Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exam_4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam_4 - Essay Example These components are applied in operational management allowing the management to access up-to-date data in real-time. Therefore, operational analytics offer an insight of the data within a data warehouse because it allows greater visibility of the various forms of data at a great speed (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) is the commonly used technique in data analysis employed within data warehouses driven by the increase in data volumes and the value of data-driven analytics in business. OLAP is also referred to as the capability to effectively manipulate and analyze data from various perspectives using its operational structure that relies in the concept known as cube. This concept has a multidimensional data structure that allows fast analysis of data because arrangement of data into cubes overcomes the limitations associated with relational databases (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). KPI (Key Performance Indicator) represents a strategic objective and measures performance against a goal. KPIs are multidimensional and upon translation, this indicates that KPIs encompass various unique features. One of the distinguishing features includes strategy because KPIs embody a strategic objective. Moreover, KPIs measure performance against specific targets that are defined within the strategy, planning, or budget allowing the targets to take different forms like achievement targets, reduction targets and absolute targets among others. KPIs also have ranges because objectives have performance measures like above, on or below the target. Encoding in KPIs allow ranges to be encoded in software enabling the display of performance through colours like green, yellow and red based on percentages or other complex rules. Time frames in KPI mean that targets are assigned time frames within which they have to be accomplished; as well, the time frames are often divided into small int ervals to allow monitoring of performance

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