federal government Answer:C Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 9) Which of the following is NOT included in 2008's GDP? A) the value of a motorcycle produced in the United States and exported to Japan B) the profit earned in 2008 from selling a stock that you purchased in 2005 C) the value of a motor that is used in the production of a lawn mower D) the commission earned by a headhunter when she locates a job for a client Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 10) Gross national product is the total market value ofA) all final and intermediate goods and service produced by resources owned by a country in a given year. B) all final and intermediate goods and services produced in a country, regardless of who owns the resources. C) all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, regardless of who owns the resou rces. D) all final goods and services produced by resources owned by a country, regardless of where production takes place. Answer: D Diff: 1 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Definition 11) If no foreign companies produce in a country, but many of the country's companies produce abroad, then A) he country's GNP will tend to exceed its GDP. B) the country's GDP will tend to exceed its GNP. C) the country's GNP and GDP will tend to be equal. D) the country's GDP will tend to be equal to its domestic income. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 12) Which of the following is included in both the U. S. GDP and GNP? A) The value of all cars produced by Ford in Mexico. B) The value of all cars produced by General Motors in the U. S. C) The value of all cars produced by Toyota in the U. S. D) The value of cars produced by Nissan in Japan and the U. S. Answer:B Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflectiv e Thinking 13) Which of the following is NOT counted in the GNP of the United States? A) The wage of a U. S. citizen who works in a foreign country for a foreign firm. B) The interest earned by a U. S. bank on loans to a business firm located in Brazil. C) The profit earned by a restaurant located in the United States but owned by a Mexican company. D) The value of services that are produced by state and local governments in the United States. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 14)The value of what KFC produces in Japan is included in the U. S. ________ and in the Japanese ________. A) GDP; GDP B) GNP; GNP C) GNP; GDP D) GDP; GNP Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 15) Profits earned in the United States by foreign-owned companies are included in A) the U. S. GDP but not GNP. B) neither the U. S. GDP nor GNP. C) the U. S. GNP but not GDP. D) both the U. S. GDP and GNP. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 16) The GDP of the U. S. in 2002 was around $10 trillion. This means A) hat the value of output in the U. S. in 2002 was around $10 trillion. B) that total income in the U. S. in 2002 was around $10 trillion. C) that total spending on final goods and services in the U. S. in 2002 was around $10 trillion. D) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 17) The GDP includes A) the value of all intermediate goods and services. B) the value of all final goods and services. C) the value of both intermediate and final goods and services. D) the value of all transactions. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: ConceptualAACSB: Reflective Thinking 18) Income Mexican citizens earn in the U. S. counts in A) U. S. GNP. B) Mexican GNP. C) Mexican GDP. D) both U. S. and Mexican GDP. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Pr oduct Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 2 True/False 1) GDP measures the total income of everyone and the total spending by everyone in the economy. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 2) Total income in the economy can sometimes be greater than total spending. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking ) The income of U. S. citizens working abroad counts in U. S. GDP. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 4) Stock market transactions are part of GNP. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 5) Value added is the difference between the value of good as they leave a stage of production and cost of the goods as they entered that stage of production. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Topic: Gross Domestic Product Skill: Definition 6. 2 Calculating GDP 1 Multiple Choice 1) The equation for GDP using the expenditure approach isA) GDP = C + I + G + EX – IM. B) GDP = C + I + G + (IM – EX). C) GDP = C + I + G + EX + IM. D) GDP = C + I + G – EX – IM. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 2) The single largest expenditure component in GDP is A) government spending. B) investment. C) consumption. D) net exports. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Fact Refer to the information provided in Table 6. 1 below to answer the questions that follow. Table 6. 1 [pic] 3) Refer to Table 6. 1. Personal consumption expenditures in billions of dollars are A) 1,000. B) 1,300. C) 1,500. D) 2,000. Answer: D Diff: 2Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 4) Refer to Table 6. 1. The value for gross private domestic investment in billions of dollars is A) 300. B) 375. C) 425. D) 450. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 5) Refer to Table 6. 1. The value for net exports in billions of dollars is A) 150. B) 250. C) 650. D) 800. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 6) Refer to Table 6. 1. The value of gross domestic product in billions of dollars is A) 3,000. B) 3,075. C) 3,125. D) 3,750. Answer:B Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 7) Refer to Table 6. 1. The value of government spending in billions of dollars is A) 100. B) 200. C) 300. D) 500. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills Refer to the information provided in Table 6. 2 below to answer the questions that follow. Table 6. 2 [pic] 8) Refer to Table 6. 2. Personal consumption expenditures in billions of dollars are A) 900. B) 1,100. C) 1,400. D) 1,600. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 9) Refer to Table 6. 2.The value for gross private domestic investment in billions of dollars is A) 740. B) 810. C) 850. D) 890. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 10) Refer to Table 6. 2. The value for net exports in billions of dollars is A) -200. B) -150. C) 50. D) 250. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 11) Refer to Table 6. 2. The value for gross domestic product in billions of dollars is A) 2,900. B) 3,140. C) 3,440. D) 3,650. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 12) Refer to Table 6. 2.The value of government spending in billions of dollars is A) 200. B) 600. C) 800. D) 1,000. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 13) A company produced 8 dishwasher machines in 2005. The company sold 6 in 2005 and added 2 to its inventories. The market value of the dishwasher machines in 2005 was $200 per unit. What is the value of this company's output that will be included in the 2005 GDP? A) $400. B) $1,400. C) $1,600. D) $2,000. Answer : C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 14) A farmer buys a new tractor from John Deere to use on her cotton farm.This tractor is included in GDP as A) part of gross private domestic investment. B) a durable consumption good. C) a service. D) a nondurable consumption good. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 15) The change in business inventories is measured as A) final sales minus GDP. B) final sales plus GDP. C) GDP minus final sales. D) the ratio of final sales to GDP. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 16) In 2007 final sales equal $200 billion, and the change in business inventories is $50 billion. GDP in 2007 A) s $250 billion. B) is $200 billion. C) is $150 billion. D) is $40 billion. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 17) In 2006 final sales equal $350 billion and the change in business inventories is -$60 billion. GDP in 2006 A) is $290 billion. B) is $295 billion. C) is $410 billion. D) cannot be determined from this information. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 18) In 2008 the change in business inventories is -$70 billion and GDP is $200 billion. Final sales in 2008 A) are $130 billion. B) are $200 billion.C) are $270 billion. D) are $340 billion. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 19) In 2007, GDP was exactly equal to final sales. This implies that A) there was accumulation of inventories that year. B) there was a decline in inventories that year. C) there was no change in inventories that year. D) GDP did not grow that year compared to the year before. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 20) If the change in business inventories is zero, then final sales are A) zero. B) less than GDP. C) greater than GDP. D) qual to GDP. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 21) If in a year there is a positive inventory investment, then final sales A) exceed GDP. B) are less than GDP. C) equal GDP. D) are zero. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 22) Net investment equals A) GDP minus final sales. B) gross investment minus final sales. C) gross investment minus depreciation. D) depreciation plus GDP. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 23) If net investment is zero, then A) gross investment is greater than depreciation.B) gross investment is less than depreciation. C) gross investment equals depreciation. D) depreciation is zero. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 24) Suppose that net investment in 2008 was $20 billion and depreciation was $4 billion. Gross investment in 2008 was A) $16 billion. B) $20 billion. C) $24 billion. D) $28 billion. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 25) The total value of all capital goods newly produced in a given period is A) the change in business inventories. B) depreciation. C) net investment. D) ross investment. Answer: D Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 26) The change in capital stock in a period is equal to A) the ratio of the amount of the capital at the beginning of the period to the amount of depreciation. B) the amount of the capital stock at the beginning of the period plus gross investment minus depreciation. C) the amount of the capital at the beginning of the period plus gross investment. D) the amount of the capital at the beginning of the period minus net investment. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 27) Net investment is A) gross investment minus depreciation.B) gross investment plus depreciation. C) depreciation minus gross investment. D) GNP minus final sales. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 28) D epreciation is A) the decrease in the overall price level. B) the additional capital stock in a year. C) the amount of used up machinery in a year. D) the amount of decline in business inventories. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 29) If net investment in 2007 is $350 billion and gross investment in 2007 is $500 billion, depreciation in 2007 is A) $0. 7 billion. B) $150 billion. C) $175 billion. D) $250 billion.Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 30) If net investment in 2008 is $500 billion and gross investment in 2008 is $900 billion, depreciation in 2008 is A) -$500 billion. B) $0. C) $400 billion. D) $1,400 billion. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 31) If gross investment in 2008 is $750 billion and depreciation in 2008 is $850 billion, net investment in 2008 is A) -$50 billion. B) -$100 billion. C) -$800 billion. D) -$1,600 billion. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calcu lating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 32)If gross investment in 2008 is $200 billion and depreciation in 2008 is $1,000 billion, net investment in 2008 is A) -$900 billion. B) -$800 billion. C) $1,000 billion. D) $1,200 billion. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 33) Exports equal A) imports – net exports. B) net exports + imports. C) net exports – imports. D) imports + (exports + imports). Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 34) When calculating GDP, exports are ________ and imports are ________. A) added; added B) added; subtracted C) subtracted; added D) subtracted; subtracted Answer: BDiff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 35) If the value of net exports is negative, then A) exports exceed imports. B) imports exceed exports. C) exports equal imports. D) imports are zero. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thi nking 36) The largest income component of GDP is A) proprietors' income. B) rental income. C) compensation of employees. D) corporate profit. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Fact 37) What should be subtracted from GDP to calculate national income? A) depreciation B) indirect taxes C) personal income taxes.D) net factor payments to the rest of the world Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 38) Proprietors' income is A) the income of unincorporated businesses. B) the income of all businesses? incorporated and unincorporated. C) the income of sole proprietorships. D) the income of partnerships. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 39) Net interest is the interest on loans paid by A) businesses, households, and the government. B) businesses and households. C) businesses and the government. D) businesses. Answer: D Diff: 3 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill:Definition 40) Interest paid by households and by t he government is A) counted in national income, but not in GDP. B) not counted in GDP because it is not assumed to flow from the production of goods and services. C) not counted in GDP but is counted in GNP because it is paid by U. S. citizens to people living in the United States. D) included in both GDP and GNP because it represents an expenditure by one group and a receipt of income by another group. Answer: B Diff: 3 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 41) What type of tax affects the amount of money you pay for a product? A) direct taxB) income tax C) indirect tax D) all of the above Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual 42) Depreciation is A) subtracted from national income to get GDP. B) added to national income to get GDP. C) subtracted from GNP to get NNP. D) added to GNP to get NNP. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking Refer to the information provided in Table 6. 3 below to answer the questions that follow. Table 6. 3 [pic] 43) Refer to Table 6. 3. The value for national income in billions of dollars is A) 585. B) 600. C) 635. D) 850. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic:Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 44) Refer to Table 6. 3. The value for gross domestic product in billions of dollars is A) 485. B) 680. C) 685. D) 710. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 45) Refer to Table 6. 3. The value of net factor payments to the rest of the world is A) 5. B) 15. C) 25. D) 35. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 46) Refer to Table 6. 3. The value of disposable income A) is 505. B) is 560. C) is 605. D) cannot be calculated given the information in Table 6. 3. Answer: D Diff: 2Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 47) If receipts of factor income from the rest of the world exceed payments of factor income to the rest of the world, then A) GD P is greater than GNP. B) GDP equals GNP. C) GNP equals NNP. D) GNP is greater than GDP. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills Refer to the information provided in Table 6. 4 below to answer the questions that follow. Table 6. 4 [pic] 48) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for GDP in billions of dollars is A) 910. B) 920. C) 950. D) 1,050. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDPSkill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 49) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for GNP in billions of dollars is A) 900. B) 930. C) 980. D) 1,010. Answer: B Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 50) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for NNP in billions of dollars is A) 890. B) 910. C) 940. D) 970. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 51) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for national income in billions of dollars is A) 890. B) 910. C) 940. D) 970. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACS B: Analytic Skills 2) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for personal income in billions of dollars is A) 870. B) 890. C) 950. D) 960. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 53) Refer to Table 6. 4. The value for disposable personal income in billions of dollars is A) 750. B) 770. C) 820. D) 990. Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 54) If GNP is $600 billion, receipts of factor income from the rest of the world are $50 billion, and payments of factor income to the rest of the world are $30 billion, then GDP is A) $520 billion. B) 580 billion. C) $620 billion. D) $680 billion. Answer: B Diff: 3 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 55) If GNP is $200 billion, receipts of factor income from the rest of the world are $10 billion, and payments of factor income to the rest of the world are $30 billion, then GDP is A) $160 billion. B) $210 billion. C) $220 billion. D) $240 billion. Ans wer: C Diff: 3 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 56) If GDP is $500 billion and depreciation is $40 billion, then net national product A) is $460 billion. B) is $500 billion. C) is $540 billion. D) annot be determined from this information. Answer: D Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 57) If GDP is $300 billion, depreciation is $30 billion, and net factor income from the rest of the world is -$40 billion, then net national product is A) $230 billion. B) $270 billion. C) $290 billion. D) $310 billion. Answer: D Diff: 3 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 58) If GNP is $800 billion and depreciation is $90 billion, then net national product is A) $710 billion. B) $845 billion. C) $890 billion. D) $980 billion. Answer: A Diff: 1 Topic:Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 59) If GNP is $200 billion and depreciation is $20 billion, then net national product is A) $100 billion. B) $18 0 billion. C) $210 billion. D) $220 billion. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 60) If depreciation equals zero and retained earnings equal $5 billion, then A) GNP is less than net national product by $5 billion. B) GNP equals net national product. C) Net national product is less than GNP by $5 billion. D) GNP is greater than GDP by $5 billion. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill:Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 61) Net national product is A) GDP plus depreciation. B) GDP minus depreciation. C) GNP minus depreciation. D) GNP plus depreciation. Answer: C Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 62) The total income of households is A) net national product. B) personal income. C) national income. D) production income. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Definition 63) Personal income is national income minus A) depreciation. B) net factor income to the rest of the world. C) the amount of national income not goi ng to households. D) imports. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDPSkill: Fact 64) If national income is $600 billion, personal income is $400 billion, personal taxes are $120 billion, then disposable income equals A) $480 billion. B) $320 billion. C) $280 billion. D) $80 billion. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 65) Which of the following is subtracted from national income to get to personal income? A) retained earnings B) personal interest income C) depreciation D) personal Taxes Answer: A Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 66) Personal income A) is always less than national income. B) s always greater than national income. C) may be greater than or less than national income. D) will always equal national income. Answer: C Diff: 2 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Conceptual AACSB: Reflective Thinking 67) If personal income is $925 billion and personal income taxes are $70 billion, the value of disposable personal income is A) $835 billion. B) $855 billion. C) $890 billion. D) $995 billion. Answer: B Diff: 1 Topic: Calculating GDP Skill: Analytic AACSB: Analytic Skills 68) If personal saving is -$10 billion and disposable personal income is $370 billion, then personal consumption spending A) is $360 billion.