Friday, July 26, 2019

Virtual Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtual Management - Essay Example It is important for virtual teams to connect their daily activities with the strategy and objectives of the business to remain committed and engaged over time. This in turn contributes to the success of the organization. High performing virtual teams establish better decision-making and better problem solving process than low performing ones. Decision making and ensuring that the rightful information reaches the right people is challenging for virtual teams whose members are located in different time zones or who converse through email or phone. It is important for virtual team leaders to establish communication processes early and revisit them over time. Most of the virtual teams have little face-to-face contacts with their members or work under different time zones. That is why they face challenges in communication with their members. High performing teams always have a way to work around these challenges unlike the low performing virtual teams. High performing virtual team members respond quickly to problems, providing each other with the required information, involving each other in decisions making and providing each other with necessary feedback. They have various technologies of communicating with each other and updating one another. Good communication strategy with each other increases the success of the virtual teams with ample face-to-face meetings every now and then. It is important for the virtual team members to exercise trust with each other since lack of trust can lead to unsuccessful virtual work arrangements (Zofi, 2011). Trust is important for the success of the virtual team members because most of these members rarely see one another and others have never met in person. Thus, they relate on inter-personal trust based on their personal relationships. Virtual teams rely on the task-based trust where they believe that members will do their jobs in the

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