Friday, September 6, 2019

Learning and Development Assignment Sheet Essay Example for Free

Learning and Development Assignment Sheet Essay 1. Be able to create an environment conducive to learning. 2. Be able to plan and deliver learning and development programme activity to individuals and groups. 3. Know how to review learning and development activities All activities should be completed Activity 1 Devise a plan, with clear aims and learning outcomes, for a work related learning and development activity/session, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Along with your plan, provide an explanation of how the planned activity: reflects principles of adult learning and takes account of factors (at least 2 individual and 2 environmental) that can impact on learning meets an identified need  is based on available resources  includes appropriate assessment methods  is structured and sequenced to assist learning. Activity 2 Deliver the planned activity, demonstrating your ability to: manage a learning and development activity support learners via questioning and feedback use 1 formative and 1 summative assessment method summarise and conclude the learning and development activity assist learners to reflect on their learning and identify further needs collect feedback from participants. This activity should be observed and assessed by your tutor using the attached Observation Record. Activity 3 Write a reflective statement relating to Activity 2 in which you consider: how you created a positive learning environment  the feedback on your activity from learner participants  your own perceptions of the effectiveness of the activity  at least 2 recommendations to improve your future performance. Activity 1 A Plan for a learning and development activity/session. (Note: The Plan can be the one developed for UNIT 3PDL, providing it also meets the requirements of this unit.) An accompanying explanation (of approximately 500 words). Activity 2 Observation Record Activity 3 A Reflective Statement of approximately 1000 words Observation Criteria Assessor feedback – to be completed by the assessor with notes to support the decision Creates an environment that is positive conducive to learning e.g. health safety room layout welcome accommodates needs puts participant at ease builds rapport Structures sequences effectively for learning e.g. introduction main body conclusion Provides clear aims / learning outcomes Manages learning activity effectively uses a range of appropriate training skills uses learning resources appropriately and effectively supports learners via questioning and feedback uses appropriate formative summative assessment methods summarises and concludes the learning and development activity assists learners to reflect on their learning and identify further needs collects feedback from participants

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