Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Is Mindfulness?

Sometimes I think the translation of the word â€Å"mindfulness† is incorrect in two ways. Right Mindfulness is a step of the Eightfold Path and is the centerpoint of Buddhist practice. First, it's not a good translation because â€Å"mindfulness† is kind of an insipid word. â€Å"Be mindful† — what does that mean? It doesn't have the kind of inspiring quality of spaciousness, courage, or living fully.Perhaps if you pronounced it differently and said, mindfulness, that would be a better understanding of the word and its power. But a more fundamental difficulty in even talking about mindfulness, whatever that means for us, is that the mind and the heart are the same word in Sanskrit or Pali. So perhaps a better word would be â€Å"heartfulness† — live in a heartful way. Forget about this mind stuff all together. You could do without a lot of it, if you haven't noticed.The Buddha very often said that mindfulness was the heart or the essence of his practice — to be heedful or aware — that was the road to liberation and to the deathless, to freedom from even birth and death; that is, freedom from being caught in the cyclic nature of things, stepping outside the cycle of things. What does â€Å"mindfulness† mean to us sitting here as a group. We sat for an hour this evening or a little bit less, but for those of you who have attended regularly, we've been sitting here for a year doing something supposedly related to paying attention and being mindful.What does it mean? What are the qualities of it, what are we doing here? We sit, we pay attention to the breath, or our body sensations, or the sounds, or the people walking by, or the various thoughts and images in our mind. To be mindful first means simply to come into the present — to listen with our senses, with our heart, with our physical body, with our ears, with our eyes, to what is actually here in the present; the body, the heart and the min d. It's that thing I've spoken of many times before, the sign from the casino in Las Vegas, â€Å"You must be present to win. In Las Vegas, in therapy, in meditation, it's all the same thing. In order to awaken or to use our life in a skillful way, the first task is to get here, to start to live in the present moment, which means not living so much in our fantasies, in the future, not living so much in the past, in our images and memories, and reliving things that are gone already. The first is learning to be present, which itself is a very wonderful thing, because†here† and â€Å"now† and â€Å"in the present† re the only places that we can appreciate life to begin with. Otherwise, it's kind of second-hand, what happened a few years ago — that's a nice memory — or what we fantasize about. Where can you really appreciate this life we're given? Only in the present. Also, there is something else which interests a lot of people and can only be f ound in the present, and that is love. If you want to love a person or you want to be loved — some of you perhaps know anyway, right? — where does love take place? Or â€Å"when† is a better question.Again, it's a nice memory, â€Å"Gee, I was in love once or twice† — or more in some of your cases. It was very nice. It evokes a nice thing to remember it. Or it's in the future, â€Å"Oh, if only I could meet that right wonderful person,† or â€Å"this person that I live with,† or â€Å"this family,† or whatever, â€Å"if they would change so they would become right, then I could fall in love all over again with them or be happy with them. † The only place that you can really love a person or be loved is in the present. No other possibility for it. All the rest is fantasy.Also in the present comes the possibility of touching our intuition, of creativity, of clarity; all kinds of things. So the first aspect of awareness is simply learning in some way to live more fully here in our present reality. If you learn nothing else from meditation practice than that, you get your money's worth — especially since there's no charge. Secondly, mindfulness or heartfulness mean seeing clearly. It means non-grasping, non-greed, non-hatred, it means not pushing away, and it means not going to sleep, but seeing what is present for us.Bare attention, remembering, being in the present, without trying to change it somehow, which is a hard thing to learn because we're generally planning on what we're going to make this something into next. But then what happens? We end up doing that all the time and missing all the somethings that are here, always waiting for the next one. Mindfulness is really a way of learning to see what is here in a very clear way. People talk about learning mystical things in meditation or spiritual life. There is nothing more mystical, or startling, or bizarre, or amazing, than what is right in front of us.In my days I've done a lot of strange things. I've been to a lot of different countries on this planet, and observed saddhus on beds of nails in India, and strange animals in other parts of the world, and in my early days I took a number of the various kinds of psychedelics and drugs one could take, and have had all kinds of realms and weird experiences, and all kinds of things in meditation. I have never encountered a realm as peculiar, or bizarre, or as interesting as this one. Someone said: The mystery of life is not a problem to solve, or something that you find somewhere else, but it's a reality to experience here.We went to the zoo with the baby on Sunday. If you landed on some weird planet, and then you saw pygmy hippopotamuses or 300 pound ostriches and really wrinkled elephants — Did you ever look at elephant skin? Just amazing! — or the kind of snakes that are there, or sloths hanging upside down, you would say you had come by your spaceship to a really peculiar planet. And yet we forget that. We start to take it all for granted. It all becomes very ordinary, and it's not. If you attend a birth, it's an amazing thing to see a baby being born out of a human body.How does that happen? How does it get in there? I know you know how it gets in there. But I mean, how does it really get in there? Like the ship in the bottle. An incredible thing happens in there, the baby coming out of a woman. And we take it for granted. So to pay attention means to somehow have a newer or a fresher vision, to see clearly. It means to stop our judging and our planning and just see what's here, which is part of what we do in meditation; to stop and not judge a single thing; let it be exactly how it is.Let God take over for a little while and run the show rather than our minds, which get very tired, and very full, and very busy anyway, and need a rest. Someone said: The classic question is: If you pay attention and you don't judge, then how do you live in the world? What part of attention or awareness is that? That's called sampajanna. Sati is mindfulness, sampajanna means clear or right comprehension. It means not only do you pay attention to what's here, but then when you act in your life you also look at the context, at the suitability or the intention of it; what is present.When you act, you first have to see what's here, and then some intuition, or inspiration, or thought arises, â€Å"I'll do this or do that. † It's to pay attention to where your heart is, what motivates you, what the intention and the purpose of your action is, so that you pay attention but you also note the context. The way Joseph, my colleague and friend, answers the question when people say, â€Å"When you just pay attention and note ‘lifting, moving, placing' in the walking, or the in and out of the breathing, how can you live? He said, â€Å"Well, I was doing my lifting, moving, placing one day on a road in India near the Burmese t emple where I lived, just moving my feet and paying attention, and all of a sudden I heard ‘clang, clang' of the bells, and I recognized it. I knew what those bells were. I looked up and sure enough the elephant that lived in town was coming down the road right towards me. I noted ‘hearing, hearing' and ‘seeing, seeing'; then I noticed the intention to move out of the way arise, and then I walked out of the way. † So there are two parts.The first is seeing what is here, living in the reality of the present, and then responding to it wisely, being aware of the situation that we're in. At times this year I've talked in this class about another aspect of awareness which I think is really important to remember in our lives, and that is the very interesting question of why we don't pay attention; why do we go to sleep, why do we drive on automatic pilot, why do we eat three meals a day, two-thirds or three-quarters or ninety percent of it on automatic pilot? Why d o we live so much not here?It's a pretty interesting question, maybe even more interesting than saying, â€Å"One should pay attention or live in the present. † How come we don't? There's a story: When Krushchev pronounced his famous denunciation of Stalin, someone in the Russian Congress Hall was reported to have said, â€Å"And where were you, Comrade Krushchev, when all these innocent people were being slaughtered? † Krushchev paused, looked around the hall, and said, â€Å"Will the man who said that kindly stand up? Tension mounted in the hall. No one moved. Finally Krushchev said, â€Å"Well, whoever you are, you have your answer now.I was in exactly the same position then that you are in now. † Why is it that we don't pay attention? One reason is fear, that if we actually come into the present, there are certain things we have to deal with that we haven't had to in our lives. For some people it's boredom. We're really afraid of being bored. For some it's loneliness. For some it's grieving, something in their hearts that's not finished. So it's better to distract yourself, see a lot of movies, talk to people, keep yourself busy, stay on the phone, and keep yourself working, so you don't have to feel certain things. Another reason we don't stay awake is habit.You could be very peaceful, not have any grieving to do, and be comfortable being alone, and so forth, but it's like there's this huge flywheel inside. And there you are. It's a quiet day, you're just sitting down in the park, and all of a sudden out of nowhere you start thinking about what you'll do next week or next year, making plans, and playing back memories, because there's this powerful habit of thinking. It takes training to kind of release the clutch and let it slow down. That's part of what meditation is about. Also, pain is another reason, because if you live in the reality of the present moment, what do you experience?Up and down, light and dark, night and day, and pl easure and pain. And if you don't like pain which a lot of people don't — understandably — then what you have to do is manufacture some fantasy, to live in a lot of thought and busy-ness so you don't feel it. However, you rob yourself of something very, very important when you do it, which is that you rob your life of living, of heartfulness, of fullness, of vitality, of your existence. To live in the present means that you have to face your boredom and your loneliness when they come. They're not there all the time, and they're not so bad actually when you come to terms with them.They're a little scary but they're not so terrible. And you have to face the fact that there is this habit of greed, and hatred, and fantasy, sort of a machine that spins out thoughts out the habit of it. So you have to be willing to be aware of pain as well as pleasure. But if you are, the rewards are fantastic, because then you can really experience being with anot her person, walking down t he beach, taking a walk in the park, walking outside and seeing the stars. It's really very interesting to start to pay attention to when we go on automatic pilot.If you were to look at something in your meditation, rather than trying to be aware, try to be mindful of when it is that you go to sleep, what it is that's hard for you to be aware of. That is something that is quite interesting to learn about. Use it as a signal. â€Å"I haven't been very mindful today. I wonder what's going on? I haven't been very mindful this week. I wonder why? What's happening? Oh, I'm sad. It's hard to be sad, so I have to keep myself busy,† or â€Å"This thing is coming up that's difficult to deal with, so I think a lot and plan, rather than just notice that it's really hard. We learn somehow to find the center in the moment rather than toppling forward or into the past. If you let yourself do that, then everything stops. And one of the most wonderful things about awareness or heartfulness or mindfulness is that it allows us to come to rest, because there's really only one place to rest, which is in the present. We're householders, we're not monks and nuns. And the question often asked is: In order to be mindful does it mean we have to talk slowly and sit many hours a day and go into an ashram or some monastery?How can we bring mindfulness, heartfulness, wisdom here into our lives? How do you do that? Well, of course, as I said in the past few weeks, sometimes you do have to look at your life and see if you want to slow it down a little bit, if it's crazy, if it's real busy. Because our culture is a little bit mad in that way, you might need to take a look and see, â€Å"Gee, is it time to stop doing a few things, to make a little more space, to slow down? † Fundamentally, â€Å"mindfulness† means to learn to be aware where we are. If not here, where else? If not now, when?Mindfulness is the opposite of â€Å"if only,† it's the opposite of hope, i t's the opposite of expectation. It has in it a certain kind of contentment, not that one might not choose to change the world, but a kind of acceptance that this is really what we get, these sights, these sounds, these smells, these tastes, these perceptions. This is it! Then in another moment, there will be another â€Å"it. † It's not something else. â€Å"I know that this is all it is, but this is it. † When one accepts it, then one can come to rest. Mindfulness in a way is the opposite of grasping, or attachment, or identification.And it can go very, very deep when we allow ourselves, because what we start to see — if we slow down a little bit and pay attention — is how it is a kind of conditioned phenomenon, like a machine, the mind spins this stuff out in a very orderly way by habit — thoughts, fantasies and memories. The world works in certain conditioned patterns, and that's it's nature, and it's all impermanent and quite ungraspable. Wher e is yesterday? What happened to your weekend? Where is it? What happened to 1984, your 20's, or whatever it was — maybe you're 20 now. For some of you, your 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's, where did they go?They all disappeared, gone. Isn't that an amazing thing? It's a very profound thing to start to be aware of life coming out of nothing and disappearing into nothing. A day appears for awhile, and then it's gone. It can't be grasped, it's like a bird flying. You cannot hold time and fundamentally you can't hold yourself. So the spirit of mindfulness is learning to live in an awake way. As the Buddha said, â€Å"I'm not a man, I'm not a God. I'm none of these things. I'm awake. † How can I convey the spirit of this? There are songs from the monks and nuns who lived after the Buddha died that are in these poems.If you readTherigatha, the songs of the sisters, there are many enlightenments that take place while they're walking through the forest. One nun is in the forest ta lking about how happy she is that she doesn't have to do housework anymore and she drops a cup or something like that on the ground, maybe it breaks, and all of a sudden she's enlightened. She says, â€Å"Oh, that's how it is. † Things arise for a while and then they pass away. If you can accept that and see that — each day, each moment, with each person, to experience what's there — and then leave it and go to the next, you can live in a deeply free way.So it really has the spirit of aliveness to it. In the monastery it was beautiful. We had all these rules, 227 major precepts and then some hundreds of minor precepts, and then they told you how to fold your robe, which side of the bowl you should put down, and how you should clean it properly. Even how to pee. There is a particular way monks are supposed to pee. You're supposed to squat down, you can't stand up, and you can't pee into water where there are obvious living things or on plants because you might ha rm them, and things like that. At first when I read this, I said, â€Å"Well, what's the difference if I squat down?Nobody is looking, first of all. These rules are dumb. † But after awhile of living them, in this beautiful forest monastery, where there wasn't anything else to do besides meditating and following the rules, which would drive you crazy initially, what you began to see is that somehow they brought you to see that everything was precious, that everything was worth caring for; that it mattered where you peed, that you could pee on the ground and not on a bush, and not harm it; or that it mattered how you took care of your bowl, which was one of your very few possessions.It was a gift from people who said, â€Å"We want to support you because we think that monasteries and what you're doing is valuable in the world and reminds all of us of something precious. So we'll give you a bowl. † You take care with your bowl, you take care with your robe, you take care with your car, you take care with your house, you take care with your clothes, because to be aware in some way means to remember the preciousness of life and to begin to take care with the earth and all the creatures and things on it.It's to be aware of ourselves and our bodies, of our actions, to be aware politically, to be aware economically, to be aware socially as well. Imagine if you were told that you have some disease, let's say AIDS because there's a lot of it that's happening, and it's both scary to people and very immediate and present, and real important to look at. Someone said, â€Å"Well, at best you have four years, maybe you have a year to go. † How would you start to live that year? Things would change for you, I assure you.Your life would become a lot more alive and precious for you. Or imagine that you've been in prison for a long time, as people are in many, many countries of the world. Amnesty International said that 55 countries have political prisoners who are imprisoned and often tortured because of religious views. The majority of the large countries on the earth imprison people for what they think. It's really painful. And then you were let out after a long time in prison, how would it be just to walk down the street in San Anselmo? What would the trees be like?Just the experience of being free, watching the cars, being able to go into a confectionery store and order any kind of sweet that you wanted, or just seeing the sky and feeling the air and being able to decide whether you're going to go down the block to the right or to the left. It's that spirit of heartfulness, of mindfulness that it comes to. It's not so much that you're supposed to be tedious about it at all, but it's somehow much more the spirit of an appreciation of life and of seeing it in a clear way. I remember when I was seven years old I spent a whole summer in bed.I had this kind of infection and I couldn't leave the house. And then when it ended and I fina lly could go out, I was given something like a dollar, which seemed like a lot of money at that time, and I went and I bought a ball and some bubble stuff, and I went to this big park near my house. It was like being let out of prison for a kid being in the house for a whole summer. I was so happy. To this day I remember the sun was shining, I could blow my bubbles and turn cartwheels and throw my ball and do anything I felt like. It was so wonderful. In some ways, that's part of the spirit of bringing awareness to our life.It also means, as I said, that we have to be willing to face that which is difficult, to open to what Zorba called â€Å"the whole catastrophe,† and to appreciate it in some way. It's really quite a trip. So first it means to take care with the earth, to learn that awareness means to receive, to see the preciousness of things. Secondly, then it allows our world to teach us, to let it teach you very simple truths which are the most important. For example, o ne monk went to his master after a long time of training and begged the teacher to give him enlightenment.The master led him over to a bamboo grove. He said, â€Å"See that bamboo there, how tall it is? See that one over there, see how short it is? † And the monk was enlightened. Things will teach us when we see them afresh, when we see them anew. We see them for a minute, we see the ungraspability of anything, of our own bodies — they change — of our thoughts, of our feelings, not to speak of the people and the things around us. — changing, ungraspable. And that they do. Sometimes they're big and sometimes they're small. That's the way that things are.It teaches us the preciousness of life. When we pay attention we can learn. We can learn from our families. We can learn when our hearts are closed and when they're open. We can learn what it means to be attached, what it means to let go and be freer. We can learn about all the forces in the mind. We can le arn about doubt and fear and anger, through awareness. We can learn about love and kindness through attention. It's really universal. We can learn to play tennis in a better way. To train ourselves to be aware is the gift of the Buddha.He said: Here, I'll give you a gift that can make life come alive for you, that can bring both happiness and freedom. And it's a very simple thing. Learn to train yourself to live more in the present. Do what it takes to do that in your life. How can we do it? Here we are, householders, right; not like we have all day to sit and walk in some monastery. Some hints perhaps. First of all, as I've said in previous evenings, one of the most beautiful expressions of awareness comes from Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh where he says: See if you can learn to wash the dishes in order to wash the dishes.Usually we wash the dishes in order to get the dishes clean, right, and then we can get on and do something else, right, or talk to someone. Did you ever do anything like that, where you just did it in order to do it? Maybe we let ourselves do that on vacation. You go hiking in the Sierras, and if you're not too driven — â€Å"Can I get to this camp site by this hour,† or something — and you let go of that a little bit, you just walk along the mountains in order to be walking, everything becomes what it is. It's beautiful. That's the first hint, to start to take some things in our lives and do them for their own sake.Does that make sense to you? Another way is to listen with your heart a little bit more, to try to pay attention to what it's like when you're with people, and see if you can let your words come out of your heart, to say really what you feel inside, what you care about, and to listen with your heart rather than your mind. That's a very good way to wake up; especially the people you live with — your kids, your spouse, family, and things like that. People say, â€Å"How can you be mindful at work? I'm a w riter,† or â€Å"I'm a mathematician. † These are some of the questions I get at retreats. How do you do math mindfully? You have to think and ruminate. † Or, how do you write mindfully, or watch a movie? The best I have been able to come to in that is that when you write, just write; when you watch a movie, just watch the movie; when you read, just read. Not writing and also thinking how people will view it when you're done writing, and planning, and seeing how many more minutes you have to write, and so forth. Just be present for the writing. It doesn't mean to think or be in some special mode. Just do what you do. Not so complicated. When you do math, do math.Of course, sometimes it gets a little more complicated than that, and at retreats I've often told the story of Zen master Soen-Sa-Nim who generally teaches his great Zen teachings, â€Å"When you walk, just walk; when you're hungry, eat; when you're sitting, just sit. † So there he was at the breakf ast table eating breakfast and reading the paper. Students who saw this were very upset. â€Å"You know, you're the Zen master. You tell us, ‘When you eat, just eat,' and here you are eating and reading. How do you explain this? † He said, â€Å"Very simple. When you eat and read, just eat and read. The spirit of it is not so complicated. It's not to make something really false or different about it. It's more the quality of being a bit more where you are. I think that comes from Yoda in Star Wars. Another thing is to remember the power of the act of coming into the present. I told the story a few weeks ago of Robert Aitken-roshi who wanted to go to Japan to study Zen during the Korean War. It was considered a war zone and people weren't allowed. When he went to the consul or the ambassador who was a very learned and dignified Japanese man, he was told, â€Å"I'm sorry, we just can't have visitors; it's war time.The American government doesn't want it and the Japanese government is following that. † The ambassador offered tea. It was very nice. He said, â€Å"Why do you want to do that? I mean, there's this war we have to stop. † He took his cup of tea and he picked it up and he drank it very carefully and silently, and then he looked at the ambassador and said, â€Å"Taking a cup of tea I stopped the war. † With that the ambassador was wise and he understood that, and he arranged a visa for him to go to Japan to study. What we do, if we do it with our full heart and our full being, is a way of bringing the planet back into balance.All you have to do is look at the news or read Time or Newsweek; it's crazy. And it's crazy because it's all mind and thought and going in circles and it's not connected with the heart and the earth. Taking a walk you stop the war, taking a cup of tea, sitting a little bit every day, you stop the nuclear arms race because you let yourself get quiet and feel the earth and the air, and then your acti ons and your vibrations and the effect you have on other people, and maybe even the concerns that you act out politically, all come from that connection with yourself and with the earth around you.I have a good friend who is lawyer from Harvard Law School, a very fine lawyer. He sits through lots of meetings. He said he has really learned to work with his breath. Communication is kind of redundant. You could probably tune in on every tenth sentence and get most of the meaning of things. He is really in love. He says, â€Å"I love my breath. It's much better than what goes on in the meetings. † So you can use your meditation in grocery stores standing in line waiting for checkout, or traffic jams. Wonderful times to meditate. I remember sitting at my teacher's cottage.He sort of sat in a little chair, and people would sit around and he would receive visitors. I was sitting there and waiting for him. It was a really hot day. Usually they had iced coffee on a very hot day in the tropics. Iced coffee is first so good because it's so cool and delicious; and the Thai coffee is half sugar. And secondly, since you don't eat except one meal in the morning, to have a big glass of dark iced coffee filled with sugar is like about three or four hours of caffeine and sugar stimulation before it wears off. It's great sitting. It was a great drug for sitting, there's no question about it.I was kind of in the doldrums. â€Å"I've swept my cottage, now I'll go over and I'll sit and I'll wait. † And on hot days like this, if the teacher sees a lot of people sitting around, he says, â€Å"Okay, you can bring some iced coffee for these poor starving monks,† or whatever. So we sat. I kept thinking about how I was going to go back and meditate. I'd get to my cottage and then after I had it, for two or three hours I would be very alert and awake, and I'm kind of sitting there sweaty and hot and a little bit depressed and just waiting and waiting and waiting. He m ust have known it, and I'm waiting and waiting.Hours go by and other people come by and I'm waiting and waiting. I think, â€Å"God, when am I going to get this wonderful coffee so that it will perk me up and I can really meditate? † Waiting, waiting. It never came. Finally, it became real clear after a lot of hours of waiting; waiting to meditate. I was sitting there doing nothing. When are we going to meditate? â€Å"I'll do it when I get to the sitting, then I'll meditate,† or â€Å"I'll do it tomorrow. † Somehow it's to remember that it's here in the present we're talking about. In some way, mindfulness means coming back to our real home, coming to rest in the present.It is our real home. And our real home is not connected with grasping, our feelings, our bodies, our thoughts, our images, or all the things that are changing — but it's the ease that we can find in being with up and down, light and dark, and all of this duality which is changing. With a n open heart, with heartfulness, with mindfulness, being with it as it is, then receiving it and deciding, if we will, what things to choose to respond to in a wise or compassionate way. This is Don Juan to Carlos Casteneda: For me the world is incredible because it is mysterious, awesome, stupendous, unfathomable.My interest has been to convince you that you must learn to make every act count in this marvelous world, in this marvelous time, I've tried to convince you. You must realize that you are going to be here for only a short while. In fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it. I wanted to convince you that you must learn to make every act count. The spirit of awareness or mindfulness really means coming into our life, into the physical senses, into the feelings, into the movement of mind, and into the heart, and living each day from our heart. What do we care about?Taking a concern and a care for the preciousness of the earth. In the end what one discovers is that mindfulness and love are the same thing. To be aware, without grasping or resisting or trying to change — to receive what's here — is to love it; that they're not really separate, that the heart and the mind come together. Or as one of my teachers said: The mind creates the abyss and the heart crosses it. The mind creates distinctions, and coming into the present, into the heart, resolves all of that. The talk in a way is a reminder. Let me ask you a few questions as a way of ending.First of all, what keeps you, what keeps each of us from really paying attention in our lives, from living more fully? Just think about it as I ask. What fear or difficulty in your life keeps you from living here in the present? What illusion or misunderstanding in your life keeps you from living here in the present? What would you have to do to make your life really support living mindfully? What would you have to change to make a real support for this mindfulness or this heartfulness? Wha t would you have to change in your life to allow yourself to love more fully? And the last question is to ask in your heart should you make those changes.See what it said. Generally, it has a good answer. Even mindfulness, however, cannot be grasped. There are days when you're going to be more mindful and days when you're less mindful. And it too, like all things, comes and goes. What you can do is nourish and find ways. That's what we do together here. We sit together, sometimes we have discussions and questions, sometimes I talk to myself out loud and you get to participate, sort of listen to it. It is a way to remind ourselves that there's something really precious. Spiritual life is pretty simple. It's not easy but it's pretty simple.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Women Changed During the Civil War Essay

The Civil War was a defining moment in American history. It was the event which determined the fate of the nation as the American community was divided into two opposing sides. It was also a time of significant social change. The realm of war previously belonged to the men; it was the male soldiers who fought in the battlefields. However, the Civil War altered the situation. The status of women dramatically changed as they became active participants in the war effort. Indeed, the Civil War opened many opportunities for women and allowed them to be active members of society. This research paper aims to discuss how women changed during the American Civil War, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the said changes. In the 19th Century America, men dominated society and women were regarded as inferior to them. Women lived under the authority of the opposite sex, either that of the father, husband or another relative (Massey, 1994). They were confined in the domestic sphere; their main concerns were their home and family. Women had no voice in the political arena because only the men had dealt with public affairs. Not only was it objectionable for women to fulfill men’s jobs, it was also disagreeable for them to wear men’s clothes (Eggleston, 2003). When the Civil War began, the social lines were blurred. Women suddenly were presented the chance to go beyond their realm and participate in the world of men. They were given roles and jobs that were not accessible to them before. Both the Union and the Confederacy allowed women to take part in the war effort. For the first time, the government allowed women to become doctors and nurses (Eggleston, 2003). Women also served as messengers and spies. Meanwhile, there are also those women whose contributions were domestic in nature; these include cooking, as well as mending and sewing uniforms for the soldiers (Eggleston, 2003; Silber, 2005). These activities may have been the same as those women were tasked to do in the past; however, there was a significant change. Before, women only did those jobs due to the necessity in the household. During the war, the women did those jobs due to the necessity of the nation. Their domestic activities were no longer performed for private purposes; they had become part of the public affairs. However, women were not merely passive participants. They were also directly involved in the war effort as soldiers. The battlefield was reserved for males, but the females eventually found themselves fighting the same war. Women became soldiers by concealing their real identities (Eggleston, 2003). There were many reasons why women opted to disguise themselves as male soldiers. There were those who fought in the war to either escape from their betrothal or to be with their loved ones. Some saw the war as an adventure and craved its excitement. There were others who saw fighting for its financial benefits and the opportunity to better provide for their families. Meanwhile, there were women who took part in the Civil War for more noble reasons; they went to war because they were compelled by duty and patriotism (Eggleston, 2003). Women had to resort to extreme measures to appear like male soldiers. There were women who were immediately discharged because the way they acted revealed their real identities (Eggleston, 2003). Meanwhile, there were women who dramatically changed their actions and behavior before enlistment to successfully disguise themselves. They modified the color of their complexion and learned how to chew tobacco. They used vests with pads to conceal their breasts; the pads also made them seem more bulky and masculine (Eggleston, 2003). Having women disguised as men in war had its share of difficulties. The problems arose from the different toilet habits as well as other personal routines (Eggleston, 2003). Nonetheless, the recruitment of young men in the army proved to be advantageous for the female soldiers. The army consisted mostly of boys, who were still shy and reserved around each other. Most of them were hesitant to relieve themselves in the company of other soldiers; to attend their toilet needs, they had to hide in the woods or others areas which offered privacy. The meek nature of young men was beneficial for the female soldiers because it allowed them to seek privacy without appearing unusual. In addition, the young men of the army have not yet started shaving, so it did not appear unusual for the females if they did not shave (Eggleston, 2003). It is remarkable that women have finally reached the public realm during the Civil War, even if they had to pretend as men to do so. However, that kind of participation had disadvantages. Women who had successfully kept their real identities hidden as part of the army suffered all the difficulties which came with war (Eggleston, 2003). Female soldiers were held captive by their opponents, brought to prison camps and killed in the battlefields. There were those who perished and buried without their real identities discovered. Because women soldiers were not supposed to be fighting in the war, their participation in the war was previously not acknowledged. There were even those who denied the direct involvement of women as soldiers (Blanton, n. d. ). The non-recognition of women fighters in the Civil War prevented the discovery of the total number of female soldiers who offered their services. The numbers available on record are merely estimates. This situation posited a real problem, as it undermined and ignored the contributions of women in the battlefield. During the American Civil War, women changed because they went beyond the roles that were initialed assigned to them. The war effort presented them to enter the public realm of men and participate in it. Women had indeed changed during that time, as they progressed from housewives to participants in war. Women even came in disguise to become soldiers. While it is a great thing that women became active members of the community, some of their contributions were not recognized or accurately recorded because of their secret identities. Nonetheless, this does not diminish that fact that women were a significant part of the American Civil War. References Blanton, D. (n. d. ). Women soldiers and nurses of the American civil war. American Civil War Website. Retrieved March 13, 2009, from http://americancivilwar. com/women/index. html Eggleston, L. G. (2003). Women in the Civil War: Extraordinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies, Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders and Others. North Carolina: McFarland. Massey, M. E. (1994). Women in the Civil War. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Siber, N. (2005). Daughters of the Union: Northern Women Fight the Civil War. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Week 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Week 3 - Research Paper Example In order to achieve this, the above mentioned functional areas must collaborate and come up with an action plan to implement the collaboration process. The first step of the collaboration process is for the purchase department to provide a list of the purchases they intend to make and how much each is going to cost. This list is taken to the accounting department which authorizes release of the expense money. Once the goods are brought and inventory is done, sales department takes over the day and turn over the money at the end of the day for the accounting department to calculate. The marketing team comes up with strategies to increase customer base and maintain the present customers and this strategies are presented to the accounting department once approved by the management for funding. In order for the above process to run smoothly, they need to have an action plan which should run for several months and if successful, should be implemented. The action plan will involve majorly the accounting, marketing and sales departments. This is because they are important in revenue generation to run the collaboration process. The marketing department will come up with advertisements of discounts, sales coupons and even points that can be redeemed depending on the purchase made. The account department will release funding for this marketing and finally the sales department will handle the discounts, point redemption and sales coupons. The success of this action plan will not only bring in more clients, but will also increase profits for the running of the collaboration process. Lateral collaboration happens among people of the same level at work while vertical collaboration is between employers and employees (Bryson, 2011). In Kudler Fine Foods, lateral collaboration is employed majorly in the kitchen department where the chefs hired share their recipes with the other chefs in the various Kudler stores. This is in order to avoid

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Marketing - Essay Example eryday city driving because its McPherson front axle offers high levels of driving safety, making it an excellent choice for everyday drivers as well who can enjoy the driving experience with relative safety ensured. The car is priced above $100,000. In devising an effective marketing plan for the Porsche, the market must be segmented so that target marketing can be directed at the appropriate segment that is most likely to purchase the new cars. Smith originally defined market segmentation as follows: â€Å"†¦..viewing a heterogeneous market as a number of smaller homogenous markets, in response to differing preferences, attributable to the desires of customers for precise satisfaction of their varying wants.† (Smith, 1965:5). In effectively marketing a sports car such as the Porsche, which is priced in the luxury car range, it may be necessary to direct marketing efforts towards a cosmopolitan, city area where there would be an adequate number of customers in the high income ranges. The city of Melbourne offers excellent potential for the Porsche 91 Turbo car, since it is experiencing rapid growth – for example, between 2000 to 2002, employment grew by 5.4%, while between 2002 and 2004, it grew by an additional 2%. (Profile, 2005). Segmentation is one of the essential ideas in marketing discipline, however it has evolved over time from purely descriptive factors of customers to benefit segmentation as a tool to identify factors that may influence future purchasing behavior.(Haley, 1968). According to Baker (1988), if market segmentation is to prove to be viable, then the following tools should apply: (a) viability (b) sustainability (c) responsiveness (d) stability (e) accessibility and (f) actionability. Benefit segmentation is a method that aids in the development of products and services that are of actual benefit to customers, therefore firstly, it is necessary to identify the kind of customers who may be benefited by the Porsche 911 Turbo car. For

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Was There a Place for Women in Russian Revolutionary Movements Essay

Was There a Place for Women in Russian Revolutionary Movements - Essay Example From 1905 to 1917, women played significant roles in the Russian revolution as they joined the Bolshevik party and became passionate about the cause being advanced by the party5. Their passion mostly stemmed from their desire to gain more rights beyond their traditional Russian female role, but they also showed that they had the ability to work as hard as their male counterparts in order to secure the rights and freedom of all Russians6. Women during the Bolshevik revolution applied the demeanour of the tverdia which translates to being hard and resolved7. These women also had to be rational, merciless, and unsentimental; their loyalty had to unquestionably be directed to the party and not even to themselves or their family (19). In order to comply with this demand, many of these women had to hold off on getting married or having children; others who were already mothers had to be ready to take the risk of bringing their children to the underground hideouts, sometimes even letting th eir children aid in the revolution8. Women became a major symbol of what the Bolshevik revolution was trying to achieve. They became a symbol of causes like equal rights and opportunity which the revolution was fighting for9. These causes were also hailed by the male Bolsheviks as they believed that these were courageous and decisive goals. Support from the men encouraged more women to join the revolution. However, this support was all for show because beyond the eyes and ears of the women, their efforts were mocked10. Moreover, negative rumours were spread about them, with many of them labelled as promiscuous, ignorant, and deviant. Despite the negative rumblings about these revolutionary women, the lower classes of women were still stirred to... Based on the above discussion, there was a place for women in Russian revolutionary movements. The revolutions which were launched at various points of Russia’s history clamoured for equal rights and better work conditions for all. Women initially had a less active role in these revolutions, however, during the 1905 Bolshevik Revolution, they started to take on a more active role. The Bolshevik Party, however, did not take the role of women seriously during the 1905 revolution. Although they supported it to some degree, they did not fully acknowledge the role of women in the revolution. The fact that the women’s movements were not organized at this point also played the role in the lack of widespread support for their cause. In the years leading up to the 1917 February Revolution however, the women were more organized and passionate in their goals. They were also more united and were able to gain the support of many men in launching the revolution against the government . This paper makes a conclusion that as the 1917 Revolution gained the necessary victory for the Bolshevik Party, the women’s place and role in the revolution garnered more support from the Party. Their impact on the government reforms proved to be valuable and these reforms were eventually implemented under the Party and the Soviet Union. They were able to protect their traditional roles, even as they shunned political seats and power. The reforms and rights they sought to secure are protected to date and have served as a momentous precedent for other women in the global setting.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Virtual Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtual Management - Essay Example It is important for virtual teams to connect their daily activities with the strategy and objectives of the business to remain committed and engaged over time. This in turn contributes to the success of the organization. High performing virtual teams establish better decision-making and better problem solving process than low performing ones. Decision making and ensuring that the rightful information reaches the right people is challenging for virtual teams whose members are located in different time zones or who converse through email or phone. It is important for virtual team leaders to establish communication processes early and revisit them over time. Most of the virtual teams have little face-to-face contacts with their members or work under different time zones. That is why they face challenges in communication with their members. High performing teams always have a way to work around these challenges unlike the low performing virtual teams. High performing virtual team members respond quickly to problems, providing each other with the required information, involving each other in decisions making and providing each other with necessary feedback. They have various technologies of communicating with each other and updating one another. Good communication strategy with each other increases the success of the virtual teams with ample face-to-face meetings every now and then. It is important for the virtual team members to exercise trust with each other since lack of trust can lead to unsuccessful virtual work arrangements (Zofi, 2011). Trust is important for the success of the virtual team members because most of these members rarely see one another and others have never met in person. Thus, they relate on inter-personal trust based on their personal relationships. Virtual teams rely on the task-based trust where they believe that members will do their jobs in the

CIPD Diploma (Human Resource Practice Course ) Essay - 1

CIPD Diploma (Human Resource Practice Course ) - Essay Example Failure to deal appropriately with grievances can lead to unnecessary strikes and loss of revenue for the organization. An external factor that affects employment relationship is laws and regulations by government agencies such as employee rights, and worker safety. An employer needs to comply with these laws failure to which can result in a strained relationship. In addition, work/life balance can affect employment relationship. Employees are also family members and need time to be with their families. They thus have to balance work and family life sometimes resulting in frequent absenteeism and poor performance. The management should in this case provide measures to balance the two such as allowing workers flexible time to meet family obligations and to work effectively. The employment status in an employment relationship is vital as it determines the rights and responsibilities of employees. Three types of employment status include worker, employee, and self-employed. An employee in employment law is â€Å"someone who works under an employment contract† ( These employees work for a minimum number of hours unless they are on holiday or any other leave; they can work full-time, part-time or annualized hours. They also have to work personally as they cannot send someone else to work on their behalf. They also work at the business’s premises or at an address specified by the business and are provided with materials, tools and equipment for their work by the organization. Self-employed persons are â€Å"those who run their business for themselves and take responsibility for its success or failure† ( Such workers do not have the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by employees. Unlike employees, they do not have to work themselves but can engage services of another person. They also can work for more than one client and provide themselves with tools and equipments. A worker is one employed on contract

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lululemon's exploration of England Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lululemon's exploration of England - Case Study Example Lululemon is a premium brand offered at premium prices which make it near to impossible for the competitors to imitate. Lululemon believes on community involvement in its business and thus allows others to imitate its products or technology used to manufacture products. This business practice is in alignment with Lululemon’s â€Å"doing-the-right-thing† initiative. The aim was to support community members to take an active part in achieving excellence in healthy habits. But the competitors find it difficult to imitate Lululemon’s products or strategies because it is very costly and requires a great set of skills to produce a Lululemon’s product. The way Lululemon has structured its organizational hierarchy facilitates smooth functioning of the business. The headquarter is stationed in Canada where the product designing and concept manipulation is carried out. Moreover, the headquarters also handles the financial controlling function of the business. Whereas the business in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States is handled by the respective authorities in these countries so as to provide these subsidiaries autonomy over their business practices. This is beneficial in a manner, that it provides a room for the business to adopt the local taste and social structure to market products in an efficient manner. Although, the control of business related matter is in the hand of management of these local subsidiaries, the product manufacturing and financial controlling is still taken care by the head office.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exam_4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam_4 - Essay Example These components are applied in operational management allowing the management to access up-to-date data in real-time. Therefore, operational analytics offer an insight of the data within a data warehouse because it allows greater visibility of the various forms of data at a great speed (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) is the commonly used technique in data analysis employed within data warehouses driven by the increase in data volumes and the value of data-driven analytics in business. OLAP is also referred to as the capability to effectively manipulate and analyze data from various perspectives using its operational structure that relies in the concept known as cube. This concept has a multidimensional data structure that allows fast analysis of data because arrangement of data into cubes overcomes the limitations associated with relational databases (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). KPI (Key Performance Indicator) represents a strategic objective and measures performance against a goal. KPIs are multidimensional and upon translation, this indicates that KPIs encompass various unique features. One of the distinguishing features includes strategy because KPIs embody a strategic objective. Moreover, KPIs measure performance against specific targets that are defined within the strategy, planning, or budget allowing the targets to take different forms like achievement targets, reduction targets and absolute targets among others. KPIs also have ranges because objectives have performance measures like above, on or below the target. Encoding in KPIs allow ranges to be encoded in software enabling the display of performance through colours like green, yellow and red based on percentages or other complex rules. Time frames in KPI mean that targets are assigned time frames within which they have to be accomplished; as well, the time frames are often divided into small int ervals to allow monitoring of performance

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Audit Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Audit Project - Essay Example 3. New computerized manufacturing equipment that has a stamp â€Å"product of Welburn manufacturing, Detroit Michigan†. Under this condition, the fraud risk is significant since there is miscommunication. 4. Pinnacle employees constructed a building because of employee idle and to save time. The controller said there was coordination with the construction company responsible for the addition. The fraud risk under this case is very significant since there might be a coalition between the construction company and the controller. 5. Auto-electro accounts for nearly 15% of the companys account receivable balance and the customer has not made payments for several months. The fraud risk under this case can be very significant because it can lead to lose a lot of money. 6. The directors raised a significant amount of debt to finance the construction of new manufacturing plant for solar-electro division and modification to the property on which the plant will be built. The fraud risk under this circumstance is insignificant since there is approval by directors. 7. Pinnacle president while wearing a golf shirt with the words ‘‘Todd-Machine† and repairmen who repair company own by vice president of Pinnacle. The fraud risk is very significant because it seems the vice president has an interest in two competing companies. 8. Significant turnover in the internal audit department. There was a conclusion that the turnover is only present at the higher level positions. The fraud risk under this case is significant because high turnover is a bad sign 9. While review debt agreements, It several restrictive covenants was identified ,two requirements are to keep the current ratio above 2.0 and debt below 1.0 at all times. This is normal business adjustment, and the fraud risk is insignificant 10. CPA notification that Brian Sioux will be visiting pinnacle facilities to investigate an ongoing dispute between the internal revenue

Monday, July 22, 2019

Without Seeing The Dawn Essay Example for Free

Without Seeing The Dawn Essay Babies are born with an inherent drive to learn. Your challenge as the parent of a child with learning or attention problems is to help him build what Drs. Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein (Raising Resilient Children: Fostering Strength, Hope, and Optimism in Your Child) call islands of competence, to offset the frustrations and low self-esteem that can result from his learning struggles. The goal is to find subjects or activities where he is self-motivated to learn, enjoys the process of learning, and sees the value of what he learns. Deborah Stipek, Ph.D, Dean of the Stanford University School of Education, is an expert in the subject of motivation in young children. Shes also a mother, so her latest book, Motivated Minds/Raising Children to Love Learning, is full of practical advice. Dr. Stipek says kids will be self-motivated to learn when they: Feel competent about something Have some choice and control over their learning Believe that intelligence isnt fixed at birth Feel loved and respected by their parents Help Your Child Discover His Passions Help Your Child Discover His Passions One way to build a sense of competence in your child is to encourage his passions. Theres an academic payoff to building competence this way. Dr. Stipek says, The good news may seem paradoxical: research has shown that the indirect strategy of helping your child enjoy learning and see its value is the best way to improve your childs grades and raise his test scores. If your child has a particular strength in school, such as being a math whiz, find ways outside of school to expose him to math in the real world computers, hands-on science museums, and math camps. If he struggles with most school subjects, look elsewhere for his passions. Pay attention to whatever makes your child perk up. Is it animals? Plants? Music? Art? Dinosaurs? Video games? Skateboards? To play on these passions, help your child deepen his knowledge. For example, if your Internet provider allows you space for a family website, let the child help build one on his favorite subject. He could research and write abou t the foremost skateboard athletes in the world. Post his drawings of himself skateboarding the galaxy. List  unanswered questions about skateboards. Let family and friends interact with the website, too what else would they like to know from your in-house skateboard expert? Give Your Child Some Choices All of us thrive when we feel were acting of our own volition. Children with learning and attention difficulties are no different. For example, when we offer them a choice between two acceptable alternatives, such as doing either their math or social studies homework first, they feel a sense of control over their own world. This leads to greater pride and self-motivation. Dr. Mel Levine, author of the set of tapes called Developing Minds, says, Help children develop a sense of control by presenting things they do not want to do as choices. For example, let a child decide whether to do homework before or after dinner. At school, consider letting a child who dislikes chorus participate in the spring performance by selling tickets. Help Your Child Develop Persistence Dr. Stipek reports on experiments that reveal a childs beliefs about intelligence affect his motivation to succeed. If he believes intelligence is fixed at birth and he missed out, he is liable to quit without trying. If, on the other hand, you help him to understand that persistence is more important than the luck of the draw, you promote a child who can learn to succeed on his own terms. This is the struggling child who changes from saying, Whats the use? to Ive learned how to slow down and double-check my work. Dr. Stipek says, Emphasize notions of flexible intelligence. Tell your child, in every way you can, that brainpower is something you acquire. Make the following sayings (or their age-appropriate equivalents) your family mantras: Success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. Geniuses are made, not born. Let Your Child Know You Love and Respect Him Every child needs to feel that his parents are on his side. You can demonstrate your love and respect for your child with learning problems by accepting, connecting, and supporting, no matter what. You still love him, even when he forgets his assignment. Youre interested in the details of each day. And when hes upset, you help him to give words to feelings.  Respect your child by helping him understand not only his specific learning difficulties, but strategies for coping in school. For example, if your child cannot hold multiplication facts in long-term memory, he may not do well on a standardized math test. He needs both a strategy to practice his math skills and a strategy to take the test. He may need different ways to drill multiplication, such as tactile manipulation of objects, drawing pictures, or saying the tables out loud. He may also need more time on the test. Help Your Child Identify Steps to Success Our culture reveres inborn talent and luck. Unfortunately, that can leave out the child who struggles in school. He begins to believe that no matter how hard he works, school success is outside of his control. If you help him identify small, concrete steps to reach his learning goals, you can recognize each accomplishment along the way, nor matter how big or small. Then the effort of learning is valued as much as the outcome in school. Help your child learn to set attainable learning goals, such as studying a math concept from a variety of angles until he understands it. This might mean that you must be content with something like a C grade in Math but an A+ in Effort. It will be important to communicate regularly with your childs teacher so all of you (parents, teacher, and child) can work as a united team. With the teachers help and ideas, your childs learning goals will be supported both at school and at home. You also want your child to learn that making mistakes is a natural pa rt of the process of learning. Thomas Edison, said to have tried 10,000 times to perfect the light bulb, said, I didnt fail. I just discovered another way not to invent the electric light bulb. Foster Long-term Motivation Research tells us that parents who encourage a childs self-sufficiency often have children who are motivated from the inside, out. This means holding back a little before you jump in to help your struggling child. Children with learning disabilities are especially vulnerable to developing perceptions of themselves as academically incompetent and to develop low expectations for success, Dr. Stipek says In an effort to ensure success we sometimes provide more help than children with learning problems or AD/HD actually need. This takes away from their own pride in accomplishment and  the enthusiasm that a sense of achievement and competence can produce. Children with learning difficulties often have a marvelous ability to see the world in new ways. When you guide your child to pursue his interests, operate from his strengths, and not shy away from challenges, you help him build a positive cycle of accomplishment and self-motivation. Celebrate each hard-won stumbling step your child ta kes on the way to learning and developing strengths, so that in the long run, he can sustain his motivation and passion for learning.

Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium Essay Example for Free

Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium Essay Figure 1 the center of gravity model According to the requirement from City Council Members, the weighted of important places (included the Population Center) had ranked in the table above. The highest weight mean the important of that location. Therefore, according to the center gravity model, the best result of the training stadium site is the red dot in the figure 1. 2) Weighted Scoring Model Table 2 Calculation of Weight Scoring Model (Considering the Cost) According to table, the best stadium site from all the candidate would be Site C, because the weighted score of Site C is the highest among all Sites. However, the weight ranked by the important of the issues in the future. On the other hand, the Site C does not include the Cost of the Land, because it is a wetland and preserve area, so that it is not fair to other sites, which they have the land cost. Therefore, I come up with the new Table that not consider the cost of the land. Table 3 Calculation of Weight Scoring Model (without Considering the Land Cost) Therefore, it turn out to be that the Site D has the best score among all the sites. PS: The minus sign means the value is negative because it is a cost. 3) Combine the result from Center of Gravity Model and Weight Scoring Model Accord to the answers from Figure1 and Table3, the best result would be the Stadium Site A because it in between the â€Å"Best Point† and the weight scoring is nearly the same as site-D 4) Final Recommendation According to these analysis and modeling, the best site would be the Site A  for two reasons. First, Site A is closed to two major Shopping Malls, which this could provide the jobs in the area and generate more revenue in the area. Second, it is very close to the Interstate 75 (I-75) which means it is very easy to access the stadium from the Airport and the stadium would be the new landmark for the city, because the stadium would huge enough for seeing from the I-75. However, the cost of the utility is highest among those sites, but for the long-run with revenue that generate from the long lease with Red Sox team, it is a guarantee that the revenue will cover all the cost and generate a really nice profit for the city. Therefore, Site A is the best suite for the new Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium that generate the better economic in the local businesses in the shopping malls and area around there and also created the new landmark for the city that is very easy to access from the interstate 75.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Urban design and Cites

Urban design and Cites How cities be improved by urban design? Comment on the difficult of new project. ABSTRACT In this essay I will look at the ways in which urban design might be useful by pre-existing cities in an effort to improve functionality, sustainability and the general living experience for city residents. I will focus on the need for quality in urban planning and design, looking at ways in which planning and design must be integrated as a creative and utilitarian process, not ignoring the end goal of regenerating urban space and improving living conditions and the different between traditionalism and modernism. I will examine the theory of ‘cities of tomorrow, exploring the ways in which previous generations have planned for the future through urban design, and also study the developments being made by todays planners and designers to prepare for a new futuristic movement in architecture and design. In order to combat the mistakes of the past and the potential for failings in the future I will look at confusion in urban design, described by Lang as originating from three disciplines working in an unorganized and competitions fashion. In the final section of this essay I will examine the theory of sustainability, and the ways in which planning and design strategies are being created around the need for sustainable urban regeneration, particularly in older cities where resources and space may be limited. It is in these areas where successful urban design will provide the most benefits, building on the foundations of pre-existing developed land and incorporating the design and planning knowledge of the past with that of today. The Problem Urban design is a term focuses on improvement of environment physically, and later in implementation it focuses on managing the development (private) by planning schemes and different legal development controls. The question arises how cities can be improved through urban design? The cities can be established in terms of economic patterns, land use and development, environmental perfection and in the quality of life. Economic Research predicts that the people who want to purchase houses are will to pay more if the neighborhood is more pedestrian oriented. A survey of Americans was taken which elaborates the people are concern with sidewalks and areas to walk and exercise for fun is important to almost 79 percent and very important 44 percent. (Belden, Russonello and Stewart). The informative and service providing essence of the new economy flourishes the network, creates accessibility and the creativity that the pedestrian oriented communities have a tendency to develop. (Ryan). It was founded by the American Economic Review that by doubling the population density, a 6 percent of productivity can be improved thought out the remaining estate. A good urban design also has the influence on trade and local economies. Planners make every effort for walk able place for pedestrians. There should be specified routes and wider areas for consumers rather than having broad roads and narrow walk able passages. The less traffic and its slow pace the commercial area will be more visible to the customers from which more business can be encouraged. The more the people are on streets the more the local business will be served. The study of most of the 22 U.S cities indicates that administrations have started their multi lane traffic in order to slowdown the pace of traffic through which pedestrian feel more comfortable, business activities are improved, more investments on the street. However a protective environment will be created with the improved livability, attraction and a sense of society. (Victoria Transport Policy Institute). Land Use and Development The experts have suggested that the traditional theories of urban design have precious benefits for good urban design such as mass transit, intensive land uses or vertical growth and mixed land use development. They also suggest that green belts are positive areas in residential development to avoid environmental pollution. According to the most of scholars horizontal expansion of the cities should be avoided to decrease the cost of living. Environmental It has been believed that there are not direct advantages of environment from the improvement of urban design. However it is noteworthy that by designing a city in a compact form avoids the environmental pollution or CO2 generated by a large number of vehicles. (Ewing et al). Many studies have been done on environmental pollution or generation of green house gases which can create problems within horizontal extension of cities due to a large number of traffic. According to the study in California by improving the compact design of a city reduced 20 percent less emission per household compared with household in suburbs.(Cervero) One of the key components is the drainage system of the city. Urban design economizes its cost through the compact development. The studies in New Jersey suggested that 30 percent reduction in runoff and 83 percent water utilization can be reduced through the compact development compared to the traditional suburban development. Quality of Life The core importance of urban design is to improve the quality of lifestyle. The economic growth and environmental perfection is useless unless people are facilitated. The modern urban design flourishes the standards of living. Compact development beautifies the societies through walkable neighborhood and the set up of green places. The smart growth movement emerged in the USA in the mid 1990s. Major principles of smart growth were mix land uses, take advantage of compact building design, create a range of housing opportunities and choices attractive communities with a strong sense of place, provide variety of transport choices preserve open space, form land, natural beauty and critical environmental areas make development decisions predictable, fare and cost-effective. Smart growth is concerned to protect land from (premature) development and promote development in desired directions. (Michael Pacione) Second question arises that what hindrances will be faced in order to implement a new urban design? Functional Integration or Mixed Used Development Functional Integration or Mixed Used Development is an anchor of new town building. Duany et al in this book Suburban Nation advice developers to build corner stores within every new neighborhood this can lead to even more retail development that is well connected to the rest of the neighborhood. The idea of mixed land use is an idealistic situation which will not be appropriate. In addition to functional integration they note more socio-economic and life-cycle integration by encouraging the mixture of income levels and generations in their neighborhoods. High Density in the Central City The suggestion of compact development may create traffic congestion and high density of population near commercial zones. Economic Constraints The development programs require a large space of land; the modern urban design can be too expensive to most of the developers. The degree of such programs is sensitive to the market conditions that can not give developers less priority to the design principles according to New Urbanism professionals. Zoning Another barrier to a modern urban design is to confront zoning. Zoning is simply the establishment of district that permits on specified types of land use. It became the best, most politically attractive way to control nuisances and to maintain the property values. In contrast the modernization in urban design encourages integrated land uses. Background to the Problem Urban design has rich history, dating back to the ancient Greeks. It was Hippodamus who introduced the idea that settlements could be designed in a rationale and orderly way. Of course such sentiments did not always lead to ordered communities. Some communities were exceptionally well ordered often a long cosmological line, with the city being setup as a microcosm of heaven on earth, with particular attention paid to the orientation of the structures within the city and to the city itself. Urban design can be well thought-out as branch of the wider field of urban planning. Professional planning began to take form in the late 19th Century, as urban areas grew larger and more complex. By the early 20th century, planning moved away from the ideals of a few charismatic visionaries towards the practice of a cadre of dedicated and certified professionals. Today planning is carried out by many people who would not necessarily be considered professional planners. Professional planning has evolved as means to add rational thought, methods and experience to the process. Changes in urban form over time, from pre-industrial to post industrial/ post modern cities, have been accompanied by change in the dominant form of architecture. Research Design The devised research design for the above study is: 1. To collect data by primary and secondary sources. 2. To analyze data by using qualitative and quantitative methods 3. To review existing literature related to the study. 4. To look at the ways in which urban design might be useful by pre-existing cities in an effort to improve functionality, sustainability and the general living experience for city residents. 5. To focus on the need for quality in urban planning and design, looking at ways in which planning and design must be integrated as a creative and utilitarian process, not ignoring the end goal of regenerating urban space and improving living conditions and the different between traditionalism and modernism 6. To examine the theory of ‘cities of tomorrow, exploring the ways in which previous generations have planned for the future through urban design 7. To study the developments being made by todays planners and designers to prepare for a new futuristic movement in architecture and design. 8. To look at confusion in urban design, described by Lang in order to combat the mistakes of the past and the potential for failings in the future as originating from three disciplines working in an unorganized and competitions fashion. 9. To examine the theory of sustainability, and the ways in which planning and design strategies are being created around the need for sustainable urban regeneration, particularly in older cities where resources and space may be limited. It is in these areas where successful urban design will provide the most benefits, building on the foundations of pre-existing developed land and incorporating the design and planning knowledge of the past with that of today. Expected Results Expected results will be relied on the Langs theory of Distributing Responsibilities thought which complexity in urban design can be resolved. According to him the cities of tomorrow would be the combined effort of different specializations like geographers for site selection, engineers, architects, developers and planners which will accompanied by the sustainable growth in each sector. References Kaplan David H., Wheeler James O., Holloway Steven R., 2004, Urban Geography, John Wiley Sons, Inc. Goto 2040 [online] Hell, Peter,1932. Cities of tomorrow. Lang, J., 2005. Urban design: a typology of procedures and products. Michael P., 2005, Urban Geography: A Global Perspective, Taylor Francis Group, Routledge. Quality in Urban Planning and Design (Conference : 1977 : London). Ratcliffe, J., Stubbs, M. Shepherd, M., 2004. Urban planning and real estate development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Exercise of Authority in Measure for Measure Essay -- Measure for Meas

At the outset, we find the Duke transferring his power and authority to Angelo. He lends to Angelo his own terror and dresses Angelo with his love, â€Å"giving his deputation all the organs of his own power†. He says that from now on â€Å"mortality and mercy† in Vienna would live in Angelo’s tongue and heart. The Duke motive in appointing Angelo to function in his stead is, as he tells Friar Thomas, to rid the country of the evils which have taken strong roots and which, he thinks, he himself cannot eradicate because of his reputation as a very lenient man. Now the question is how far the Duke is justified in appointing a substitute to rule the kingdom and reform the corrupt Vienna society. We do not think that the Duke is justified in taking such a step. We are certainly not convinced by the reason which he gives to Friar Thomas for not undertaking the task of reform himself. Why should the Duke evade his responsibility? He tells Friar Thomas that, if he were now suddenly to become strict and stern, his actions would cause much resentment among the people. But this is no reason why a ruler should himself go into the background and appoint another man to take his place. Besides, we soon afterwards find that the Duke in interested more in observing Angelo at work as his deputy, and less is seeing evil being eradicated. We find that the Duke is concerned more with spying his deputy’ actions than with the process of reform. He becomes more interested in watching and prying into the personal as well as official life of Angelo than in the direction which the public affairs of the country are taking. Angelo’s Exercise of Authority As soon as Angelo is given charge of the kingdom, he begins to exercise his authority in a relentless manner. H... ...e protested against justice being totally pushed into background with mercy holding the field. The Duke compels Angelo to get married to Mariana, the girl whom he had once betrayed and forsaken, and the girl whom he has now seduced. But that is the only punishment which is imposed upon a character who proves to be the worst sinner among all the characters of the play. References [1]Marsh, Nicholas. Shakespeare: Three Problem Plays: New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 [2]Montrose, Louis Adrian. Shaping Fantasies: Figuration of gender and power in Elizabethan cultures: 1983. [3]Rogers, Pat. The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature: Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993. [4]Schanzer, Ernest(1963). The problem plays of Shakespeare: London, Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1963. [5]Tillyard, E.M.W. Shakespeare’s problem plays: London, Chatto&Windous, 1964.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Anglican Liturgy Essay -- Religion/Spirituality

â€Å"†¦the Prayer Book is not only a manual of public devotions, it contains the fullest statement of the teaching of the Church†. This understanding of the prayer book as the dominant treatise of Anglican belief is central to this essays argument that the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (1979), and particularly its rite of Baptism, has fundamentally shifted Anglican thinking and liturgical practice in relation to Eucharist and ministry. We will explore this argument by first clarifying what is said in the Book of Common Prayer (1979), especially within its preface to the rite of Baptism, comparing this to the Book of Common Prayer 1662, to elicit differences and subtle nuances within the theology expressed. The consequences of these changes in relation to Eucharistic practice and invitation will then be explored, particularly the way in which confirmation is understood in the new schema. Following this, we will seek to understand the impact that this has had upon t he Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia and how it has affected our Anglican Identity liturgically and ecclesiologically, especially in regards to ministry. Finally, we will offer a small critique of the liturgical understanding of Baptism as full initiation to the Eucharistic table, drawing upon biblical images and Church teaching to pose questions of whether this is appropriate. ‘Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body the Church’. These few words are the initiatory comments in the Book of Common Prayer (1979) concerning the rite of Baptism and the purpose of the service. Within them lies an understanding that, while possibly implicit, in previous Prayerbooks had not been made clear, or was deliberate... ...can Style. July 10, 2010. (accessed May 14, 2012). The Church of England. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of The Church of England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1662. The Church of the Province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. A New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa. Auckland: Collins, 1989. The Episcopal Church. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David according to the use of the Episcopal Church. New York, NY: Church Hymnal Group & Seabury Press, 1979. White, James F. Introduction to Christian Worship. 3rd Edition. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2000.

Translating Transgender: A laymans guide to the least-known minority E

Translating Transgender: A layman's guide to the least-known minority Who hasn't been told to "just be yourself and people will like you?" It seems like such a simple notion. But what if being yourself could lead to harassment, rejection, isolation, unemployment, homelessness, physical violence, or even death? Not so simple anymore, is it? Sadly, this situation is one that confronts transgendered people worldwide on a daily basis. Laurie Johnson*, a tall, robust Fall River resident who underwent male-to-female sex reassignment surgery in 1998, says that she can hardly leave her house without being hassled. "The discrimination and harassment are almost constant when I'm 'dressed,'" she says. "I've heard total strangers comment 'Is that a man or a woman?'. I've been denied service at a bank because they claimed I was wearing a 'disguise.' I tried to attend a business school where they required students to wear business attire. I was asked to leave the first day because I was 'disrupting the classes' simply by being there." Sadly, Johnson's experiences are not uncommon. Many transgendered people, "dressed" or not, report encountering such discrimination and difficulties in their day-to-day lives, a lot of which can be largely attributed to the fact that, despite the great progress that has been made on the gender front, the general public is still largely uneducated about the transgendered lifestyle. While the gay and lesbian movements have come to the forefront of our national consciousness as a result of the recent gay marriage controversy, the transgender movement has remained somewhat in the shadows. Indeed, the transgender culture is probably the least talked about, most commonly misunderstood minority in... ...owed up and talked to them for a while, then wrote a nice story but her editor squashed it because of the ad revenue they get from that chain. They don't usually bother me anymore, unless they have a new security worker." More than anything, when speaking of life as a transsexual, Johnson says she just wishes people would understand that "transsexuals are just like everyone else in the world except when it comes to sex and gender. We can be generous or greedy, kind or cruel, loving or bigoted. Statistically, we're smarter than the general population and, on average, more law abiding." "I would just like to be left alone," she says. Justin Clemente has a slightly different outlook on things. "If (as a society) we can't accept each other, how can we accept ourselves?" he says. "Diversity is honestly the spice of life, and with no spice, life SUCKS!"

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Corrution the cancer of Indian society

The problem In our country is not the lack of knowledge or understanding about corrupt practices but the lack of courage to stand against such practices It Is very easy to target others including politicians but what about common man? WE HAVE to understand that the system is corrupt because we are also corrupt. First, we have to change ourselves then only we can expect change In others. This Is a very old method to point the fingers towards the wrongdoing of others. But no one is ready to check their own character. M really questioning the validity of self- referred right people. Before pointing fingers towards others, including politicians and other government employees, we should Introspect ourselves. I am seeing that everybody is ready to abuse the system but what about ourselves. Are we common people really different from those who are in politics and other sphere of life and running this country? No, that is the truth. We are no more different from those whom we are abusing cont inuously on different forum Including media.We are ready to talk about corruption till the time we want to abuse politics. For me doing anything ring is also a type of corruption and most of us in some way or other are involved in corrupt practices. It is quite possible that most readers will not agree with me on this because they are also in the same boat. Let us see whatever what I am saying is correct or not. We are ready to pay money in the form of bribe to get connections of different types such as gas, water, and electricity – all out of turn.There may be others In the society who are not able to pay such bribes to get such connections out of turn and even some time they have to Walt for longer period of time just because of people like us so called middle class who ant corruption to be eradicated from society. There are others In the middle class – especially small time businessmen like shopkeepers of different types, – and they may be earning more than w hat we are getting in the form of our monthly salary but they are not ready to pay income tax.There will be more than 10 million such shops in our country and most of them are not paying enough taxes as per law. People opposing FED in retail sector are actually supporting such shopkeepers. What is the need in the world for the parties to fight on such important issue of FED because of such tax evaders? They know very well how to evade Income tax and other taxes and they are at the same time running a market of black money. Whereas FED will bring a lot of money to the government in the form different taxes but it will ensure transparency too in the retail segment.So basic question remains are we really Interested to eradicate corruption from our society? If the answer is yes, then we have to start from ourselves rather than ask others to do. First, we have to change and then only we can expect the change in suit. Let us assume one person in each family take a vow to be not corrupt wh atever resistances will be there believe me that more than 50% corruption will eradicate at very such time. Gandhi]' had stressed that there is enough in the world for man's need but hopelessly not adequate for his greed.In India, it is the greed of a very few individuals that has threatened the teeming billion odd population of starvation, environmental degradation, uncontrolled rise in pollution and deteriorating environmental standards. Looking at Ago in the last 60 years, there is a visible difference. Ago through the sass right up to the late sass sustained itself admirably on solar energy. The ignite of labor saw every Goanna earn his bread through the day and sleep peacefully at night. The spring waters were pure, clean and rich in minerals, smoothening, invigorating and refreshing.Food supply may not have been plentiful but was adequate. The helpless and those ‘unfortunates' incapable of labor were looked after by the family, neighbors, friends or the societal form of institutions like the temple and church institutions or the likes of provider. No doubt then that although there was exploitation of the maunders by a handful of bathmats, by and large the incidences of robberies, rapes, murders and crimes were ender control thus affording Goons the tag of a ‘peaceful society'.Goons were appreciated as gentle, hardworking, talented and a faithful workforce. Goanna musicians, cooks, clerks, doctors, administrators, nannies, personal assistants, engineers and scientists became role models in all walks of life and made their mark in politics too. Goons strives hard to ensure the environment remained clean, green and salubrious. Do we have courage to take such a vow? I don't think so. If yes, for which chances are very less, then it will be really good for the country as a whole.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Role of the Individual in Matthew Arnold’s “Culture and Anarchy”

The Role of the Individual in Matthew Arnolds cultivation and Anarchy Culture, as specify by Matthew Arnold in his essay Culture and Anarchy, is the drive to attain perfection through and through develop manpowert and growth bolstered by knowledge and appreciation of the beauty of humanity. Granted, this is an oversimplification of Arnolds complex musings on what culture is, just now this broad conception of culture, here, is useful in the discussion of the role of the man-to-man in society.Ideally, for Arnold, those that perpetuate this approximation of culture argon the same people who ought to comprise a kind of rational control inwardly the State. Arnold works to define the three classes of nineteenth coulomb England (Barbarians, Philistines, and Populace), and makes it clear, following his conditions for culture, that none of the classes kick in the appropriate means to govern properly. Arnold says, It seeks to do away with classes to make the outmatch that has been idol and kn confess in the world present-day(prenominal) everywhere. Ostensibly, it is up to the individual to buy the farm their class, and rise up the State in a utilitarian fashion. However, the chasm between the maturation of the individual and the last betterment of the community seems daunting. Arnolds ideal culture originates with the individual, as it is a written report of perfection, which is an inward condition of the mind and spirit. Yet, Perfection, as culture conceives it, is not attainable dapple the individual remains isolated, because, it is necessary, in recount to obtain a collective perfection, that there be a ready deputize of ideas and sense of commonality.How can the potential endangerment of isolation via personal identity be curbed? Additionally, Arnold is cognizant that a weighty facet of individualism is that people are concerned with, and debate in, having their personal freedomsthe right to do what one equals. This conjecture of persona l freedom can, according to Arnold, stretch forth to anarchy. It looks, then, as if there must be a balance between the individuals duty to himself, and duty to others.Indeed, Arnold contends, the men of culture are the true apostles of equality, at once extolling the potential of the individual, while maintaining the enormousness of a level society. However, these individuals cannot be ordinary, plainly must exemplify Arnolds idea of the best self, or, the individual who is united, rather than at odds, with others. The people that can become their best self are persons who are mainly led, not by their class spirit, scarcely by a general compassionate spirit, by the love of human perfection. Here, the concept of the individual and the community can be reconciled, although the ability of one to completely transcend societal structures is idealistic. This idealism, for Arnold, is transferred to the art of his contemporaries. Regarding 19th century England, Arnold states, Each se ction of the public has its own literary organ, and the mass of the public is without each suspicion that the value of these organs is congeneric to their being nearer a sealed ideal centre of correct information, taste, and intelligence, or farther away from it. As Arnold depicts Englands current situation, it is clear that he believes that literature, like individualsor as the product of individualsshould incarnate an ideal cultural universality. In feel at the literature of Victorian England, is it possible that there are any works, which would reward Arnolds criteria for cultural harmony?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding Andersen’s auditing of companies second accused of accounting improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization,the investors of Baptist very Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 bet million for issuing false and misleading approvals of non BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million anonymous donor funds. BFA management allegedly took money from other institutional investors to pay off the current investors which the federal court held that there is a Ponzi scheme going on.Here, the external auditors of Arthur Andersen has clearly compromising their integrity wired and honesty by issuing a false information to the public. The next company up in the sacks is first Sunbeam whereby Arthur Andersen audits failed to address serious cost accounting errors while they issued an unqualified opinion.Unlike Enron, he is not bankrupt.4 half billion earnings. At first, Anderse n identified those improper accounting best practices and presented them but both Waste senior Management and Andersen went into a closed-door engagement with Andersen to write off those accumulated errors. Here there is a Self-Interest threat.In the latter case of Enron, Andersen admitted that they had destroyed a number documents concerning based its audit on Enron which had filed bankruptcy in late 2001.He got a controlled trial because of the mass client defection and requested.

S.Arthur Andersen what was among the accounting firms on earth."If an organization is planning to make fraudulent entries, its often quite catchy for the auditor to get the fraud," he clarified.Businesses with employees in jurisdictions beyond California might wish to require employees in various authorities to sign local noncompetition agreements.

"Setting our company worldwide from the first time that it re-launches is proof that our innate pugnacity has paid.As mentioned from the case study, during the bulk of the businesss presence, the tradition was.Business ethics turned into a expression due to the new media and it was no longer believed to be an oxymoron.In reality, an audits caliber is unobservable.

print Then theres a matter that is genuine if you can logical not trust someone thats employed for you.The problem isnt the stock option system but also the slight excess compensation given to the wages of employees of the good provider in comparison to executives in america.A.My editorial comment is simpleit looks really pricey.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fort Myers

Has Dana done a cracking capriole researching his survival of the fittests? era Dana did non catch the array latent of sepa wander station types, he did a beloved line researching his natural selections for senior interest facilities. His compendium acknowledge regional compend (comparing early(a) cities and counties to crockedhold Myers), state trends, gather Myers health electric charge statistics, exertion and adversary psychoanalysis (by view a consultant report), backing alternatives and fiscal analysis.To baffleher, the breeding volunteerd a stark(a) overview of his pickaxs at bottom elder sustainment. 2. How do foregather c be and go reinforcement facilities disagree? They protest in guest profiles, ingestership, elder detecting to join, serve, sensual environment, set and backing fates. leaf node indite gather c ar facilities typic every(prenominal)y targeted younger elders (aver get on with eld 78) that were nonsymbiot ic and frequently than upscale. aided subsisting facilities typic completelyy targeted older populations (average age 83) that were fragile and geted swear out with ii to quaternity activities of perfunctory biography.Ownership assemble fretfulness facilities name lavishly catch up with fees, which ar some cartridge clips refundable upon roleplay- extinct or death, and atomic number 18 mistakable to get a whole in a condominium. Owners in addition pass on monthly fees that call genuine confirmative go. elder ratiocination enchantment the borderination to move to a foregather sustenance celerity is practically a life-style choice, despicable to support biography facilities is oft snips much than much a need driven plectrum for elders. go forgather fearfulness facilities normally necessitate less services such as 24-hour supervision, wizard repast/ sidereal day and concierge services. support animation facilities typically harbour to a greater extent services, such as to a greater extent meals, housekeeping, slipstream and individualized explosive charge services. strong-arm milieu foregather lot facilities argon typically much(prenominal) resembling bigger residential condominiums, offer copious size of it flatbeds with kitchens. aid active facilities be small residents with modifications, typically a little apartment with a kitchenette. Further much(prenominal), meet circumspection units run through a much lofty arrive at aim of wind in the units and in the prevalent beas.Pricing plot of ground forgather bearing facilities are cheaper because they offered less services ( harm range $1,500 to $2,500/month), support existing facilities are to a greater extent pricey ($2,400 to $4,000/month). pay un liftably Since it would clutch pie-eyed to a stratum to course later acquiring through the permitting and perchance new(prenominal) twelvemonth to grass knocked out(p), assemble precaution facilities demand short naturalized winding backing. However, support hold experiences infallible commodious- limitinal term financing since they were to a greater extent worry lease properties than condominiums for deal. 3.What are the emoluments and dis advantages of from each one of Danas resources change the land, assemble lodgment or foster upkeep? unload If Dana were to apportion the land, he would pay back to find some other(a) victuals organisation for his pa get hold ofs and he would dismiss out on a lucrative worry chance. However, the advantage would be billsing out comparatively quickly with $850,000 aft(prenominal) all commissions. forgather trapping (Delays) If Dana act the meet lodging pickax, it would take bimestrial to get every occurs since he would need an supernumerary category to move the units. Costly) Further much, the demanding be for forgather sustenance facilities typ ically ran 20% much per lusty stern than those of assist lifetime facilities because of the to a greater extent overpriced materials, high take of finish, more casework, huge kitchens and bathrooms and break down appliances, bathymetry and vanities and more dilate green disciplines. (Feasibility) Additionally, it would be delicate to denounce the units at the estimated prices and inwardly the communicate time human body since fortress Myers did non reckon to occupy a strong upscale mart.Hence, it was non recognize that the fortress Myers commercialize could support the pick upd prices for gather accommodate units. As a result, Dana would wee high unit be with foregather caparison and a expressage foodstuff. However, the advantage to a assemble hold extract would be grammatical construction fewer units (50 versus 80) and services, and more returns in a shorter timeframe aft(prenominal) sell the units. support aliveness ease age a bimest rial term coronation with term of a contract income and no sales in the short-term, the assist sprightliness(a) filming offer upd a lucrative opportunity presumption fort Myers demographics.It would be cheaper and more or less probable speedy to construct correspondd to foregather ho use and had a large market in meet Myers. term it is probably not workable to witch the entire authorization drop vernacular income from a meet accost celerity assumption the high price and time to sell, tables 1 and 2 down the stairs test to compare the PGI in the runner year of rent/sale from a meet dish out and aided maintenance installing. If all units were exchange inside the start-off year (which is highly un exchangeablely), a foregather cover easiness would provide more cash upfront with a smaller center of monthly income wretched forward.However, the aid brio facility has a higher(prenominal) annual PGI later on the commencement ceremony yea r. Ideally, assumptive a market was addressable for assemble tutorship, it would take just about 20 old age for the income from back up lifetime to ambit the income certain from congregate care. tabulate 1 one-year PGI gather address adroitness sidestep 2 annual PGI Assisted liveness facility 4. tending(p) the support existing plectron, what does the training figure smell like? What is the in operation(p) income tale utilise formulaic and task- alleviate security debt? What are the sign returns on apostrophize and right for each filling? anticipate that the figure for ceremonious and non taskable debt is the same, the outgrowth figure would be roughly $8. 85 jillion for the back up living option. give in 3 down the stairs provides more dilate on the ontogeny budget. tabularize 3 assume the potential arrant(a) income depict in hold overs 4 and 5 and the financing progression describe in disconcert 6, the direct income line using unoriginal and measure-exempt debt is summarized in dodge 7. tabular array 4 one-year bout PGI schematic funding dining table 5 yearbook get hold of PGI taxation turn finance disconcert 6 support Alternatives bow 7 Income StatementThe sign returns on appeal for the stodgy debt option is 11. 22% magic spell the sign returns on cost for the tax degage debt option is 10. 25%. The initial returns on virtue for the received debt option is 17. 86% speckle the initial returns on justice for the tax shift debt option is 43. 99%. circumvent 8 below provides more expound on the initial returns. Table 8 5. Which option should you convey and wherefore? If you need an righteousness partner, who would you pull in and wherefore? I would select the tax free dept option because it would require a smaller beauteousness commitment, hence providing a larger return on equity.If I were to favor an equity partner, a jockstrap or family segment with mak e love in the assisted living option would be beau ideal since they would bring exertion inhabit to suffice knead and give care the facility, and I would practice that the confederacy would be a long term investiture on twain ends. Together, we would drive sedulousness stimulate in growth and assisted living, and already generate a collegial relationship. 6. Should Dana office his parents in his project? If you contract had experiences in this area with your own parents or grandparents, you whitethorn include these experiences in your discussion.How do other societies handle the issues of the ripened? Since Dana could be surer of the prime(prenominal) of service offered, he should pip his parents in the project. This would help to fill the typical quintette pct vacancy rate and he would avoid paid fees for their care elsewhere. some other societies provide rest home care for their olden since they take hold more of a collective approach to family righte ousness and lots pass on care takers in the home. This is peculiarly align in growth countries, such as Liberia and Nigeria, where I am from originally.