Monday, September 23, 2019

Implementation of Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Implementation of Public Policy - Essay Example There present study has been conducted to understand the loopholes of the present education system and provide some recommended solutions. The education system is one of the support pillars for economic prosperity for any economy. Therefore the administrative bodies try to cement the pillars which will bring future prospects for the society. In this paper the focus of attention will rest upon the tuition policy practices and the effective policies that might improve the policy. Countries generally tend to follow the combination of tuition as well as the student aid programs with the aim to regulate the enrolment rate which will open up the opportunities for higher education. In this fashion proper education can be provided towards all income groups. Identifying ineffective public policy A good education is worth investing and this has always been true. Providing quality education to the citizens of the country is all about turning vision into reality. At this point of time, one of th e major problems faced by the people of the country as far as the education system is concerned actually lies at the very grass root level, i.e. with the schools. The tuition fees imposed by the schools are actually quite high which is difficult to bear for parents belonging to different financial backgrounds. Again the problem is higher fees do not guarantee quality education. In fact the tuition policies followed by some of the schools are not advanced. The teacher student ratio is alarming and signifies the fact that major portion of students literally lacks caring. The American kids are devoid of getting quality or great schools simply because at this point of time there is not enough clarity around the ultimate objective of schooling. Here lies the concern. USA being a developed country will have to maintain sustainable economic policies. Children, being the future the society must be provided with quality education and they are the ones who will take the responsibility of the country in times to come. At an ideal school the educational professionals would understand that the mission is to help the children from a cognitive as well as social point of view. Also the physical, emotional and ethical perspectives should also be kept in mind. However, right now in USA it is all about cognitive growth. The American Schools are failing because the schools are looking to suppress the students into a compliance based educational model. Children are natural learners and are actually at the young age the children tend to have a lot of creativity, curiosity and intrinsic motivation. But various research studies have shown that the American public schools resemble that of prisons and as a result after certain years of formal schooling the inherent qualities of the students are dying. The willingness to learn of the students is an important aspect. The American schools are failing to provide the right environment and the right policies that keep the willingness to lear n alive. There have been various educational reform movements that have focused one side of the coin, i.e. the problem of educational inequality. There is very little doubt that educational inequality is a very serious problem. However, that is the not the only core issue. Such movements for some reason have totally undermined other important issues like support for underachieving students, improvements of the skills set of the teachers,

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