Friday, November 1, 2019

Cancer Alley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cancer Alley - Essay Example According to Gale (2006), â€Å"in 2002 Louisiana had the second-highest death rate from cancer in the United States. Although the national average is 206 deaths per 100,000, Louisiana's rate is 237.3 deaths per 100,000† (Gale, 2006, par. 2). In another website, the, the question was evaluated and responded to by indicating that â€Å"several scientific studies have been conducted which claim that the rate of cancer in the region is actually lower than the national average. According to the Cato Institute, cancer alley is an environmental myth. Many scientists have also declared that if there are any higher rates of illnesses within cancer alley, they are likely due to the high rates of people that smoke tobacco. Local residents and environmental activists have claimed that the few scientific studies that have been conducted in the region have been faulty due to sloppy record keeping by the state† (, 2008, par. 3). With the contr asting information, there is a need to seek other researches to determine the validity of the contentions.

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