Monday, October 21, 2019

Bermuda Essays - Bermuda Triangle, Flight 19, Bermuda, Free Essays

Bermuda Essays - Bermuda Triangle, Flight 19, Bermuda, Free Essays Bermuda *A legendary triangle of Ocean lies between 3 countries upon the Atlantic *ocean. The Cities are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale. Ships, *people and aeroplanes have been reported mysteriously disappearing off the *face of the earth whilst travelling inside this triangle. It soon acquired *the name Devils Triangle owing to peoples superstitions that the devil *was at play on this stretch of ocean and gobbling up weary and lost *travellers with great delight, but what actually was at play inside this *triangle of rough water, is it really the devil?, or perhaps aliens are *using this spot as their home base on earth. Maybe it really does contain a *mystical vortex that sucks people down into a third dimension. * *The myth of the mysterious triangle was first begun in an Associated Press *dispatch of September 16, 1950. Reporter E.V. W. Jones wrote of mysterious *disappearances of ships and planes between the Florida coast and Bermuda. *Two years after this article appeared Fate magazine ran an article by *George X. Sand about a series of strange marine disappearances, each *leaving no trace whatever, that have taken place in the past few years in *a watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. * *It was not long before ideas and suggestions started forming about this *piece of ocean. M.K. Jessup wrote about the disappearances and gave ideas *about alien intelligences being behind them in the book The Case for the *UFO. The view was also echoed by Donald E. Kyhoe who is noted for his The *Flying Saucer Conspiracy of 1955. Frank Edwards (Stranger Than Science) *agreed with the theory of aliens having a local hangout in the triangle as *well. Finally a man by the name of Vincent H. Gaddis came up with the *phrase Bermuda Triangle. * *Vincent Gaddis wrote an article in February 1964's edition of Argosy and *incorporated the story later in his book Invisible Horizons titled The *Deadly Bermuda Triangle. And there was the birth of the now world famous *myth of the Bermuda Triangle. * *Throughout the years it has featured in many many articles, books, *television series and movies and always portrayed as a very real and *mysterious thing, but anyone out there with any sense surely will ask *themselves how in this day and age could boats, planes and other *travellers just go mysteriously missing in a certain piece of water? *wouldn't an aeroplane full of international travellers be afraid to travel *over this part of the ocean....Well let me tell you I've always asked the *same questions myself and I personally have come to the conclusion that the *entire thing is nothing more than a myth hyped up over the years by wrong *facts and silly overexaggerated stories told down through the generations *of people willing to listen to any kind of mysterious story with a unknown *edge to it. * * * *One of the most famous stories to ever surround the Bermuda Triangle is the *mysterious disappearance of the Naval Air Flight 19. * *So what happened? * *On December 5th, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air *Station at Fort Lauderdale. They never returned home. * *The Avenger bombers contained 14 men, 13 of those were trainees in the last *stages of their training along with Lt. Charles Taylor. The five pilots had *been recently transferred from the Miami Naval Air Station. Lt. Taylor knew *the Florida Keys well but had no knowledge of flying over the Bahamas which *was the direction Flight 19 was headed in. * *Their mission on that day was for practice bombing at hens and Chicken *Shoals fifty-six miles away. Once that was accomplished, the Avengers were *to continue on eastward for another sixty-seven miles, then head north *seventy-three miles. Following that they would turn southwest and head for *home. In other words they were flying a triangular flight path through what *would be called the Bermuda Triangle. * *At 3.50pm that afternoon a pilot and his flight instructor, Lt. Robert Cox *were about to land at Fort Lauderdale. They overheard a radio transmission *addressed to someone named Powers. Powers replied, I don't know where we *are. We must have got lost after that last turn. * *A little later on Lt. Cox managed to establish radio contact with another *of the Pilots

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